Morgan Nesbit Forest Resiliency Project

Wallowa Valley Ranger District and Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, Wallowa - Whitman National Forest

Overview of Morgan Nesbit Project Area, forested stand with Eagle Cap Mountains in the background

Project Overview

The 86,500 acre Morgan Nesbit Forest Resiliency Project is located 20 miles southeast of Joseph, Oregon, on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. The area is a transitional landscape between the high Wallowa Mountains and the canyonlands of the Imnaha River. Administratively, a little over 48,500 acres (55%) are within the Wallowa Valley Ranger District, and 38,000 acres (45%) are within the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area. 

The purpose of this project is to enhance forest resiliency to disturbances and sustain ecological values and ecosystem services.

Needs that have been identified include:

-Modify forest composition and structure to promote desired forest conditions.

-Reduce the risk of severe and damaging wildfires and reintroduce prescribed fire across the landscape.

-Restore watershed function and address impacts of legacy roads.

-Provide forest products and support local economies.

-Implement adaptation strategies to address climate change vulnerability.

Treatments are designed to meet the purpose and need and are in alignment with the direction found in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan and the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area Comprehensive Management Plan. 

To view the map legend in each of the maps, click on the icon in the lower left portion of each map.

Densely stocked stands in the project area compete for sunlight, water, and nutrients. Such conditions are causing trees to be less vigorous and more vulnerable to disturbances like fire and insect and disease outbreaks. The current tree species, density, and arrangement is compromising the resilience of forested stands in the face of climate change. These conditions are also affecting other habitats such as meadows and aspen groves, which are being lost due to conifer encroachment.

Overstocked stands with large ponderosa pine in the foreground
Overstocked stands with large ponderosa pine in the foreground

Treatments are designed to meet the purpose and need and achieve a future desired condition that promotes forest health and resistance and resiliency to natural disturbance events. In general, that condition can be characterized as a greater proportion of early seral species, lower stand densities, and reduced ladder fuels that will limit wildfires from moving from the surface into stand canopies.

Treatments will vary based on Management Area, the Potential Vegetation Groups, the existing and desired structural stage, and by the existing and desired density. Stand density targets will generally strive for lower stand densities across the project. Stand density targets will be based on the Plant Association Groups.

Forests within the project area are overstocked with trees due to decades of fire suppression, elimination of indigenous burning, and past logging and grazing practices. There are now more closed-canopy stands across the landscape than there were historically. In a warming climate, closed-canopy stands may be more vulnerable to impacts from fire, insects, and disease.

The intent of the restoration is to maintain or increase the complexity of stand structure, reduce tree density, and shift composition toward more fire and drought tolerant components by increasing and favoring the recruitment of ponderosa pine and other fire and drought resistant tree species. 

These dense stands pose a risk to the centuries-old overstory of large drought and fire-resistant trees, such as ponderosa pine and western larch. These characteristics put riparian forested stands at risk of uncharacteristic fire that will result in adverse effects to riparian areas and streams.

Changes in stand densities and species composition resulting from elimination of indigenous burning, fire suppression and timber harvest activities have reduced ecosystem functions in riparian habitats in the project area.

There is a need to reduce fuel loadings so future fires can play a more natural role in providing essential processes and functions for fish and wildlife habitat. 

Road and stream crossings throughout the project area are in need of treatment to remove and or replace culverts that are causing erosion or inhibiting water flow and aquatic organism passage.

New stream crossing structures will allow up-stream and down-stream passage of aquatic organisms, flood waters, and debris.

Legacy road segments that do not provide primary access for public and administrative use would be stored and/or decommissioned to enhance watershed function and wildlife habitat.

Project Treatments

The current condition is not sustainable and would not be resilient to climate change, and natural or human-induced disturbances.

Historically, fire was the greatest disturbance agent and regulator of these forested systems. Frequent fires were a moderator of risk by periodically reducing some of the accumulated surface fuels and seedlings and saplings that have to potential of transmitting surface fires into the forest canopy. They maintained opening in the forest allowing for a more diverse habitat. These fires also enhanced stand resiliency to insect and disease disturbance events by maintaining densities of largely fire and drought resistant trees at levels that increased site available resources for the surviving trees that are utilized for growth and defense.

Forest with large amount of down wood

A variety of treatments are planned to move the landscape toward the desired condition. Treatments include commercial thinning of trees less than 21" in diameter at breast height (DBH), noncommercial thinning of trees less than 9" DBH, Shaded fuel breaks, prescribed fire, aspen and meadow enhancements, road decommissioning and storage and culvert replacement and removal.

Treatments would protect and promote the development of late old structure forest, which provides source habitat for species like the Pacific marten. Maintaining existing habitat patterns allows for wildlife movement and landscape connectivity. Treating stands adjacent to source habitat allows for natural disturbance patterns and protects refugia areas.

Promoting open-canopy, late, old structure would also increase stand resiliency and provide habitat for species like the white-headed woodpecker and the flammulated owl.

Treatments would also increase forest edge habitat and the percentage of stands in early structural stages, improving conditions for big game species.

The use of mechanical thinning would vary by soil capability, topography, or the physical limitation of the equipment being utilized. Hand treatments will occur in areas where mechanical treatments would not meet resource objectives or not be feasible. Additionally, potential harvest activities would result in economic benefits for the local communities.

Mechanical treatment in the forest

Forest conditions in the Morgan Nesbit Project area need proactive management to restore the landscape to a wildfire resilient healthy forest.

Prescribed fire—including landscape, broadcast, and cultural or indigenous burning—will be conducted across nearly the entire project area with the exception of some of the very northern portions of the project.

Maintenance underburning will be used after the initial prescribed fire treatments have been completed to help reach and maintain more historic fuel loadings.

prescribed fire

Thinning treatments will help reduce fire intensity and severity while providing more options for fire management. This will occur along strategic roads and ridges to modify fire behavior throughout the landscape.

High fuel loading in the Big Sheep Grossman area

Riparian treatments would be implemented adjacent to streams and move these areas toward desired conditions by reducing stand density, reducing fire hazards, and improving forest health. In general, treatments would include variable density thinning, openings, and leave areas. Thinning would be utilized to reduce conifer density, thereby reducing canopy cover, and increase available soil moisture for riparian hardwood survival and regeneration, and forage for wildlife in stands that are closely related to adjacent uplands.

Restoring riparian areas would also increase habitat for many neotropical migrants and pollinator species.

Herbaceous understory in the Big Sheep Grossman area

Aspen stands within the Project Area have been suppressed as a result of conifer encroachment. Removing encroaching conifers will increase aspen/hardwood vigor and regeneration, and maintain or create a diverse age class structure. In addition, releasing aspen/hardwoods from conifer competition would provide conditions suitable for the development of rich understories.

Aspen trees with fall color

Project Map

Explore the project data in the following map. Be patient as it may take a minute to load.

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The Morgan Nesbit Project area with sage brush, forest, and the snow covered Eagle Cap Mountains in the background

Thank you for your interest in this project. We invite you to comment on the Morgan Nesbit Forest Resiliency Project Draft Environmental Assessment, see the draft environmental assessment on the Morgan Nesbit Forest Resiliency Project webpage: . look under the project documents area.

Please submit comments via one of the following methods:

  1. The preferred method for submitting comments is through the public participation portal on the project webpage: .
  2. Written comments must be submitted to Brian Anderson, District Ranger, PO Box 905, Joseph OR, 97846.