Binghamton University GIS Data Repository

Serving Large, Local GIS Data Sets

The goal of this data repository is to provide end users with large, local GIS data sets that have undergone some processing. These Broome County municipal data sets will be available to download through cateogorized web mapping applications.

Many of the files you will download below are in a zipped (.rar) format. Use your computers zip software or download the software  here .

Land Cover

These are 1-meter resolution Land Cover data sets by municipality for 2013/2014. Click anywhere on the map to get that municipality's data. GIS ready files as well a .tifs are available to download.

Orginally obtained from the  Conservation Innovation Center  (CIC). CIC procured these from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP).  Specific data source 

Digital Elevation Models (DEM)

These are 2-meter resolution DEMs by municipality for 2007. Click anywhere on the map to get that municipality's data. 2-Foot Contours are also available to download.

Originally obtained from the  New York State GIS Clearinghouse . The NYS ITS GIS Program Office and its partners, released updated, high resolution DEMs based on the LIDAR data.  See Metadata 


These are Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) point cloud data sets by municipality for 2007. Click anywhere on the map to get that municipality's data. These bare earth elevation point clouds can be further manipulated with GIS tools.