Top 5 Weather Events of 2010
The weather in 2010 was highlighted by a lot of extreme temperatures, from a historically warm summer to a record cold snap.
1: Most Days with 1" of Snow Depth for 3 Climate Sites ('09-'10 Winter)
The winter of 2009-2010 was quite snowy for southwestern VA. A strong El Ninõ pattern developed over this winter period, which in practical terms translates to a winter that is generally colder and has more precipitation in the American southeast. This certainly held true for Blacksburg, VA, which had a whopping 71 total days with at least 1" of snow on the ground (the previous record was 56 days in the winter of '77-'78). Considering our snow season usually lasts from mid-November through March, over half of that time was spent with a coating of snow.
Pictured: A climatological map comparing the amount of precipitation in the winter of '09-'10 to average precipitation. Our area received much above normal precipitation that season.

1: Most Days with 1" of Snow cont.
Roanoke and Lynchburg also broke or tied records for the amount of days in one year with snow on the ground. Lynchburg broke the previous record of 36 days with 42 days, and Roanoke tied its previous record of 40 total days. Both of the previous records also came from the winter of 1977-1978.
Pictured: Snowfall analysis of a winter storm that occurred on December 18-19, 2009. Blacksburg received 14" of snow which, with the help of a few smaller events, would not melt until a month later on January 19, 2010.

2: Tornado Outbreak of October 26-27
A squall line moved into northwest NC on the night of October 26, then through Virginia on October 27. Four tornadoes and several severe thunderstorms caused damage in the Blacksburg CWA. The same number of tornadoes had occurred over the last 15 months in our coverage area. The strongest rated of these tornadoes was an EF-2 in Halifax County, VA, destroying a barn and damaging several sheds. However, the tornado which caused the most damage was also the shortest lived of all four: an EF-1 in Stokes County, NC, which as well as uprooting many trees, damaged 62 homes to varying degrees while only tracking under a mile long.
Pictured: The roof of a garage and a number of trees destroyed by the EF-1 tornado in Stokes County, NC on October 27, 2010.

3: Warmest Summer on Record at Multiple Climate Sites
The summer of 2010 was a scorcher, setting a record for hottest average temperature for meteorological summer at Roanoke, Danville, and Blacksburg, VA, as well as Bluefield, WV. All together, 65 different daily records were set at these sites in the 3-month period. The average temperature for summer 2010 at each site, as well as how much that exceeds the normal average temperatures are: Blacksburg, VA - 72.9 F (+3.7 F) Roanoke, VA - 78.2 F (+3.9 F) Danville, VA - 80.0 F (+3.2 F) Bluefield, VA - 74.5 F (+4.3 F)
Pictured: Temperature anomalies for the contiguous United States in meteorological summer of 2010. Every division in the NWS Blacksburg CWA is either "Much Above Normal" or "Record Warmest".
4: Flood of March 12-14
On March 12 and 13, 2010, heavy rain fell in southwestern VA and eastern WV. Combined with a melting snowpack, this resulted in dangerous flash flooding. Among the most affected counties were Giles and Pulaski in VA, as well as Mercer and Greenbrier in WV. Though no injuries or fatalities occurred, swift water rescues were performed for trapped vehicles and homes, as well as evacuations in parts of Greenbrier and Mercer Counties.
Pictured: A bridge crossing a creek in Giles County, VA was completely washed out and destroyed as a result of floodwaters rising well out of their banks during the heavy rain on March 12-12, 2010. Washed out roadways can be hiding under floodwaters, making for hazardous driving conditions.
4: Flood of March 12-14 cont.
Damage to numerous roads and homes was sustained during this combined rain and snowmelt flooding event. Upwards of 400 homes were impacted in some way, with a few homes being destroyed. Numerous roads and bridges were made impassable by flowing water and over 20 roadways were damaged. The total damage estimate for this flood surpassed $2 million.
Pictured: Slowly receding floodwaters impacted these homes in Mercer County, WV. The damaged ground, flattened grass and displaced debris indicate the flooding reached this home at some point during the event.
5. January Cold Snap
In the twelve-day period from January 1-12, 2010, a record setting cold snap occurred with the coldest average temperature occurring in that period for Blacksburg and Danville, VA, and Bluefield, WV. During this brutally cold period the average temperature (not the average minimum, but the average overall temperature) in Blacksburg, VA was 18.2 degrees, breaking the previous record of 18.9 degrees from 1981. The high temperature in that period also did not come above freezing for 10 days straight.
Pictured: The New River in Galax, VA developed an ice jam during this historic cold snap. Large chunks of broken ice lined the banks of the river.