George Town World Heritage Site
Population and Land Use Census 2009 - 2019 | A City In Transition
George Town
The George Town World Heritage Site (GTWHS) - a living historic city, has undergone significant change since its inscription by UNESCO in 2008.
This has resulted in significant investments by the government, private sectors, associations and local institutions into preserving the city's physical heritage and cultural assets, rehabilitating key public amenities, and managing year-round celebratory events.
(Photos: Courtesy of PGT)
What, Why & How?
In 2009, Think City pioneered the methodology for a population and land use census of the GTWHS, which was repeated in 2013 and 2019.
The census report represents an extensive, decade long endeavour to monitor and understand the changes to GTWHS in a robust manner.
George Town World Heritage Site: Population and Land Use Change by Think City
This study enables an accurate understanding of the GTWHS issues, tracking of changes, measurement of impacts, assessment of policy instruments' effectiveness, and design of recalibration measurements, if needed.
More importantly, the findings can identify necessary policy and regulatory adjustments that can be incorporated into the site's Special Area Plan - set in place by PLANMalaysia in 2010.
This rich and comprehensive database which captured 6,713 entities in 5,403 buildings in 2019 has now been analysed to provide an account of the socio-cultural and economic changes in GTWHS since 2009.
Aerial view of Little India (Courtesy of PGT)
These are key highlights of the George Town World Heritage Site Population and Land Use Census - an account of its economic and socio-cultural changes from 2009 to 2019.
Economic Reconstructuring
It is evident that in the decade after the UNESCO listing, the GTWHS economy became less reliant on household, transport and finance services, and by 2019 was heavily skewed towards hospitality and tourism.
This is contributed by push and pull factors including price hikes in rental and properties, disruptive technology, new transport hubs and more.
(Photos: Courtesy of PGT & Think City)
Increase in economic activity driven by new hospitality and tourism ventures.
Top 5 and Bottom 5 industry shifts between 2009 and 2019:
Hotels and Tourist Accommodation
Hotels and Tourist Accommodation has the largest footprint and makes up 20.4% of total floorspace of all the major land use categories in 2019, surpassing residential use which was the highest in 2009 and 2013.
Restaurant and Bars
One of the more marked trends in the GTWHS, and indeed a central theme of this report, is the significant growth of Restaurants and Bars.
Street Vendors
Market and street retailing are also a significant part of the cultural life in George Town. They make up an important aspect of its intangible heritage.
Street vendors around Chowrasta Market
After 10 years, the overall number of stalls / hawkers halved (▼48%, −413). Changes of note include:
- Relocation of the Lebuh Armenian Flea Market
- Emergence of tourist-oriented stalls along Lebuh Armenian
- Disappearance of vendors from Lebuh Pantai and Pengkalan Weld
- Decline in street activity around Chowrasta Market
In terms of the density in street vendor activity, the broad pattern remains, with high densities around Jalan Penang, Jalan Kimberley and Little India.
Art, Culture and Crafts
The Art, Culture and Craft industry in this study comprises 19-different types of businesses and supporting services such as handicraft, museums, arts suppliers, studios and galleries.
(Photos: Courtesy of PGT)
The doubling (▲97%, +55) in the number of entities in the Art, Culture and Craft industry over the last decade is mainly due to increases in handicraft, artefacts and souvenir outlets, private museums and art galleries.
The increase in Art, Culture and Craft establishments are concentrated in the Clan Jetties and parts of Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, with a growing cluster around Lebuh Armenian.
Density of art, culture and craft establishments (Left 2009; Right 2019)
Finance, Legal and Banking
Finance, Legal, and Banking institutions declined which likely the result of technology changes including online banking and e-commerce and the fact that many no longer need prime customer-focused locations in Downtown George Town.
The decline in Finance, Legal and Banking institutions (▼12%, −35) has led to banks requiring a smaller physical footprint in the Central Business District along Lebuh Pantai, Lebuh Bishop, Lebuh King and Lebuh Union.
George Town's Central Business District along Lebuh Pantai
Impacts of Covid-19
The impact of COVID-19 on the GTWHS has been significant and severe. International and interstate mobility restrictions saw the temporary shutdown of the tourism industry.
In August 2020, Think City conducted a Business Community Pulse Check Survey in the heritage areas of George Town, Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru to measure the community's business confidence due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The study found that intermittent relaxing of interstate travel restrictions have led to occasional boosts through domestic tourism, but continued uncertainty means business confidence remains low.
Likelihood of businesses remaining open at the end of 2021 in heritage cities
In GTWHS, almost a quarter (23%) of businesses were uncertain if they would still be open at the end of 2021, and a further 4% said that it was unlikely. Seventy four percent (74%) of businesses stated that they would likely be open, and interestingly, this was the highest level of confidence between the three cities surveyed.
Think City also found that 92% of businesses suffered a decrease in sales with 64% forced to close temporarily.
Impact of COVID-19 on businesses in the GTWHS
In the study, respondents also identified the following strategies to improve their business: increasing marketing or advertising (46%), planning for long-term survival (38%) and building or improving their online presence (37%).
Strategies to improve businesses in the GTWHS
Demographic Changes
Parallel to the economic shifts described above, the GTWHS experienced a significant decline in the residential population since its UNESCO listing.
In 2019, there were fewer young families, and the main household types are now retired elderly, lone-persons, and group of workers.
Household size remained relatively stable and slightly higher than Penang State's average with an average size of 4 in 2019 (Penang State: 3.6) .
Loss of residents was largely the result of out-migration of young working families and an ageing population, with limited in-migration.
Intergenerationality in George Town
Language Spoken
While the population has declined and its make-up is different than when it was listed by UNESCO, the GTWHS is still a rich mosaic of religion, culture and ethnicity.
Changes in the ethnic make-up are matched by shifts in the main language spoken at home.
Declining trends
While Hokkien remains the dominant language, it has declined proportionately and in absolute terms. The same trend applies to other dialects, with large declines in Cantonese, Teochew and Tamil speaking households.
Increasing trends
Increases in English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin, as well as some languages that may be associated with migrant workers were observed.
Day-Time and Night-Time Population
It is evident that the economic gains made in the GTWHS have been in day activities at the expense of some night-time activities, leading to a greater disparity in the ratio of day- to night-time population
(Photos: Courtesy of Keir Gravil)
While the residential population has gone down, the actual number of people in the GTWHS both during the day and night had increased. Accounting for visitors, residents, workers and students, in 2019, there were an estimated 47,204 people in the heritage site during peak periods of the day (▲23.2%, +8,889) , and 18,471 people at night (▲14.6%, +2,365), up from 38,315 and 16,106 respectively in 2009.
Left: Day-time economy in 2019 | Right: Night-time economy in 2019
The change is a consequence of more business activity, tourists and students. While this can be seen as positive, there is still a stark contrast between day and night, with the day-time population now 2.5 times that of the night-time population, up from 2.4 in 2009.
Despite the increase in economic activity that the GTWHS experienced between 2009 and 2019, the extent of vacancies measured by percentage of total floorspace remained relatively stable.
Vacancy rates across the three GTWHS censuses ranged between 17.3% and 21.7%. In comparison, the vacancy rate in Penang State which was 22.3% in 2009 decreased to 17.8% in 2019.
While the most common vacancy type is whole buildings or floors within a building, there was an increase in buildings under renovation and for sale. There were also fewer derelict buildings.
Left: Vacant shophouse on Jalan Buckingham | Right: Percentage of vacant floorspace (2009, 2013 & 2019)
Drivers of Change and Emerging Vulnerabilities
The loss of residents and reliance on tourism has created new vulnerabilities which have been both illuminated and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated mobility restrictions.
Understanding the drivers of change, both exogenous and endogenous, and the emergence of new vulnerabilities including those associated with the COVID-19 can help frame the policy interventions necessary to build additional resiliency in the GTWHS.
Drivers of population and land use change in the GTWHS
Building a More Resilient Heritage City
A fourpronged approach is proposed that focuses on building social and economic resilience in the GTWHS through diversifying the economy, investing in public cultural assets, improving comfort and liveability and repopulating the site.
1. Economic Diversification
Moving forward, new types of economic activity need to be encouraged especially ones connected to the special qualities that the site, and more broadly Penang offers.
George Town's potentials as a Creative and Digital District (CD2)
- Build an ecosystem of innovation-aligned firms and activities to create an intersection of culture, heritage and technology.
- A Creative and Digital District (CD2) that indicates a thriving creative and digital hubs and community that can be further enhanced.
- Investment in enabling mechanisms to incentivize private sector SME investment.
- Expanded higher-education activities and footprint.
- Focused effort on longer stay and higher-end tourism with post-pandemic tourists likely seeking immersive cultural experiences.
2. Public and Institutional Cultural Assets Investment
In preparation for a likely surge in post-pandemic tourism, it is an opportune time for institutions to invest in the upgrade and enhancement of visitor experiences.
Fort Cornwallis, George Town
- Investments need to be of high standard and authentic.
- An initial focus on education and domestic tourism is a possible strategy to be adopted, before pivoting to experiential and high-end tourism.
- Networks and collaborations should also be encouraged — including the possibility of shared branding, marketing, ticketing and promotions.
- Plans for the rehabilitation of waterfront assets should be accelerated to stimulate economic recovery.
3. Comfort and Liveability Improvements
To encourage both residents and visitors back into the GTWHS, efforts to improve the liveability and comfort levels need to continue.
Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects in George Town
- Ongoing investments in the public realm (e.g. pedestrian amenity and laneways) and enhanced mobility are required.
- Improvements to basic services such as sewerage and drainage management.
- Low carbon initiatives as well as smart city interventions should form part of the milieu of required programmes.
- The GTWHS is ideally suited to become a ‘15-minute city’ with jobs, amenities, education facilities and housing in close proximity, hence has the advantage of being human scale and in parts potentially pedestrian and cycle friendly.
4. Repopulation Strategies
Five core repopulation strategies are proposed for the GTWHS.
Clan Jetty residences
- Preventing the loss of remaining residents, focusing on the Clan Jetties, public housing and essential worker accommodation (police and fire brigade).
- Endeavours to enable a decoupling of shophouse living (e.g upstairs living from ground floor commercial activities).
- Opportunities for student accommodation and co-living arrangements ought to be considered and regulated accordingly.
- New residential developments (e.g. the East Seafront) and adaptive re-use of vacant offices and tourism accommodation could serve to attract new residents into the area.
- Opportunities for residential land use on the fringes or just outside the GTWHS with strong transport connections to adress some of the vulnerabilities highlighted, particularly in terms of patronage of markets and other household-oriented businesses.
Call for Action
Achieving a more sustainable and resilient heritage site requires aspirational leadership and active stewardship. New thinking and innovative ideas are necessary for George Town to reclaim its role as a central urban space in Penang.
However, this is not the role of government alone. It will only occur through the collective endeavors of the wider community, business owners, associations, investors, regulatory authorities and policy makers.
Value of Data
Data-driven policy formulation is key to long-term, resilient results that promote sustainable growth within the community, regardless of the external transmutations.
Awareness and open discussion on the issues and their causes, as well as the validity of different remedies is paramount. Data plays a huge role in these derivations and paints a picture that is specially directive which allow policymakers to develop responses that target at the most important issues.
It is hoped that the George Town World Heritage Site: Population and Land Use Census report and its recommendations will make a positive contribution in this regard.
An aerial view of the George Town World Heritage Site (Courtesy of PGT)