The Brown Homestead
A Changing Cultural Landscape
Hello! Welcome to The Brown Homestead, site of the oldest house in St. Catharines.
This special place has been home to four different families since the 18th century, and is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples who were part of this land long before European settlement. The Brown Homestead functioned as an active farm for almost 200 years throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, and we are excited to share its rich history with you today. The homestead is currently situated on approximately 7.5 acres of land, but when the Loyalist John Brown first built this house back in 1796 he actually owned over 1,200 acres, including much of Shorthills Provincial Park.
As caretakers of this important heritage site, we often wonder what life would have been like here centuries ago. This interactive exhibit will guide you on a journey through the past by illustrating the changing layers and cultural landscape of The Brown Homestead over time. By visualizing the land that the Browns and subsequent families inhabited, we can better understand the history of the site and its place within the Niagara community during each "era" of its existence. We hope you enjoy the journey!
Prior to Loyalist settlement, the Niagara peninsula was inhabited for around three hundred years by Iroquoian-speaking people known as the Attawandaron, or the Neutral Confederacy. In addition to hunting and trading, they engaged in agriculture in parts of Niagara township and disappeared in the mid-17th century. They formed three main east-west trails across the region, choosing to travel along the escarpment because it provided a flat, linear path and was a clear indicator of direction, connecting those living north of Lake Ontario to the Haudenosaunee in western New York. The Haudenosaunee regularly crossed the Niagara River to hunt for furs that they would then trade with Dutch and English merchants. These well-worn paths were later augmented by the Mississauga Nation who inhabited the lands between York and the Head of the Lake, or modern day Burlington, travelling through on their way to the Niagara River. The most prominent Indigenous route through Niagara was the Iroquois trail that ran from Queenston to Ancaster along the bottom of the escarpment, but the Mohawk trail along the top of the escarpment and the Lakeshore trail along Lake Ontario were also essential.
In the 1764 Treaty of Niagara, the Seneca agreed to cede to the British government the entire Niagara River, including a four-mile strip on the west side between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Twenty years later, the British government purchased much of the land situated to the west of the four-mile strip from the native Mississauga people in an agreement that was updated and solidified in 1792 as the "Between the Lakes Treaty (No. 3)." This land included the township of Louth, where the Brown family settled in the 1790s. The Brown Homestead is located on the historic Mohawk Trail (visible on the interactive map below), which ran along the top of the escarpment from the Niagara River into Ancaster and beyond.
This means that we exist within the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples. Today, Niagara remains home to many Indigenous people, and we are pleased to recognize and celebrate their friendship and the continuing historic partnerships that make it possible for us to be here in the present.
The name Niagara was derived from a native Indigenous word, “Onguiaahra,” which was turned into “Niagara” by French missionaries during the 17th century. The generally accepted meaning is “The Strait,” but it may also refer to the “Thundering Waters.” The main arterial Indigenous trails in the map below are based on a c. 1770 map created by Andrew Burghardt in his study of road networks in the Niagara Peninsula.
Burghardt, Andrew F. “The Origin and Development of the Road Network of The Niagara Peninsula, Ontario, 1770-1851." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 59, no. 3 (1969): 417-440.
Click on the coloured trails to see their names. Keep in mind that the historical map is over 200 years old and is not an accurate representation of Niagara's geography.
Hall, Sidney & Hall, Francis (1818). The Niagara Frontier. Retrieved from “Historical Maps of Niagara.” Brock University Archives & Special Collections.
The Loyalists
Niagara became home to hundreds of United Empire Loyalist refugees immediately following the American Revolution. This influx of families during the 1780s and 90s signaled the beginning of an organized colonial inhabitation of the region, wherein early patterns of settlement formed. As residents of this area today, much of what we see and the routes we travel are based on the lives, enterprises and ingenuity of the people that arrived here over 200 years ago.
Butler’s Rangers cartridge box plate from the Canadian War Museum
The men who had served in Butler’s Rangers, their families, and other Loyalist refugees were initially sheltered and fed at Fort Niagara. In early 1784, some families were allotted farms on the west side of the Niagara River on the “Mile Strip” which had been a British possession since 1763-64. The strip was surveyed into 100-acre farms which were cleared, and the first crops were planted. The hope was that the disbanded Rangers would raise enough food to feed their families which would alleviate the stress placed on the King’s stores at the Fort. The situation at Niagara worsened in 1786-89 with the “Hungry Year” (when crops failed) and with the arrival of many “Late Loyalist” families who also needed to be sheltered and fed.
In 1784, the British government purchased much of the land situated to the west of the Mile Strip from the native Mississauga people. Part of this large tract of land was surveyed between 1786 and 1789 into ten townships situated along the Niagara River and the south shore of Lake Ontario. This included Louth Township, where the John Brown House was constructed. This part of Louth Township was eventually incorporated into the City of St. Catharines in 1970 along with the rest of the lands east of the Fifteen Mile Creek.
The “interior” townships such as Thorold and Pelham (where the Browns also owned land) as well as those along the north shore of Lake Erie, were surveyed in 1794-95. They were initially simply referred to by a number: ie, Niagara Township was “Township No. 1,” Stamford was “Township No. 2,” Grantham was “Township No. 3,” and so on. They were not actually given proper names until after the arrival of Lieutenant-Governor John Graves Simcoe in 1792.
What did all of this mean for the Brown family?
The Brown Family
Early Settlement (1796-1858)
John Brown (1740 - 1804) was one of these early Loyalist settlers. He and his brothers joined the British cause during the American Revolution, during which time he served as a private in the Butler’s Rangers from 1781 until their discharge in 1783. He was subsequently granted 900 acres of land in adjoining corners of Thorold, Pelham and Louth Townships to reward his loyal service to the crown and to replace lands he lost in Schoharie, New York. This tract included the parcel on which the John Brown House sits facing Pelham Road, as well as the rolling hills and valleys once referred to as “The Gore,” now part of the Short Hills Provincial Park, which the house overlooks.
Three generations of the Brown family lived here at The Brown Homestead until 1858 when John's grandson Jacob Brown sold it to the Chellew family. During this period of approximately 160 years, the boundaries of the Brown family's land shifted enormously, including an astounding 1206 acres around the turn of the 19th century, and eventually dwindling down to 119 acres by the 1850s.
Scroll through the maps below to see developments in land ownership during the Brown era.
There we are! The Brown Homestead sits at 1317 Pelham Road in the southwestern corner of St. Catharines.
Use the plus and minus tabs in the bottom right corner of your screen to zoom in and out of these maps.
John and Magdalena Brown and their family are believed to have settled here already in the 1780s, before receiving official title to these lands. By 1797, they owned the seven 100-acre parcels you see here.
By 1798, another 200 acres were added to John Brown's land acquisitions. John purchased Lots 107 and 130 in Thorold township, originally granted to Isaac Haney.
Soon after, Thorold Lots 108 and 131 were added as well. In 1803, as John Brown sat and wrote out his final will, he owned a total of 1,206 acres.
<--------- This included an isolated 100 acres in Clinton township, approximately 12 kilometers west of the home farm.
And the final 6 acres? For now, this remains a mystery. According to his will, John Brown purchased an unregistered 6 acres from Caleb Swayze prior to 1803. We are still on the hunt to find out where these 6 acres in Niagara were located.
John Brown died in 1804, and the 1,206 acres in his possession were split between his children. His two sons Abraham & Adam Brown inherited Concession 3 Lot 8, along with another 336 acres surrounding the Homestead.
By 1818, ownership of these lands were transferred fully to Adam Brown. In this same year Adam sold 230 acres of it to his brother John Brown Jr., specifically the 100 acres in Thorold Lot 64 and his 65-acre pieces in Thorold Lot 65 and Pelham Concession 1 Lot 1, plus a tiny sliver of the Gore Lot. So, at this point Adam only owned the 206 acres shown here.
A few months later, Adam Brown purchased another 100 acres in Thorold Lot 85.
By 1826, Adam Brown had sold Thorold Lot 85 and once again owned just these 206 acres.
In 1840 the landscape changed once again, as Adam purchased 100 acres in Louth Concession 7 Lot 2 from neighbours Mary & Freemzan Swayze.
Then, in 1847, he sold 11 acres in the southwest corner of the Gore Lot to mill-owner and businessman Samuel Street ...
... and purchased 29 ¾ acres in the east half of Pelham Concession 1 Lot 1.
In 1855, Adam Brown died and passed on land to his children. His daughters Anna and Susan Brown were given 60 acres in the Thorold Gore Lot. This parcel of land is referred to in his will as: "So much as belongs to him [Adam] lying East of the Road leading from Samuel Streets Mill to Niagara Falls."
Jacob Brown inherited The Brown Homestead with the original 100 acres in Concession 8 Lot 3, plus the remaining 19 acres in the Thorold Gore Lot. He sold everything to a neighbouring family just a few years later, thus pausing the Brown family's legacy here... for now.
The Chellew Family
The Next Generation (1858-1902)
Joseph Chellew Sr. was a wheelwright from Cornwall, England, who immigrated to Canada in 1845. He and his wife Eliza purchased 100 acres of land in Louth Township, just one concession over from The Brown Homestead. This means they were neighbours to the Brown family for over a decade. They were listed as farmers, and must have done well because in 1858, Joseph and Eliza Chellew purchased The Brown Homestead from Jacob Brown.
The Chellew family would have needed the extra space by this point, for in addition to their growing prosperity, the family itself had grown. A total of seven children of various ages moved into the John Brown House, with four more born shortly after.
Keep reading to see how The Brown Homestead evolved during the Chellew Era.
Keep in mind that Joseph Chellew Sr. already owned land in Louth. This included the western halves of both Concession 6 Lot 1, and Concession 7 Lot 1.
He sold these two pieces to Elias Davis in 1890, then sold the rest of The Brown Homestead (119 acres) to his son Joseph Chellew Jr. in 1892 for $1000.
That doesn't even cover one month's rent in St. Catharines these days!
19th c. Engraving of a Berkshire Pig
A few years later and nearing 60 years old, Joseph Chellew Jr. bought a section of land next to The Brown Homestead.
We don't know much about this time, except that he and his family owned at least one Berkshire pig, named Ring Master, and that during this period Joseph became gravely ill.
By October, 1902, in poor health, Joseph sold the 119 acres of The Brown Homestead to Lafontaine Baldwin Powers for $5250. Only a few months later, in March 1903, he passed away from complications during surgery in Buffalo. He is buried at Victoria Lawn Cemetery in St. Catharines.
The Powers Family
Lafontaine Powers (approximately 1924/25) in the Front Hall of the John Brown House
On the Farm (1902-1979)
Lafontaine B. Powers purchased all 119 acres of The Brown Homestead from Joseph Chellew Jr. in 1902.
The Powers family lived at The Brown Homestead for much of the 20th century, planting orchards, riding horses, and continuing the site's farming legacy. This 119 acres in 1902 slowly dwindled down to one lonely acre by 1966.
In 1912, Lafontaine Powers sold this strip of land to the Hamilton Cataract Power L & T Co. so they could put in hydro lines.
War broke out in 1914, significantly affecting the lives of the Powers family.
During World War I, the Canadian forces conducted some of their training across the street from the homestead while officers sat in the top floor of the John Brown House to observe. This photo shows them marching eastward along Pelham Road.
Among them was Sir Sam Hughes, Canada's Minister of Defense during the war, pictured here on the very left.
Annie Powers (b. 1896), the daughter of Lafontaine and Mary Ann (Trenbeth) Powers and pictured here on the left, spoke to her younger family members about this interesting time in her life, back when she was a young woman. She passed away in 1988.
As a child, Annie would sit on the fence at the front of the house. Here she is, facing north towards the front of the house.
Annie's initials are carved in the Master Bedroom, and still visible today. This was done around 1910 when she was a young girl. You can imagine how Annie felt when the war was happening, having all of these important people in her house.
In a full-circle moment, we recently uncovered these two lead toy soldiers under the floorboards of the Master Bedroom.
A fascinating example of the lasting impacts of war on the Canadian homefront!
After the First World War ended, Lafontaine Powers purchased 37.5 acres in the Thorold Gore Lot and Thorold Lot 65. This land was originally part of The Brown Homestead during the Brown Era, sold off by Adam Brown in the 1840s, and now become rejoined to the rest of the property.
Prior to 1924, the curve in Pelham Road that exists today was actually a right angle, where cars would have to stop at a stop sign before turning left - as you can see in this topographic map from 1910.
In 1924, Lafontaine Powers sold this portion of land to the Corporation of the County of Lincoln, who turned the road into a continuous curve.
In 1943, Lafontaine Powers' land was passed down to his son Charles. Immediately, two small pieces of land in the Gore lot were sold.
Between 1946 to 1961, the original Lot 3 Concession 8 of The Brown Homestead was severed four times and sold to various individuals including some members of the Powers family.
In 1956, Charlie Powers sold the remainder of the land they owned in Thorold.
This is what the Powers' land looked like before their final big sale in 1966.
The Brown Homestead's farming era was coming to an end. In 1966, the majority of the land was sold - 94.5 acres - leaving the homestead now as just one single acre.
In 1979 this was sold to a new family - the Jouppiens.
The Jouppien Family
A Single-Date Restoration (1979-2015)
Jon Jouppien gives a tour of the Norton Cabin
The Jouppien era was a significant period of time in the life of The Brown Homestead. Recognized at this point for its historical value, heritage consultant and archaeologist Jon Jouppien purchased the home, where he lived with his family until 2015.
During this time, Jon purchased back some of the property, and began to restore the house to what he thought it may have once looked like during the Georgian era when the Brown family lived here. He used new materials to imitate old styles, which meant replicating some original wall stencil patterns, creating a reproduction floorcloth in the dining room, and even completing some imitation wood graining in the parlour. Jon also added another important artifact to the homestead in 1997: The Norton Cabin.
Watch this video to learn more about the Norton Cabin
Jon Jouppien purchased The Brown Homestead in 1979, with dreams of restoring the John Brown House.
In 1996, Jon purchased the back meadow, which encompassed 3.77 acres of land.
In November of 1997, the Norton Cabin was moved to The Brown Homestead. It was initially placed in the newly purchased back meadow while Jon continued to work on building a new foundation for it.
Both the cabin and the foundation that the cabin would later be placed on (where it sits today) are visible in this aerial photo from 2000. ----------->
Eventually, the cabin was placed on its new foundation. Jon continued working on restoration of the cabin for years afterwards.
The cabin still sits here today, and we are honoured to be its caretakers.
Teyoninhokarawen (Major John Norton)
Jon Jouppien sold the property to the non-profit organization The Brown Homestea d in 2015.
This initiative has been spearheaded for the past seven years by the homestead's Executive Director Andrew Humeniuk and his wife Jennifer. Andrew is the fifth great-grandson of John Brown, so this has been a special, full-circle experience!
The Present
The Brown Homestead (2015 - Today)
The Brown Homestead was founded in 2015 to preserve and maintain significant heritage buildings and sites.
We believe that historic sites reach their full potential when they are vibrant community spaces that nurture a growing passion for learning. The Brown Homestead is a model of how historic sites can become creative educational leaders and community catalysts, helping to redefine educational paradigms for a changing world.
We are working to ensure that historic site management becomes an integral part of community planning and development.
The Brown Homestead's land area has begun to grow once again. The land that was sold to Fred and Martha Jessome in 1961 was recently purchased and re-integrated into the site.
Similarly, the land that was sold to the Mastersons in 1966 was purchased and re-integrated a year later.
The Brown Homestead currently encompasses a total 7.5 acres. Facing the Short Hills Provincial Park across the street with Henry of Pelham’s vineyards behind, and surrounded by the impressive Niagara Escarpment, the site is the perfect pastoral setting for public refreshment.
The Future
In this video, we discuss our five-year plan as one of Niagara’s most exciting cultural venues, offering community festivals, public and private events, and creative educational programming, often with our outstanding educational, cultural and charitable partners.
Hear our Five-Year Plan for The Brown Homestead's Future
Thank you!
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We hope you enjoyed exploring this digital map exhibit, and learning about The Brown Homestead's changing cultural landscape. We invite you to visit us soon!
Our door is open.