Lamoille River Tactical Basin Plan Overview

2021 October Draft for Public Comment

The reader will see buttons like the one above throughout this text. The buttons link to corresponding sections in the 2021 Draft Lamoille River Tactical Basin Plan.

What is a Basin?

A basin is an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries. The terms ‘basin’ and ‘watershed’ are used interchangeably in this Story Map. The Lamoille River watershed is also referred to as Basin 7.


What is a Tactical Basin Plan?

Tactical basin plans (TBPs) are developed in accordance with the  Vermont Surface Water Management Strategy  (VSWMS) and the  Vermont Water Quality Standards  (VWQS) to protect, maintain, enhance, and restore the biological, chemical, and physical integrity of Vermont’s water resources.

The basin-specific water quality goals, objectives, strategies, and projects described in the TBPs aim to protect public health and safety and ensure public use and enjoyment of VT waters and their ecological health. 

Simply put, a Tactical Basin Plan is strategic guidebook, produced by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, to protect, maintain, enhance, and restore Vermont’s surface waters.

Basin planners collaborate with state, federal, and local partners and stakeholders to improve and protect water quality throughout the state. This collaboration is crucial to the health of our waters.

Collaborators include the Agency of Agriculture, Farm & Markets (AAFM), the Agency of Transportation (VTrans), the Departments of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Forest Parks and Recreation (FPR), and Fish and Wildlife (FWD), Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs), Natural Resource Conservation Districts (NRCDs), local watershed groups, non-profit organizations, municipalities, town boards and commissions.

Why should I care?

Tell Me About Basin 7

What have we accomplished?

What should be protected?

What should be restored?

What are the major strategies?

How do I get involved?

Attend Tactical Basin Plan meetings, learn who your local watershed partners are and how your town is improving water quality, become familiarized with the most recent Tactical Basin Plan for your town, and connect with watershed partners and your town on how you can help.

If no watershed groups exist in your area, reach out to your basin planner.

Contact information for VDEC Basin Planners.

Submit your comments

Copies of the draft plan may be obtained on October 13, 2021, on-line at .

Comments and requests for a paper copy of the plan should be directed by email to , by mail to Danielle Owczarski, Basin 7 Comments, 1 National Life Drive, Davis 3, Montpelier VT 05620-3522, or by phone 802-490-6176.

Comments should be postmarked or sent through email by the end of the business day (4:30 pm) on November 12, 2020. Comments received by this date will be addressed in a responsiveness summary to be included at the end of the final plan.


Contact information for VDEC Basin Planners.