
The hydropower optimization system (HydrOS) enhances Reclamation's capabilities by improving power output efficiency while conserving water.

As the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, Reclamation supplies 40 million megawatt-hours of electricity each year on average.

Reclamation’s corporate hydropower optimization system (called HydrOS) maximizes hydropower facility power output by recommending optimal unit loading levels and commitment solutions to plant operators.

Analysis shows HydrOS delivering a 1.75 percent improvement in plant efficiency, on average, equating to over 100,000 megawatt-hours of incremental generation in FY2020.

    HydrOS also delivers water conservation benefits as less water is needed to meet power output targets. Simulated HydrOS solutions may inform long-term planning and forecast models and river basin optimization efforts.

    In some Western river basins, including the Colorado River and Upper Rio Grande Basins, lower flows and reservoir levels as well as higher water demands associated with climate change are anticipated to impact water availability for hydropower production.

    The optimization efforts are particularly important as hydropower production faces challenges from longer, more severe droughts and floods as well as changes to the timing of runoff.

    HydrOS has been deployed at Reclamation sites in five states. The sites include Southern Idaho (formerly Black Canyon), Casper, and Glen Canyon Control Centers.

    HydrOS has also been deployed at Elephant Butte and Grand Coulee.

    HydrOS is to be integrated into California's Central Valley Project planning and operations, with additional deployment sites under consideration. 

    HydrOS is a proven means to enhance Reclamation hydropower capabilities and value, ensuring Reclamation hydropower remains a long-term, cost competitive energy resource.