Analysis Tools
ArcGIS Online
It all starts with a question
Where is my watershed?
Analysis tools require the user to have PUBLISHER status.
Create Watersheds
The tool traces the geographic extent of a selected river's watershed.
- Create map with Virginia Rivers and Streams
- Filter for a specific river.
- Select the Analysis tool next to the layer you want to create a watershed for.
- Select Find Locations, Create Watersheds.
- Place a pin at the mouth of the river. (Step 1)
- Enter a name for the new layer being generated. Must be a unique name within the organization. (Step 3)
- Check the number of credits.
- Make sure the map extent is set to the area of interest.
- Run Analysis.
- A new layer, that can be added to other maps has been created.
An analagous tool is trace downstream. In that case place the pin at the source of the river.
The map below can be opened and saved to your account so you can practice the skills.
A great layer for rivers on a global scale is the World Hydro Reference Overlay. Hint: click on the URL here and capture the URL and then add it to any map. See the last section of this story map for the complete procedure.
What is located within 5 miles of the Appomattox River?
- Select the point or line to be buffered.
- Select the Analysis tool icon next to the layer of interest.
- Select Use Proximity, Create Buffers.
- Check the selection of the layer. (Step 1)
- Select Distance Buffer. (Step 2)
- Type in the Distance. (Step 2)
- Select Options, Buffer type, Dissolve (Options)
- Enter a name for the new layer being generated. Must be a unique name within the organization. (Step 3)
- Make sure the map extent is set to the area of interest.
- Run Analysis.
What is within my watershed?
Data Enrichment
Your school's organizational account provides a wealth of variables that can be added to a map for a specific geographic area. Variables include population, education, economics, land use, consumer spending, and health associated topics.
- Select the buffer layer you created.
- Select the analysis tool icon next to the layer of interest.
- Select Data Enrichment, Enrich Layer.
- Select the variables to be included.
- In this case, total population, civilian employment, and per capita income for the area within the buffer.
How is a place connected? (origins to destinations)?
Connect Origins to Destinations
- Select a point to connect in this case Charlottesville.
- Estimate or measure the distance to the destination.
- Select the layer of interest.
- Select the Use Proximity, Connect Origins to Destinations.
- Select the origin point.
- Select Set the destination layer.
Capture layers from an existing map
You found the perfect map, but it would be more useful if it had a layer from another map, perhaps one of Esri's GeoInquiries maps.
- Open the map which contains the layer you want to use.
- Select More Details from the Table of Contents on the left side of the map.
- From the Item Details page, scan the layers that make up the map.
- If the name of the layer is blue, which indicates a link, you can scroll down to copy its URL.
- Open a New Map.
- Select Add Layer from Web.
- Paste the URL and it will become part of the new map.
- Save the new map. You can add additional layers.
Select Add Layer from Web