This StoryMap provides an overview of New Mexico's current water planning regions and an interactive tool to explore regional considerations and characteristics that could inform a reimagining of boundaries for water planning. The information and maps in this tool are designed to inform and support public engagement in the "where" of regional water planning through the Main Stream New Mexico Survey .
As you answer the survey, scroll through this StoryMap to review the narrative text on the left side of the screen and explore the interactive maps on the right side of the screen.
For more information on in-person and online engagement opportunities, visit MainStreamNM.com .
Exploring Water Planning Regions
Local demographics, water sources, governing boundaries, and ecology vary significantly across New Mexico. This is where regional water planning comes into play. Water planning at the regional scale allows communities to answer key questions like:
- How much water is currently available?
- How much water is required to meet existing and planned needs?
- How will a balance be maintained between need and water availability?
- What’s needed to develop and implement effective water solutions?
New Mexico’s Current Water Planning Regions
Currently, there are 16 water planning regions in New Mexico. These regions were established from 1987 to 2003 using a combination of hydrologic and institutional boundaries.
Re-examining the Number and Size of Water Planning Regions
The New Mexico Water Security Planning Act asks us to re-examine the number and size of the water planning regions.
To better understand how to update the water planning regions, the public open house process is exploring what is most important to achieve by revising the regional water security planning process. Some things that folks may prioritize through that process include:
- Ability for broader participation in planning
- Ability for broader engagement in implementation
- Ability for public to monitor implementation
- Ability to secure more frequent or larger shares of funding
- Ability to customize plans to local needs
- Ability to staff with more technically qualified professionals
- Ability to calculate surface water availability and need across a region
As you review the different features and concepts, think about what is most important to you.
Considerations for redefining the regions are summarized next.
Smaller Regions
Create more regions that are smaller in scale.
- Regional planning processes may be more accessible (e.g., close by)
- More competition for funding
- Smaller pool of people for entity recruitment
- Planning can be more customized to local needs
- May be harder to coordinate and staff
Larger Regions
Consolidate and redefine regions into fewer number of larger regions.
- Regional planning processes may be less accessible (e.g., far away)
- Less competition for funding
- Larger pool of people for entity recruitment
- Planning may be less customized to local needs
- May be easier to coordinate and staff
Exploring Boundary Concepts
Three boundary concept maps illustrate possible visions to shape boundary development and the outcomes that each has the potential to optimize. These concept maps build on other types of existing boundaries and represent possible approaches. We are not limited to these examples; they are illustrative of ways to approach boundary delineation.
As you explore the boundary concepts below, think about which concept resonates with you most.
Councils of Governments Boundaries
This boundary concept is designed around New Mexico Councils of Governments (COGs). Councils of Government are quasi-governmental agencies for the State of New Mexico. COGs work on behalf of their member governments on local and regional planning and coordination.
Key considerations:
- Formal staffing and coordination exist
- Associated with current boundaries (County boundaries)
- Associated with existing funding processes
- This concept has the potential to optimize the ability to fund and implement plan recommendations.
- Each COG is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of local elected officials and staff members from member communities.
- Funding of regional plans could parallel a process in which the Department of Transportation provides funding to rural areas for roads.
- COGs have not been developed to the same degree statewide.
Water District Office Boundaries
This boundary concept is designed around the administrative boundaries (“district offices”) used by the NM Office of the State Engineer (NMOSE). The State Engineer has authority over the supervision, measurement, appropriation, and distribution of all surface and groundwater in New Mexico, including streams and rivers that cross state boundaries.
Key considerations:
- Formal staffing and coordination exist
- Associated with current institutional boundaries
- Alignment with current water rights administration
- Boundaries based on this concept could optimize the ability to tie regional planning to water rights administration
- Some staffing and coordination currently exist for these regions
- This concept does not align with locally based institutions to manage and oversee plan implementation
Hydrology-based Boundaries
This boundary concept is designed around surface watersheds and groundwater basins.
Key considerations:
- Aligns with hydrologic systems
- Alignment within interstate compact administration
This concept elevates hydrologic systems (where the water is coming from) as the basis for the planning regions
Fact sheets are in development to provide overview information on groundwater within these regions. Formal staffing and coordination do not currently exist for these regions
This concept is not associated with current institutional boundaries or funding entities
Exploring Regional Features
There are numerous ways to establish boundaries for water planning regions. Exploring priorities for boundary-setting is an important initial step. Things to consider include:
- Where water is found above ground (rivers, lakes, springs)
- Where water is stored below ground (groundwater or water table)
- Where existing staffing is in place
- Where populations are most closely concentrated
- Where the amount of water used is similar
- Where water is used for similar purposes
- Where implementation can be funded most easily
- Where implementation can match best with existing water management (water rights and compact administration)
Click on any of the buttons below to view associated maps.
Interactive Map
As you explore your region and the various map layers, think about your response to the following questions:
- What communities do you consider to be part of your region?
- What is most important to you in terms of how boundaries are delineated?
- Which of the boundary concept maps resonates with you most?
- Are there any other considerations not highlighted here that should be included in determining how to delineate future regional water planning boundaries?
Begin by zooming in to your region. Turn on/off different layers to identify and understand features that may be important for boundary setting.
Defining Water Planning Regions
Feedback on the preferences and priorities for defining water planning regions will be collected through the public engagement process. A summary of feedback and preliminary recommendations will be added to this site in Fall 2024.
Please complete the survey linked below to share your feedback: