Food Insecurity

This is a significant problem.


The number of people experiencing food insecurity in Massachusetts is very high. This is a significant issue going on in the world that is not only still progressing, but Covid 19 has shed light on these wicked problems. According to the greater Boston food bank, One of the most widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is that many people throughout the country are experiencing food insecurity for the first time.

The Question:

what measures do these entities/experts use to determine if the issue is increasing or decreasing?

The Answer:

    1. High food securityHouseholds had no problems, or anxiety about, consistently accessing adequate food.
    2. Marginal food security—Households had problems at times, or anxiety about, accessing adequate food, but the quality, variety, and quantity of their food intake were not substantially reduced.
    3. Low food security—Households reduced the quality, variety, and desirability of their diets, but the quantity of food intake and normal eating patterns were not substantially disrupted.

    Very low food security—At times during the year, eating patterns of one or more household members were disrupted and food intake reduced because the household lacked money and other resources for food.


During the pandemic we are able to see how differently communities were affected in the Massachusetts area. The following images give you an idea of exactly who was affected by the change and why.

How Boston Nonprofits are Adapting to the Pandemic | Women's Lunch Place


“In this country that grows more food than any other nation on this earth, it is unthinkable that any child should go hungry.” Sela Ward

History Nationally

Nationally and across the US there is a concern/ problem with food scarcity. According to the USDA some households are unable to acquire enough food to meet their needs of each family member due to the lack of money or no other resources for food. Food insecure households got enough food to avoid disrupting their eating patterns. They use federal food assistance programs or sometimes food from food pantries within the community. 8.3 billion people have experienced low food security since 2019. In very low food security households, multiple people within the house are being affected by not being able to eat food. Their intake has decreased significantly (5.3 billion). Food insecurity affects 13.6 percent of children nationally.

Boston Currently

In the city of Boston one of the causes of food insecurity is the cost of food. Another is the amount of education in certain households because education affects employment and if people get jobs or not. Also where food is being distributed to and where it is coming from. 1 in 5 people in Boston experience some type of food insecurity. Food security rates depend on income. 25% of households that made $25K a year were food insecure but if it was between 25 and 50 the rate dropped to 10%. Boston residents indicate that most of the grocery stores in the area are either not within reach or too expensive for them. 50% of people who use housing assistance are food insecure, more than 5 times the rate as individuals who don’t get assistance (BHA public housing).

Organizations making a difference

This map showcases Non-profit organizations who provide food and shelter to people in need.

Rosie's Place

A sanctuary for poor and homeless women.

Women's lunch place

A daytime shelter that provides healthy and essential meals for women in need.

The Greater Boston Food Bank

GBFB is the largest hunger-relief organization in New England and among the largest food banks in the country. 

Harvard square church meal program

The Harvard Square Churches Meal Program operates a community supper each Thursday evening. Their mission is to provide a nutritious meal in a hospitable environment to anyone who needs a meal. 

Northeastern Women's Basketball team volunteering at Harvard square church meal program.

What can we do?

The map below shows different locations around Boston in which there are food pantries where people can donate cans, boxed food, etc. to help families struggling with food insecurity. Due to recent events (pandemic), some of these parties have not been accepting donations. However, there are still other ways to help. They also take donations especially at the programs who provide meal plans.

This map showcases food pantries as well as meal assistance programs within the Boston area.

“One of the greatest feelings in the world is knowing that we as individuals can make a difference. Ending hunger in America is a goal that is literally within our grasp.” Jeff Bridges


“2.1.2 Severity of Food Insecurity :” 2.1.2 Severity of Food Insecurity | Sustainable Development Goals | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,, 

“Daytime Shelter for Women Experiencing Homelessness and Poverty.” Women's Lunch Place, 

“Home.” Harvard Square Churches Meal Program, 1 Feb. 2019, 

“How Boston Nonprofits Are Adapting to the Pandemic | Women's Lunch Place.” YouTube, YouTube, 13 Nov. 2020, 

Key Statistics & Graphics. 

“Magnitude of Food Insecurity.” Home, 

Mightyspark. “More than a Shelter...a Second Chance. .” Rosie's Place | Home,,, 

Ravallion, Martin & Datt, Gaurav & van de Walle, Dominique & Chan, Elaine. (1991). Quantifying the Magnitude and Severity of Absolute Poverty in the Developing World. 

The Greater Boston Food Bank,

Northeastern Women's Basketball team volunteering at Harvard square church meal program.