Temple University Ambler Sustainable Campus Map

Temple University takes pride in its vibrant sustainable campuses.

Temple University is home to many sustainable features in our buildings and landscapes. The University has made significant investments in infrastructure that promote low-carbon living and sustainable campus operations. Ambler Campus, located in the suburbs just outside Philadelphia, contains a wide array of sustainable features, outdoor recreation opportunities, and beautiful natural landscapes for the enjoyment of the Temple Community.

Our mission is to educate the Temple community about our investments in sustainable infrastructure and set a positive example of forward thinking environmental stewardship. Additionally, we view Temple campuses as a living laboratory to inspire the next generation of climate leaders.

We invite you to explore our campus maps below and learn more about how you can participate in cultivating a sustainable campus culture.

Horticultural Displays and Botanical Gardens

Temple's Ambler Campus contains a multitude of different gardens intended for both research and enjoyment.

Click on the links in the descriptions to zoom to each garden's location. As you zoom in, labels for each garden and building will reveal themselves.

An overhead illustration of Temple Ambler's Research Garden facilities


Constructed in 2000, our Main Greenhouse features 3,700 square feet of climate-controlled growing space for various projects, including faculty and student research, class projects, and plant forcing for our annual display at the Philadelphia Flower Show. This space also houses a large percentage of our permanent teaching and research plant collection. Learn more about the Greenhouse  here .

Research Garden

This 1-acre fenced area has been home to many different staff, faculty, and student projects. The Research Garden also contains our newly planted fruit tree orchard, featuring apples, plums, and pears. There are also rows of thornless blackberries and ever-bearing red raspberries.

John Paul Endicott Food Crops Garden

The John Paul Endicott Memorial Food Crops Garden is used every year during the Spring Semester with students in the Food Crops I class who design, plan, and execute a planting schedule for this vegetable garden. Over the summer months, there is an internship program in which students maintain the garden and harvest its crops. All produce grown in this garden is donated to local food cupboards. In the 2017 season, over 1,000 pounds of fresh produce was donated.

Colibraro Conifer Garden

This teaching garden, located in the Greenhouse Education and Research Complex, includes exquisite dwarf conifer cultivars. Adding to the special nature of this collection, the garden is surrounded by full-sized examples of some of the dwarf conifers found within, giving a unique opportunity for visitors and students alike to compare options for uses in various landscape situations.

Ernesta Ballard Healing Garden

The Ernesta Ballard Healing Garden honors a pioneering woman in horticulture, alumnus Ernesta Ballard. It features a central labyrinth and rain garden. The garden provides opportunities for students, faculty, researchers, and the public to see comprehensive stormwater management techniques that aim at capturing and infiltrating stormwater run-off in an aesthetically pleasing design using stone and native plants. A variety of plants help rid the run-off of any contaminants.

Climate Garden

Barbara and Phil Albright Winter Garden

The Winter Garden was designed as a teaching garden space to highlight plants with seasonal interest in the fall, winter and early spring months.

Louise Stein Fisher Garden

In the Louise Stein Fisher Garden, raised beds showcase dwarf evergreens and a Japanese maple in this intimate space, dedicated in 1971 to Louise Stein Fisher, an alumnus and the former Dean of Women. Plans are underway for the Louise Stein Fisher Garden to become a fragrance garden.

Woodland Garden

Although it creates the illusion of a flourishing natural woodland, the Woodland Garden was one of the first planted gardens in the Arboretum, created by students and staff in the 1920s. It was deliberately designed to evoke the atmosphere of an untamed grove, and has been enhanced over decades by the addition of masses of spring bulbs and native wildflowers.

Bright Memorial Pavilion

Louise Bush-Brown Formal Perennial Garden

This living classroom highlights modern horticulture techniques and showcases new perennial plant selections, and is a place for teaching design principles and maintenance techniques.

Formal Native Plant Garden

Composed primarily of plants native to the Mid-Atlantic region, the Formal Native Plant Garden was redesigned in 1995 to showcase plants well-adapted for this climate in a formal design. An example of ecologically sound planning —a way to design with plants that perform well with minimal use of chemicals or irrigation —the use of native plants also encourages biodiversity, restoring natural habitats for both plants and animals.

Ground Cover Garden

The Ground Cover Garden was designed with sustainability in mind. This garden demonstrates “green mulch,” using plants to help keep moisture in and weeds out of a garden.

Waterwise Garden

Vine Display

Viola Anders Herb Garden

The Viola Anders Herb Garden, built by students and faculty in 1992, displays a collection of culinary, dye, aromatic and medicinal herbs.

Women's National Farm and Garden Association Visitor Center Garden Beds

The rectangular structures you see above are cold frames. These were used to extend the growing season of the many crops the students in the Pennsylvania School of Horticulture for Women grew. Now these historic cold frame structures display ornamental examples of common agricultural crops. The large bed along the path through the center of campus features a testing plot for plants under consideration for use in the Arboretum. We trial these plants for hardiness, displaying potential, duration and deer preference.

Sustainable Wetland Garden

This award-winning Sustainable Wetland Garden, located near Widener Hall, is a working demonstration of sustainable principles and management. Sustainable elements include recycled-glass pavers, biological filtration of campus storm water runoff, and native plant communities. The garden is entirely made of native species and comprises several diverse habitats. The wetland portion functions as a bio-filter —the vegetation and microorganisms filter out pollution that is generated from the surrounding buildings.


Oak Canopy

Maple Canopy

Stormwater Management

Bioretention Basins

The EPA describes bioretention basins as "landscaped depressions that treat on-site stormwater discharge from impervious surfaces such as roofs, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, and compacted lawns." Temple Ambler showcases three of these basins, which hold and filter stormwater to limit flooding and contamination, located adjacent to the , , and .

Greenhouse Water Reclamation Cisterns

Temple Ambler's Complex has the capability to capture and store rainwater from the 6,600 square feet of roof surface on the Greenhouse and Headhouse buildings. This water is stored in two underground cisterns with a combined holding capacity of 12,000 gallons and can be pumped into the Greenhouse for plant irrigation.

Field House PECO Green Roof

Located atop the Intercollegiate Athletics Field House, the is a biological community of plants and micro-organisms that provide an environmentally sound alternative to a traditional roof system. Green roofs utilize growing plants on rooftops, essentially replacing the vegetation that has been removed by the building construction. The Green Roof includes a variety of succulents and drought-tolerant plants. The purpose of the PECO Green Roof Garden is to educate students and visitors (including developers, municipal officials, and community residents) about this environmentally friendly alternative to traditional roofing systems that is believed to provide greater energy efficiency, improved stormwater management, and reduction of pollutants in rainwater coming off the roof.

Waste Minimization

Water Bottle Refilling Stations

Water fountains and bottle refilling stations are conveniently placed throughout Temple Ambler's campus to minimize the use of single-use plastic bottles.

Water bottle refilling stations can be found throughout Ambler Campus buildings:

Ambler Research and Collaboration

Alternative Mulch

The Arboretum uses their own natural resources to create the mulch used in their garden beds. These resources can include anything from pine straw to sweet gum balls to leaves. The Arboretum also creates green mulch from plant material.


Vegetative waste collected from campus staff kitchens and the Arboretum and grounds maintenance department is composted on-site.

Field Station

The Ambler Campus was designated in 2020 as the Temple Ambler Field Station, a platform for environmental field research and education. The Field Station leverages the 187-acre  Ambler Campus  and  Arboretum  as a living laboratory, providing access to a diversity of natural habitats including old-growth and secondary forests, meadows, ephemeral streams, and beautiful designed gardens. 

Field Station Forest Zones


Research/Bioblitz Forest

The Bioblitz Forest is used for research, classes, and the annual Bioblitz event which focuses on finding and identifying as many species as possible in a specific area over a short period of time. The Bioblitz Forest also has a network of recreational trails.

Conservation Forest

The Conservation Forest is a secondary regrowth of eastern deciduous forest after agricultural land use.

Old Orchard Woodlands

The Old Orchard Woodlands are used for classes, research, and activities alike for individuals to get a better understanding of Eastern deciduous forests.

Temple Forest Observatory

In collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution’s  Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO) , a global network that spans 72 sites in 27 countries, the Temple Ambler Field Station established the Temple Forest Observatory as a platform for inquiry-based education and long-term forest research.

This initiative provides detailed and publicly available data on forest dynamics as well as hands-on opportunities for students to engage in forest science. This collaboration prioritizes the recruitment, training, and mentorship of students from under-represented populations in science to contribute to a national effort to diversify the sciences and harness the full potential of the next generation. 

Wetland Woods

The Wetland Woods are a stand of eastern deciduous forest with a small pond and stream.

Weather Stations

Temple Ambler hosts weather stations located in the Temple Forest Observatory, Research Array, Research Garden, Robbins Park, and the field by the pool. These weather stations are used to track a variety of weather measurements including temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, dew point, and photosynthetic radiation. These weather stations all solely run off of a 5-15 watt solar panel each.


PhenoCam is a global ecological observatory that collects and distributes phenology data in different ecosystems around the world. Coordinated by the University of Northern Arizona and the University of New Hampshire, PhenoCam is the largest cooperative of its kind and supports phenology data collection for the National Science Foundation’s National Ecological Observation Network (NEON). 

Phenology cameras are digital cameras that track plant phenology, the seasonal changes in plants. Photos are automatically uploaded to the PhenoCam Gallery and made publicly available. By collecting this kind of data, researchers can determine how plant phenology is changing over time, and what factors have the largest impact on those changes. 

Temple Ambler has Phenocams located on the roof of the Learning Center and near the edge of the Forest Observatory. You can learn more about PhenoCam and view images from the Temple Ambler Field Station  here.  

Research Array

The Research Array hosts a variety of research projects, currently including a Spotted Lanternfly and agrivoltaics project. The Spotted Lanternfly project uses numerous native flora to understand the interactions of the invasive insect. The agrivoltaics project is investigating how food crops would grow under solar panels.

Sustainable Transportation

Bike Racks

Biking is a zero-emission mode of transportation. Abundant and convenient bicycle parking can reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road by encouraging cycling as a primary means of transportation. Recognized as a Bicycle Friendly University (Silver Status) by the League of American Bicyclists, Temple is committed to developing programs and providing infrastructure to support and accommodate bicycling.

Bike racks at Temple Ambler are located outside Bright Hall and the Ambler Learning Center.

For more information on Temple's bike initiatives, visit the link below.

Shuttle to Main Campus

Temple's provides quick, reliable, and sustainable shared transportation for students and faculty traveling between , , and the . The service is available Monday-Friday during the Fall and Spring semesters. Navigate the map to view and explore the inter-campus shuttle's route. For more information and the shuttle schedule, visit the link below.

SEPTA Ambler Station

SEPTA's Regional Rail service reaches the town of Ambler on the  Lansdale Doylestown Line . The is located 2.5 miles from Temple's .

SEPTA Regional Rail Network

SEPTA Regional Rail Lines offer a low-carbon alternative to those traveling throughout the Philadelphia region. Regional Rail provides easy access from Ambler to Temple Main Campus, 30th St. Station, Philadelphia International Airport, and the greater Philadelphia area. To learn more about Regional Rail and SEPTA, visit the link below.

Recreation and Wellness

Bluebird Boxes

These bird boxes are found in a variety of locations around Temple Ambler. They are monitored and cleaned annually to determine how frequently blue birds return to the nesting boxes.

Bioblitz Forest Trails

Temple Ambler campus has just under two miles of woodland trails that create a perfect natural escape. The trail system is easily accessible from parking Lot 2 near the Learning Center.  We ask that you please stay on trails and only enter the woods from the three marked Loop Road entrances.

We ask that you help us preserve our natural areas and grounds by observing  Leave No Trace principles . These include planning ahead, staying on the trails, properly disposing of trash, refraining from damaging or removing plants, and being respectful of wildlife.   A complete list of visitor use polices can be found here .

Bee Habitats

The Landscape Architecture and Horticulture programs of the Tyler School of Art and Architecture, have had a major presence at the Ambler campus. Architecture students have spent time designing and constructing different sculptures using supplies from damaged structures from the tornado. This adaptive reuse of materials was used to build structures like the Waggle Run, Melody, Tree House, and Vine Display Garden structure.

Healing Circle

Individuals may be guided through how to use the healing circle labyrinth or opt for a self-guided activity where guests are provided with a worksheet on using the labyrinth. This program connects guests to the purpose and benefits of a labyrinth and may aid in self-discovery, reducing stress, practicing self-reflection and calming the mind.  

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Explore our other Sustainable Campus Maps:  Main Campus 

Temple University Office of Sustainability: Kai Yuen and Maggie Roseto

Ambler Sustainable Campus Map

Fall 2023

An overhead illustration of Temple Ambler's Research Garden facilities