The Journey of Dr. Omar Bah
A Glimpse into the Refugee Experience in Rhode Island
Omar's Journey from The Gambia
A year before arriving in Rhode Island, Dr. Omar Bah had fled the Gambia in West Africa because he was being pursued for execution for his writings as a journalist. His wife of two months was still in the Gambia, and the government was harassing her. Omar was a journalist in the Daily Observer, the largest paper in Gambia at the time, and we was writing a column critiquing the current government. Omar was secretly and violently arrested for conspiring to overthrow the government and tortured.
In order to get to the northern part of the country he had to cross a long bridge and take a ferry across the river. He went to Senegal and was hiding in someone's home. He saw on the news there that he was declared wanted, so he quickly fled to Ghana, where he entered a refugee camp. Within a year of arriving, Omar agrees to resettle in the United States. He had never heard of Providence or Rhode Island before arriving.
Dr. Bah's book!
Read Dr. Bah's book (above) to learn more about his experience in Gambia!
Ep. 1: Omar Bah Flees Gambia
Listen to Dr. Bah tell his story in more detail above!
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Omar's experience is one of many - Every year, between 100 and 345 Refugees resettle in Rhode Island and go through the same struggles for support and resources Dr. Bah went through
Refugee Dream Center serves, empowers, and mobilizes those voices and experiences:
Dr. Omar Bah is now an active member of, advocate for, and leader of the Rhode Island Refugee community