Crafting conservation stories

Meet the winner of the 2023 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition in Track 2

A man and dolphin greet each other in the water

Crafting conservation stories

Esri and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) co-hosted the  2023 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition , which invited storytellers worldwide to create place-based stories about conserving the earth’s lands and waters.

Storytellers submitted entries through one of two tracks.

  • Track 1: A story about an Indigenous or locally conservation project
  • Track 2: A place-based research project, scientific study, or article

Our guest judges selected a winner, runner-up, and student winner from the finalists in each track. IUCN, Esri, and the Our Towns Civic Foundation each selected one winner for a special award.

For the Crafting Conservation Stories Series, the StoryMaps team sat down with the 2023 competition winners for the "story behind each story."

A partial view of the earth from space
A partial view of the earth from space

We’ve tried to keep up with the fast-moving world of GIS and, in particular, ArcGIS Online so we can get these tools into the hands of the organizations that really need them.

-Katie Gaut, owner, Blue Water GIS

Meet Katie Gaut and Mark Thompson

Photos of the story authors inside a white frame
Photos of the story authors inside a white frame

Katie Gaut started  Blue Water GIS  fourteen years ago and was later joined by her husband, Mark Thompson, to tell compelling stories using data and beautiful maps. Katie and Mark are both biologists and have a strong understanding of data, science, and communication.

Two indispensable storytellers, Olivia Hobson and Amanda Huber, round out their team at Blue Water GIS. 

Together they created an interactive story,  Ambassadors of the Amazon: River Dolphins and Ramsar Sites Provide Hope For Cross-Boundary Conservation , with the National Geographic Society and Omacha Foundation. The story, available in  English  and  Spanish , took home the blue ribbon in Track 2 of the 2023 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition.



How did you first come to combine storytelling with GIS and spatial analysis?


We saw the need for a place-based storytelling platform when ArcGIS StoryMaps was released years ago.

 Blue Water GIS  creates ArcGIS StoryMaps stories and other GIS products for clients in multiple industries.

Our clients, especially conservation groups, often have limited budgets. With ArcGIS StoryMaps, we can combine their existing geospatial data — an important part of their field work — with narrative and media in one platform. This fills a gap and results in beautiful products that could otherwise be difficult for smaller groups to create.


How did you find out about the competition and what motivated you to participate in it?


We submit stories to the competition each year. It’s a great way to get our clients' great work in front of new eyes and ears. 

Blue Water GIS won the 2022 ArcGIS StoryMaps Competition in the Nature and Environment Category for  Okavango Explore,  a story created for National Geographic Society and EarthViews.



What would you say  Ambassadors of the Amazon  is really about?


A locator map of the Amazon region and dolphin habitat

A map of the Amazon region covered in  Ambassadors of the Amazon .

Transnational conservation.

The story, and the Omacha Foundation’s research, takes place where three countries and multiple habitats in the Amazon meet. Within the region, the dolphins use the rivers and flooded forests freely and cross national boundaries based on their needs. Their movements offer a powerful and much-needed message for humans about cooperation across borders and political divides to save the ecosystem and benefit everyone.


Once you had your idea for  Ambassadors of the Amazon , how did you bring it to life? What did your storytelling process looking like, and how did you make decisions about narrative, visuals, and design?


It was truly a team effort.

We had the privilege of working with the  National Geographic Society  and the  Omacha Foundation  on this story. And much of the credit goes to Scott Elder and Martin Gamache at National Geographic and Fernando Trujillo at Omacha Foundation.

The story collaboration, with content from National Geographic and Omacha Foundation, brought the story and its dolphins to life.

They provided a treasure trove of photos and videos that were captured on site. We worked together to draft the outline, fine-tune the narrative, and ensure appropriate media placement at each turn.

The Omacha Foundation also has, for years, built relationships with local communities and relied on local voices to inform conservation research and decision making. Those voices helped to shape the story.

ArcGIS StoryMaps


How did ArcGIS StoryMaps allow you to tell your story in a way traditional methodologies could not?


Maps! ArcGIS StoryMaps offers a seamless flow among media, narrative, and maps that we haven’t found with any other platform.

For Ambassadors of the Amazon, it was important to present dolphin habitat and uses through time and spatial elements. Two ArcGIS StoryMaps capabilities enabled this data visualization. The timelapse animation, a display of telemetry points from tagged dolphins, highlights movement of the males and females over time.

An animated display of telemetry points from tagged male dolphins.

And through  map actions , readers interact with the story directly to view male or female movements within their shared habitat. Map actions encourage reader engagement and provide some “choose your own adventure” avenues.


What is your favorite feature in the ArcGIS StoryMaps builder to work with?


The  map tour  interactive block has been a recent favorite for the Blue Water GIS team. It’s a great way to pack a lot of geospatial information into a tight space. And it encourages readers to explore data points at their own pace.



What's the biggest challenge in your storytelling process? 


It's always a challenge to keep stories compact and focused.

There’s an abundance of great information for each story — and so much to say. But these stories are often best as a short-form introduction to the bigger project and client's website and resources. With that in mind, we balance when and where reader interaction is appropriate and useful, and when a solid, static, author-choreographed section is preferred.


What advice would you give to other storytellers?


We recommend a regular browse through the ArcGIS StoryMap gallery, especially the past years’ competition finalists, and gain inspiration from others. There’s so much amazing inspiration out there to spark the next great story!  

Explore stories, briefings, and collections in the  ArcGIS StoryMaps gallery .



What are some other projects you’re excited about incorporating ArcGIS StoryMaps into?


We have some great stories lined up this year about  PFAS Contamination in Washington’s Groundwater , Coral Restoration on the Big Island of Hawai’i, and New England Wilderness Conservation.


Is there anything else you’d like to share?


We’d love to thank National Geographic Society and the Omacha Foundation for reaching out to us and trusting their story in our hands. Also, a huge thanks to Fernando Trujillo and the rest of the team at Omacha Foundation for dedicating their lives to protecting not just the river dolphins, but the greater Amazon ecosystem that’s critical for so many species, our own included.

The National Geographic Society's video about Amazon's aquatic health through its river dolphins.

Explore related resources:


All photos provided courtesy Blue Water GIS unless otherwise noted.

A map of the Amazon region covered in  Ambassadors of the Amazon .