Newtown Creek

FLOATING HABITAT: The Role of Living Docks in Urban Aquatic Ecosystems

How do living docks influence the diversity and abundance of aquatic species in urban waterways?

ABSTRACT: The "Living Dock" project at Newtown Creek in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, involves WHSAD students collaborating with the Newtown Creek Alliance and LaGuardia Community College to study floating wetlands aimed at revitalizing urban waterways. By constructing living docks, the initiative enhances aquatic biodiversity and improves water quality. The project focuses on fostering marine vegetation growth and creating habitats for aquatic life, investigating the impact on local biodiversity, water quality, and species colonization. Activities include designing and building docks, field observations, and using CAD, underwater drones, and GIS for habitat mapping. This hands-on project engages students in environmental science education and sustainable urban waterway restoration practices.

Special Thanks

Gus Perry, NCA

Willis Elkins, NCA

Sarah Durand, LaGuardia Community College


Davion Moses Pierre, Shekena Simon, Kelton Huang, Kaitlyn Huang, Jayden Maitland, Joseph Morelos, Elias Veloz, Ethan Philbert, Matthew Wintje


Newtown Creek is a body of water located north of Brooklyn. Its history began as a marsh wetland, where water covered the ground for long periods [1]. As the Dutch and then the English settled during the mid-16th century to mid-19th century and studied the creek, they established farms and plantations. Inevitably, between the 19th and 20th centuries, the creek grew into industrialization. 

Sugar refineries, hide tanning plants, canneries, and copper wiring plants were all stationed around the creek. Because of this increase in industry, the creek had to be widened, deepened, and renovated with bulkheads to accommodate larger barges. These industries had little government regulation, and because of this, the creek was subject to excess waste disposal. There was even a 17-30 million gallon underground oil spill. Nevertheless, the water became polluted and neglected up until recently.

To restore the creek, we have to study its history, native ecosystems, and current state. We’ve gathered data through the existing living docks that float in the creek and interpreted the information for future projects. This project was developed through a close analysis of the living dock and the current state of the creek. To understand the creek's purpose, we must understand the science behind oil and waste pollution. 

Oil spills suffocate fish and prevent light from reaching photosynthetic plants in the water [2]. Oil spreads rapidly and, in the case of the creek, settles to the bottom, which is a process called sedimentation. Here, the oil attaches to sediment and sinks to the bottom. This kills off marine wildlife and endangers marine ecosystems. Waste pollution caused by heavy metals and chemicals also hurts the environment.

The creek is now home to North Brooklyn’s water treatment system, where excess waste such as fertilizers and urban runoff seep into it. This introduces excess phosphorus into the water, which causes an explosive growth of aquatic plants and algae [3]. This overproduction in algae blocks sunlight from underwater plants and consumes large amounts of oxygen. Because of this, aquatic life decreases.

Wastewater pollution is another major problem that the creek faces. Wastewater treatment plants process water and dump the water into the creek after processing it. This is a source of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution.  Another source of wastewater pollution is combined sewage overflow (CSO). When it rains a tenth of an inch per hour or more, the added volume overwhelms old networks. Relief structures allow a mixture of polluted urban runoff and raw sewage to bypass the water treatment plants. Discharge leads directly into local waterways at up to 460 locations throughout the five boroughs.

Approximately 27 billion gallons of sewage and runoff make it into the Bronx River, East River, Hudson River, Harlem River, Flushing Bay, Flushing Creek, Alley Creek, Westchester Creek, Coney Island Creek, Newtown Creek, Hutchinson River, Gowanus Canal, and Jamaica Bay every year.

This pollution has a similar effect on the creek. These nutrients that are primarily used to grow plants are in excess. That excess causes a boost in algal blooms. The excessive algal growth, or algal bloom, becomes visible to the naked eye and can be green, blue-green, red, or brown, depending on the type of algae [5].

When algal blooms die or are eaten by zooplankton, the bacteria that decompose this organic matter lowers oxygen levels, leading to hypoxic water conditions [6]. Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen. This lack of oxygen can cause dead zones in water where no life can live or be sustained. These dead zones can expose people to bacteria, viruses, and pathogens that can lead to hepatitis, gastroenteritis, pinkeye, meningitis, etc.


Dry Weather Conditions in the Combined Sewer System (DEP)

Wet Weather Conditions in the Combined Sewer System (DEP)

Combined Sewer


The living dock is a lab to help assess water conditions and develop more practical ways of purifying polluted waterways. Living docks have been implemented throughout the United States in regions such as Chicago and Florida, where wastewater pollution is high. The data from those studies ensures that living docks only lower some chemical concentrations by 6.9% [8]. Curing water pollution would take a lot more living docks, which could also cause problems. In reality, the living dock is an educational system or lab to begin the long process of water restoration. With the help of the Newtown Creek Alliance and LaGuardia Community College we were able to analyze and study the living docks.

The living dock is a floating lab that collects data on the existing conditions of the creek. The wooden structure holds milk crates; some are planted with the native marsh grass of the creek, others with oyster shells, and others are left empty to see what living organisms will shelter there. On our first visit to the creek on April 5th, we observed clam shells in the crates, crabs, other crustaceans, and even small fish. We were surprised to see all of this life after learning about the harsh history of the creek. But, compared to previous years, the creek is the healthiest it's been in a very long time. The life that we observed is a testament to that. 

With our observations from the living dock, we wanted to analyze the other implementations of the living dock around the world in other regions to compare and quantify our findings. One major living dock project that we analyzed was the Florida Tech Living Dock Initiative. This initiative deployed 111.5 ft of surface area to collect and analyze data in the Indian River Lagoon [7].

The lagoon suffers from pollution similar to that of the creek. The major problem is an excess of nitrogen and phosphorus, which produces a muck that resembles black tar, all caused by fertilizer runoff and wastewater. These excess chemicals are hazardous to any marine life and or ecosystem. Nitrogen and phosphorus are key nutrients for plant growth and development of many photosynthetic organisms, and elevated concentrations of both contribute to eutrophication and hypoxic conditions in waterways. Notorious algal blooms, such as the ones witnessed in Lake Erie (a lake bordering Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and the Canadian province of Ontario), frequently occur at the mouths of waterways that drain urban and agricultural lands of their oxygen.

Mitigating and preventing eutrophication requires reducing nutrients from the waters before algal growth can impact ecosystems' proper functioning [8]. With the living dock, it is said that AFWs lowered the concentrations of nitrate-as-nitrogen and phosphate during the growing season by 6.9% and 6.0%, respectively. The numbers may seem small, but they're fairly significant when you compare them to the large amounts of pollution that affect our waterways. 

Field Observation

To better grasp the existing living dock's current ecosystem, we’ve charted the aquatic life we’ve gathered and observed.


# of species found







Small Fish

Sea Squirts


Filter Feeders



Smaller crustaceans

These aquatic species all benefit the creek in some way…

  • Shellfish, a type of crustacean, reduce sediment loads and turbidity and remove excess nutrients from inshore coastal waters [9]. 
  • Killifish populations have adapted to survive and reproduce in polluted waters [10].
  • Sea Squirts are filter feeders, drawing water in and filtering out the tiny plankton through their pharynx [11].
  • Isopods are important scavengers, contributing to the decomposition of plant and animal remains and helping clean the water [12].

The biodiversity of the creek is improving alongside the water quality. The life that we have observed is that of all water-helping species. They promote water purification. The living dock has been doing a great job of providing a habitat for these animals. Another essential benefit is that some living docs have native marsh plants planted within the water. These native marshes are natural water purifiers, improving the quality. Alongside crustaceans, we identified some mollusks, clams, and oysters. We were happy to find large habitats for these species because they filter multiple gallons of water daily! An adult oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water per day. While clams filter a little more slowly, large adult clams can filter up to 40 gallons daily. Both clams and oysters take up nutrients when they filter feed on algae [13].

Our data suggests growth, which is what we want. The problem is pollution, and we’re in the early stages of purification and restoration, which alludes to research. Our focus at this moment is not to cure the wastewater pollution problem but to gain research to help aid in the prevention of pollution. So, this data is very significant. We have assessed the living docks' impact on the water and the living species they seem to carry. The waterway of the creek has been its healthiest in a very long time. But we have more goals that we want to achieve.

Underwater Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs)

Using underwater ROVs is the future of underwater exploration and ecological surveying. Using underwater drones for these purposes is becoming increasingly popular and has its ups and downs. They can either be launched and operated from land or on a boat for further exploration. They are very versatile and are able to be equipped with many different sensors, samplers, and possibly even sonar. With underwater drones we can detect water quality and sample sediments. While collecting this data, we can track the location of the drone and put the data on a map. However, there are also some challenges. For example, sometimes while navigating close to the bottom of whatever body of water we’re in, it's very easy to swirl up some sediment which obscures visuals.

Chasing M2

We have our own drone at WHSAD called a Chasing M2. It’s a very capable underwater drone equipped with eight propellers pointing in different directions for maneuverability, a camera, and a detachable robotic arm. We’ve launched this drone in Newtown Creek a couple of times.

Pedroso de Lima, Rui L., Floris C. Boogaard, and Rutger E. de Graaf-van Dinther. "Innovative Water Quality and Ecology Monitoring Using Underwater Unmanned Vehicles: Field Applications, Challenges and Feedback from Water Managers." Water, vol. 12, no. 1196, 2020, pp. 1-20, doi:10.3390/w12041196.


(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)


(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)

(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)


(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)

(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)

While we weren’t able to find anything overly interesting in the murky waters, we did find a crab, some kelp or seaweed, and some tiny fishes darting around. The primary issue we had was low visibility due to murky water. Since this was just a test it’s ok, but in the future, we would like to have a planning day before the launch for us to identify our objective and plan out how we will achieve it. As well as preparing the equipment and charging everything.

(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)

Educationally, the living dock has served as a way to become more environmentally conscious and empathetic. Before starting the project, we did not even know what waste water pollution was. Many don't think about the environment in a major metropolitan city– probably because there's not much environmental interaction daily. That said, learning about the history of a major industrial waterway and its abuse motivated the team to put in significant efforts to build a new living dock. Spreading this information makes more people aware of the problems facing our major waterways and the potential dangers they may have on us. 

Materials Needed

Additionally, we learn how to use our resources to help assess a current situation. This project has taught us that it only takes a little but wood and milk crates to study and clean a waterway. Many think it's hard to conserve, clean, or even think about water because of its abundance. But it is not that hard. If we change the narrative of water to be valuable rather than another resource we can abuse, then how we treat water will change.

The living dock is a prime example of how to change this narrative. By studying and quantifying the data, we understand that the waterways are far from clean, and they will take a lot to become clean. Spreading the information and the science behind pollution benefits us all, and that starts with the water that we unfortunately pollute.

The major issue with living docks is their practicality. We cannot just deploy floating structures blocking our waterways to try to purify the water. As stated before, the living dock is a lab that collects data and helps us make better decisions on how to continue treating the water. Eventually, we must develop updated designs and systems to prevent water pollution.

The next phases of the project include new designs for the living dock. A major problem with the long-term sustainability of the living docks is their consistent upkeep. Eventually, their boards will have to be replaced, and some things will have to be repaired. Nonetheless, it is made out of wood, so that's expected. Our long-term sustainable and water quality goals are to make living docks obsolete. We shouldn't have a lab in the water to be monitored about how polluted the water is. 

Overall, the living docks have helped the Newtown Creek waterways tremendously. We look forward to continuing to grow the docks and improve the waterways. This is a long process involving a lot of hard work and research, but eventually, we will reach the point of clean, safe waterways for everyone. 


Dry Weather Conditions in the Combined Sewer System (DEP)

Wet Weather Conditions in the Combined Sewer System (DEP)

Combined Sewer

Chasing M2

(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)

(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)

(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)

(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)

(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)

(Pedroso de Lima et al. 2020)