Sewer Improvement Projects
SPMUD is committed to ensuring the community is informed and engaged prior to and during the work associated with each of its projects. SPMUD will utilize a number of communication tools to provide timely notifications about construction activities and potential impacts. Information will be shared through some or all of the following methods;
- direct mail,
- hand-delivered mail to targeted contacts,
- regular email notifications,
- social media, and
- project website updates.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about any SPMUD project you can contact Carie Huff, District Engineer at (916) 786-8555 ext. 321.

Jack in the Box Sewer Replacement Project

Newcastle Sewer Main Replacement

Taylor Road Lift Station Replacement

Newcastle Main Street Area Improvements

Taylor Road Crossing

High Risk Facility Replacement

Sewer Main Extension

Sierra College Lift Station Abandonment