FLLOWPA Site Tour 2022
A showcase of on-the-ground BMPs
Cortland County Soil and Water Conservation District has used FLLOWPA funding to support stream channel and culvert rehabilitation projects, cover crop establishment and other types of projects benefiting water quality in the Skaneateles and Cayuga lake watersheds. Goals of our stream crossing projects are to stabilize streambanks and beds, provide fish passage at impassable stream crossings, increase flood passage at undersized culverts, and repair or replace crossings in poor condition. Our FLLOWPA funding is usually leveraged with other funding sources to make projects financially viable and rely on local municipal support to provide the required non-State matching funds. We are proud to highlight several of our recent stream rehabilitation projects in these watersheds.
Cayuga County Planning Department utilizes its funding support to provide stormwater runoff and boat cleaning stations in the Owasco Lake Watershed. Goals of this program are to provide education and outreach related to invasives species and stabilize roadside ditches to prevent sediment and nutrients from entering local streams/rivers and lakes. FLLOWPA funding is leveraged with other funding sources through various means such as the Cayuga County Soil and Water Conservation District and local municipalities. Highlights of these projects can be found below.
Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation District hosts the local FLLOWPA program for Tompkins County. Funding support is used to provide assistance to local municipalities and landowners that want to partner with us to protect agricultural and non-Agricultural landscapes from non-point Source pollution sources in the Cayuga and Owasco Watersheds. Funding is leveraged for these projects through local support as match from local highway departments and landowner cash to solve complex issues that would not normally be conducted otherwise. The goal of our program is to protect Cayuga and Owasco Lakes from imminent threats of invasive species, non-point source pollution and monitor the health of our streams/rivers/lakes. Beyond the projects listed below we also fund a USGS Gauging Station, and provide technical and outreach support for invasive species programs in the County with FLLOWPA funds.
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Salmon Creek (Tompkins County)
Stream Restoration Project in Cooperation with the Town of Lansing
This project was requested to be completed by the Town’s Highway Department and the landowners of the property to slow and eliminate erosion that was (or would be) affecting a silage leachate filter system and Salmon Creek Road. Historically this section of Salmon Creek has been unstable with severe erosion and sediment deposition. Work was completed in the 1970’s by the District to stabilize this area, but ultimately was washed away. The Silage Leachate Filter System was installed for the farm in 2007. Since that time, Salmon Creek eroded closer to that system threatening water quality on what is referred to as Phase 1 of this project. The failure point was an inattention to floodplain access and radius of curvatures (bends of the stream) that were too tight. The design incorporated better engineering and survey layout along with properly sized stone and flood plain benches planted with native vegetation.
Covered Barnyard Project (Tompkins County)
Protecting Peg Mill Brook & Owasco Inlet from nutrient containing runoff.
FLLOWPA has funded roof gutter management on this farm to divert clean water away from dirty water on one side of the barn. A covered barnyard project was also designed to collect and store dirty barnyard/feedlot water under a roof cover. The goal of this project was to contain manure laden water that was running off directly into a roadside ditch and eventually reaching the Owasco Inlet. After completion the farm now has the ability to keep rainwater from mixing with this manure. This project has reduced the nutrient loading to the Owasco Inlet significantly.
Cover Crop Program (Tompkins County)
An example of cover cropped fields funded through FLLOWPA
Cover Crops are an important holistic program that incorporates into the Soil and Water District strategic goals of HAB reductions in the Cayuga/Owasco watersheds. FLLOWPA funds are an important piece of the Districts funding puzzle to help farmers implement hundreds of acres of cover crops each year in our county
Virgil Creek Tributary Culvert Replacement and Stream Enhancement Project (Cortland County)
Replacing an undersized culvert, rehabilitating the stream channel, protecting infrastructure and providing fish passage in the Cayuga Lake watershed at Kohne Road
This cooperative project with the Town of Virgil addressed a damaged and undersized culvert, eroding streambanks, threatened road infrastructure and flooding issues at Kohne Road on a tributary to Virgil Creek. Remedial actions included replacing the culvert with a larger one to increase flood flow passage, addition of grade control structures to raise the streambed for fish passage and bed stabilization, protection of eroding banks and addition of a debris collection structure. An adjacent road ditch was also lined with rock to protect water quality.
Grout Brook at Hewitt Road Culvert Replacement and Stream Enhancement Project
Replacing a damaged undersized culvert, rehabilitating the stream channel and providing fish passage in the Skaneateles Lake watershed at Hewitt Road
This cooperative project with the Town of Scott Highway Department was completed in 2022. The project addressed lack of fish passage, a damaged and undersized culvert, excess gravel, a migrating braided channel upstream of the culvert and effects of a past headcut at Hewitt Road on Grout Brook. Remedial actions included replacing the culvert with a larger one to increase flood flow passage, channel realignment and bank protection, addition of grade control structures for fish passage and bed stabilization. Willows were planted perpendicular to flow to slow flood flows and provide an area for woody debris to be deposited. This project connected an additional 6 miles of upstream fish habitat.
Grout Brook at West Scott Road Culvert Enhancement Project
Rehabilitating the stream channel and providing fish passage in the Skaneateles Lake watershed at West Scott Road
This cooperative project with the Cortland County Highway Department was completed in 2022. The project addressed lack of fish passage, a damaged culvert and eroding stream bed and banks at West Scott Road on Grout Brook. Remedial actions included repairing the culvert wingwall and apron, raising the bed grade to enable fish passage, addition of three rock weirs to manage grade and direct flow, streambank stabilization and addition of riparian plantings. Because NYSDEC owns the property, parking and fishing access were also included. The culvert will be replaced in 2023.
Watercraft Cleaning Station at Emerson Park (Cayuga County)
FLLOWPA funds from SFY 18-19 and SFY19-20 were utilized to fund the purchase of at CD3 waterless boat cleaning station. SFY 19-20 funds were utilized to install this boat cleaning station at Emerson Park in the summer of 2022. The road around the station was installed this fall using matching funds. This boat cleaning station will protect Owasco Lake and other waterbodies from invasive species.
Stormwater Runoff Management System (Cayuga County)
FLLOWPA funds were utilized to implement several components associated with a stormwater runoff system on a property located adjacent to Owasco Lake in the Town of Niles. Damage was occurring during heavy rain events and sediment and nutrients were running directly into Owasco Lake. The Cayuga County SWCD worked with a local engineer and landowner on a design to install a sediment basin, a 20 foot section of rock lined channel with medium stone fill and a 300 foot section of rock lined channel with light stone fill.