Planning and Engineering Projects
Information will be updated on a monthly basis.

333 Jackson Avenue
A request by the owner for a variance from Article III, Division 4, Section 16-309(c) to reduce the setback requirements for an existing single-family home and accessory structure. The site is located at 333 Jackson Avenue.

ANX-20-03 4180 S. Jog Road (Lake Worth Plaza West Shopping Center)
A request by the owner for a voluntary annexation (ANX-20-03) for one parcel of land totaling approximately 27.14 acres.

Legacy Church Ministries 400 Jackson Avenue
A request by the applicant for an abandonment (AB-18-01) of a right of way located to the south portion of the parcel located between 400 and 420 Jackson Avenue.

Martin Avenue Residential 18-42-44-23-17-000-0010
A request by the applicant for a land use change (CPA-20-01) from Mixed Use to Residential Low Density and a zoning change from (ZC-20-01) from Mixed Use Original Section to Residential Low Density-3 for a vacant parcel located on Martin Avenue.

Nash Trail PUD
A request by the owner for a comprehensive plan amendment (CPA-20-4) from Medium Residential – 5 units per acre (MR-5) and Low Residential – 1 unit per acre (LR-1) (Palm Beach County’s Future Land Use (FLU) designation) to Residential Medium Density (RSMD) and Residential High Density (RS-HD) (City of Greenacres’ FLU designation); a zoning designation (ZC-20-04) from Agricultural Residential (AR) and Residential Estate (RE) (Palm Beach County’s FLU designation) to Residential High Density (RH) (City of Greenacres’ FLU designation); a special exception (SE/PUD-20-03) to allow a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for the subject site; a site & development plan (SP-20-03) to permit development of 213 dwelling units (76 zero-lot line (ZLL) homes and 137 townhomes); and variance (BA-20-03) to allow for the reduction of 5 feet from the required 25 feet building separation between two multi-family buildings; to allow for the reduction of 24 feet for side from the required 50 feet and 13 feet for rear from the required 50 feet PUD setbacks as related to Townhouse (TH); and to allow a reduction of 16 inches from the required 12-feet in net width of parking space clear of obstructions for any single vehicle garage.

Sunset Springs 6645 Chickasaw Road
A request by the applicant for site and development approval (SP-21-01) for 25 single family homes and a variance (BA-21-01) request to reduce to landscape buffer from 10 ft to 5 ft. (Applicant and staff are working out issues with outside agencies for the development process prior to next submittal from the applicant.)

Ranchette Road Townhomes
Plat Application received on March 23, 2021. Comments letter sent to applicant on May 17, 2021, resubmittal received on June 1, 2021. Awaiting receipt of final plat.

Braman Honda 5200 Lake Worth Road
Revised replat under review. Construction of the vehicle storage lot is complete. Permit application for the recently approved service department expansion (SP-97-06G) was issued. Comments sent to applicant on March 22, 2021. Awaiting receipt of final plat.

Church of God 7th Day 3535 S Jog Road
The building permit and engineering permit are both issued for the development. Stop work order was issued by Building Official on September 28, 2018. Subsequent meetings have been held with Building Official and Consultant Engineer. The Building Official has re-issued the permits to the contractor. The construction is moving forward.

Jog Professional 3387 S Jog Road
Building construction is completed. Landscape and zoning final inspections are completed. Engineering review finalized received signed and sealed as-builts and outside agency acceptance letters. The property has received a Certificate of Completion (CC) for the building shell.

Kid's College Greenacres Campus 1091 S Jog Road
Plat application received on October 19, 2018 with complete submittal received on November 6, 2018. The Plat was approved January 7, 2019 by City Council. Utility permit issued on January 25, 2019; pre-con meeting for underground work only held on January 30, 2019. Building permit signed off by zoning on February 15, 2019. Pedestrian Access Easement Agreement signed and recorded on May 15, 2019. Building Dept. permit issued on May 15, 2019. Building construction has been completed for the first building. The second building is under construction.
Please contact the Development and Neighborhood Services Division with any questions. 561.642.2054