Downtown + Uptown

Today and Tomorrow


The City of El Paso Capital Improvement Department (CID) has hired Stantec Consulting to explore potential opportunities and constraints with infusing new housing and supportive uses into the Downtown + Uptown area and better connect existing neighborhoods with the heart of the city. This includes a study of walking, biking, transit services, and enhancement of public amenities to make it safer and more appealing to access downtown from adjacent neighborhoods.

The planning area includes Downtown El Paso, Segundo Barrio, Sunset Heights, Central, and Kern Place. This planning process is anticipated to run through early 2023. In the past, civic activities have led to community skepticism for planning and local government generally – this plan aims to provide better outcomes through thoughtful engagement with stakeholders and the broader public.

Please read the following information and complete the short  Housing Allocation Survey  at the end.

Thank you!

Downtown/Uptown Plan is in partnership with the City of El Paso, ESP Inc., Clarion, and Stantec Consulting.

Alex Hoffman

Assistant Director CID Planning

Joaquin Rodriguez

Project Manager

Daniela Quesada

Chief Architect

Marcella Attolini

Urban Design Manager

Appolonia Roldan

Urban Design Manager

David Dixon

Planning & Urban Design Dir, Stantec

Nels Nelson

Planning, Guidelines, Project Manager, Stantec

Joel Mann

Mobility, Stantec

Matt Prosser

Economist/Planner, ESP Inc.

Matt Goebel

Planner, Clarion Associates