Ireland's Climate
Scroll down to see what affects Ireland's climate
Scroll down to see what affects Ireland's climate
The dominant influence on Ireland’s climate is the Atlantic Ocean. Consequently, Ireland does not suffer from the extremes of temperature experienced by many other countries at similar latitude. The warm North Atlantic Drift has a marked influence on sea temperatures. This influence is strongest near the Atlantic coasts and decreases with distance inland. The hills and mountains, many of which are near the coasts, provide shelter from strong winds and from the direct oceanic influence. Winters tend to be cool and windy, while summers, when the depression track is further north and depressions less deep, are mostly mild and less windy.
Ireland's current climate.
Ireland experiences a range of air masses with different sources and tracks, giving us our variable weather. Air masses of polar origin are most common but they usually have a long track over the Atlantic before reaching Ireland. Even southerly or south-westerly winds can bring us returning polar air, albeit highly modified by its excursion into the warm waters of the mid Atlantic. Air masses of direct tropical or polar origin are uncommon.
The dominant influence on Ireland’s climate is the Atlantic Ocean. The AMOC - Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, is a large system of ocean currents – including the Gulf Stream – characterised by a northward flow of warm water and a southward flow of cold water. Consequently, Ireland does not suffer from the extremes of temperature experienced by other countries at a similar latitude. Winters tend to be cool and windy, while summers, are mostly mild and less windy.
The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and the subpolar gyre, where ocean waters cool when the AMOC weakens.
Recent studies have projected that the AMOC could decline by 30 - 40 % by 2100, resulting in cooler North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SST)s. Ireland is nevertheless projected to continue to warm, although the influence of this cool influence may lead to reduced warming compared with our continental European neighbours. AMOC weakening is expected to lead to additional sea level rise around Ireland.