Why Tell Stories?

Three reasons why place-based storytelling is so effective.

Stories are memorable, compelling and impactful—they put people in a receptive state of mind.

Character-driven stories literally change our minds.

Character-driven stories trigger the production of...

...a neurochemical that makes people feel more cooperative.

Studies on philanthropic giving find that people experiencing the effects of oxytocin donated...

...percent more to charitable causes than the control group.

Maps—and ArcGIS StoryMaps—engage both the rational and creative sides of the brain.

In their ability to display patterns of geographic phenomena, StoryMaps are...

By telling stories with engaging media and beautiful cartography, story maps are also...

StoryMaps are sticky.

On average, readers spend roughly...

...seconds on a webpage.

In 2017, the average time spent on Esri's StoryMaps was...

minutes and


ArcGIS StoryMaps engage the mind and delight the eye.

Everyone has a story. Where's yours?