Sewer Improvement Projects

SPMUD is committed to ensuring the community is informed and engaged prior to and during the work associated with each of its projects. SPMUD will utilize a number of communication tools to provide timely notifications about construction activities and potential impacts. Information will be shared through some or all of the following methods;

  • direct mail,
  • hand-delivered mail to targeted contacts,
  • regular email notifications,
  • social media, and
  • project website updates.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about any SPMUD project you can contact Carie Huff, District Engineer at (916) 786-8555 ext. 321.

Jack in the Box Sewer Replacement Project

Newcastle Sewer Main Replacement

Taylor Road Lift Station Replacement

Newcastle Main Street Area Improvements

Taylor Road Crossing

High Risk Facility Replacement

Sewer Main Extension

Sierra College Lift Station Abandonment

Cameo Court Lift Station Abandonment

Jack in the Box Sewer Replacement Project

Design and Construction - FY23-24

The Jack in the Box Sewer Replacement Project is located between the Comfort Inn and Suites and the food service establishments along Rocklin Road.  The District currently operates two lines in parallel and one of the lines requires high-frequency maintenance due to the pipe material (ACP) and the flat slope.  The District proposes to eliminate the existing ACP lines, remove and replace the existing 8-inch sewer line, and reconnect the existing customers.  

Newcastle Sewer Main Replacement

Design FY 23/24; Construction FY 24/25 (Tentative)

Replacement and realignment of approximately 917 feet of mainline pipe including reconnection of existing sewer service lines along Old State Highway and Buena Vista Avenue in Newcastle.

Taylor Road Lift Station Replacement

Property acquisition, lift station improvements. Schedule TBD once lift station standards are complete. 

Newcastle Main Street Area Improvements

Design FY 23/24; Construction TBD

Replacement and realignment of approximately 1,500 feet of mainline pipe including reconnection of existing sewer service lines.

Taylor Road Crossing

Design and construction FY 23/24

There is an existing sewer crossing on Taylor Road in Newcastle (near the Portuguese Hall) that is threaded through the existing storm drain pipe.  The District will be constructing a new crossing of approximately 125 feet with minimum separation from the existing storm drain and removing the existing sewer pipe from the storm drain. 

High Risk Facility Replacement

Environmental and design begin FY 23/24, construction schedule TBD.

Aerial mainline crossing over Antelope Creek in Johnson-Springview Park

Sewer Main Extension

Del Rio Court and Delmar Avenue

This expansion project consists of the construction of approximately 3,200 feet of 15-inch sewer line.  In addition, there will be stubs for two future development projects on Delmar Avenue. Environmental, final design and construction FY 23/24.

Sierra College Lift Station Abandonment

Preliminary engineering and alignment alternatives FY 23/24

The District’s System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan (SECAP) identifies the Sierra College Trunk Line as a future trunk sewer that would eliminate the Sierra College Lift Station.  The project requires significant coordination with Sierra College and construction is not anticipated for several years.  However, there have been several developer inquiries about the properties along the west side of Sierra College Boulevard where the future alignment would traverse.  Preliminary engineering to analyze the potential alignments and determine the most feasible alternative will allow District staff to condition future development projects to acquire easements for the eventual design and construction.

Cameo Court Lift Station Abandonment

Environmental and design begin FY 23/24, construction schedule TBD

The District’s System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan (SECAP) identifies the Cameo Trunk Line as a future trunk sewer that would eliminate the Cameo Court Lift Station.  Construction of the Cameo Trunk Line will connect across Stanford Ranch Road to the City of Roseville’s sewer system.  Downstream improvements to Roseville’s system are anticipated and coordination and approval from the City of Roseville is required.