Community Improvement Plan
An analysis on gang influence in a small community like Lamont, California and how to deal with it.
An analysis on gang influence in a small community like Lamont, California and how to deal with it.
Image of Youth Gangs Cover book
The issues that plague Lamont include a poor farm community of workers that see no way to improve their future. This hopeless way of thinking has led to the formation of gangs as a way for adults and youth to support each other in the expanse of San Juaquin valley. This formation of multiple gangs has created a dangerous environment where from a young age kids are pushed into a dangerous environment where a wrong decision could lead to prison time or death. With this environment it also pushes youth with potential to become something great to fall back into the farm working environment and not accomplish their potential in life. When you look around a community a major part where gang influence can be seen is with Graffiti which further emphasizes the control that gangs have over the community of Lamont and how deep-rooted it is.
Image of Graffiti In Lamont, CA
Although as a community we face many Issues there is also a strength that lies in our community which we can use to fix problems and create a positive difference for the future of our community. The strength communities such as Lamont possesses is that of a strong and culturally rooted mentality that works hard to achieve what we want out of life. By using this mentality we can begin to change the deep-rooted gang culture in Lamont, Weed Patch, and Arvin. We will be focusing on Lamont specifically beginning with replacing the Graffiti in the town that paints a bad picture and replacing it with art such as murals that tell a story of the community that can be appreciated every day and prove the outside world wrong and show the hidden gem that is the Lamont community.