Pikesville DPWT Projects

A brief overview of current and upcoming Public Works and Transportation projects in the vibrant and engaged community of Pikesville.

Road Projects

Baltimore County is paving roads, calming traffic, and completing streets in Pikesville. These improvements will facilitate smoother traffic flow, reduce speeds, and contribute to a more connected and accessible community.

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Road Paving 

In the area near Smith Avenue and Greenspring Avenue, roads have been recently resurfaced as of August 2024. This will make driving safer and more efficient in the community.

Lee Court resurfaced

Traffic Calming

In an effort to reduce vehicle speeds in pedestrian areas, and make it safer to cross the street, road medians and curb extensions were installed in Spring 2024.

Smith Avenue curb extensions

Complete Street Feasibility Study 

A complete street is in the conceptual design phase for Old Court Road between Liberty Road and Reisterstown Road. This study should be completed in early 2025. A complete street is a total redesign of a road to incorporate all means of transportation, including cars, pedestrians, bikes, and transit.

An example of who uses a complete street

Bike Projects

Baltimore County is bringing more bike lanes to Pikesville. These improvements will make cycling safer and contribute to a more connected and accessible community. 

Green Summit/Old Pimlico Protected Bike Lane

A protected bike lane will be installed along Green Summit Road and Old Pimlico Road from Greenspring Avenue to Falls Road after the road is widened and repaved. This should make it easier for riders to move around in the community. This project should be completed by the end of 2024.

An example of a protected bike lane

Winands Road Bike Project

A new bicycle project is in the planning phase for Winands Road between Old Court Road and Marriottsville Road in order to make it easier to get from Pikesville to Randallstown. The design is still underway, but likely to be a bike lane. This project should be completed by the end of 2024.

An example of a non-protected bike lane

Pedestrian Projects

Baltimore County is improving sidewalks and completing streets. These improvements will make Pikesville a better place to be a pedestrian and contribute to a more connected and accessible community. 

Sudbrook Lane Sidewalk Improvements 

More than 2,000 linear feet of 5’ sidewalk will be installed on Sudbrook Lane between MD140 and Sudvale Road. This will be accompanied by curb and gutter and stormwater management improvements. This sidewalk will help improve connectivity and safer accessibility for residents in the area. The new sidewalk should be in place in 2025.

Reisterstown Road looking South along Sudbrook Lane

Stevenson Road Sidewalk Improvements 

More than 1,000 linear feet of new 4’ sidewalk will be installed on Stevenson Rd between Old Forest Road and Old Post Drive in order to improve walkability and access to synagogues and schools. The new sidewalk should be in place in 2026.

Old Post Drive looking South along Stevenson Road

Seven Mile Lane Sidewalk Improvements

This is a two part sidewalk improvement project. Sidewalk has already been installed on Seven Mile Lane between Old Court Road and Midfield Road. This was accompanied by curb and gutter and stormwater management improvements. Phase Two further extends this to Old Court Road. This will connect Old Court Road to Pikesville Middle School along with other pedestrian generators further down the road. Phase One was completed in 2024 while Phase Two is planned to be complete in 2026.

Phase 1 sidewalk along Seven Mile Lane

Phase 2: Midfield Road looking North along Seven Mile Lane

Lightfoot Drive Sidewalk Improvements 

More than 2,300 linear feet of new 4’ sidewalk will be installed on Lightfoot Drive between Old Court Road and Carla Road in order to improve walkability and access to synagogues and schools. The new sidewalk should be in place in 2026.

Looking South along Lightfoot Drive

Water and Sewer Projects

Baltimore County is maintaining and replacing water and sewer infrastructure in Pikesville to continue to provide excellent water and sewer service to residents

Reisterstown Road Water Main Replacement 

This project was initiated in order to replace aging cast iron water mains and to create redundancy. In total 8,500 feet of water mains and associated infrastructure in and around this section of Reisterstown Road will be replaced. Construction should be finished in 2024.

Reisterstown Road under construction

Pikesville Pumping Station No. 2 Discharge Water Main Construction 

There will be construction of new discharge water mains across I-695 from Pikesville Pumping Station No. 2. This project was initiated to create redundancy in the water system by providing a second transmission feed to the Pikesville area. Construction should be completed in 2026.

An example of a water main

Falls Road Water Main Replacement and Rehabilitation 

This project was initiated in order to replace and rehabilitate aging cast iron water mains. In total, 13,700 feet of water mains and associated infrastructure is being replaced in and around Falls Road and Brightfield Road. Construction should be finished in 2024.

Looking North along Falls Road

Lake Roland Sewer Rehabilitation

This project was initiated to rehabilitate more than 18,000 feet of sanitary sewer line around the Lake Roland region in order to address aging infrastructure. This includes both pipe and associated manholes. Construction is still in the design phase but is estimated to be completed in 2029.

Lake Roland Park's entrance sign

A manhole cover

Other Construction Projects

Baltimore County is extending a storm drain and rehabilitating a bridge in the Pikesville area, to continue to provide reliable infrastructure for Baltimore County residents. 

Oxeye Road and Moores Valley Drive Storm Drain Extension

This storm drain will be extended due to flooding from sediment buildup and to alleviate house flooding in the area. This project should be completed in 2025.

A storm drain inlet

Bridge No. B-0254 Old Court Road

The bridge over Gwynns Falls on Old Court Road will be rehabilitated. This project should be out of design phase and completed in 2028.

The Old Court Road Bridge over the Gwynns Falls

For more information please contact Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation at:



Pikesville DPWT Projects

Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation

Lee Court resurfaced

Smith Avenue curb extensions

An example of who uses a complete street

An example of a protected bike lane

An example of a non-protected bike lane

Reisterstown Road looking South along Sudbrook Lane

Old Post Drive looking South along Stevenson Road

Phase 1 sidewalk along Seven Mile Lane

Phase 2: Midfield Road looking North along Seven Mile Lane

Looking South along Lightfoot Drive

Reisterstown Road under construction

An example of a water main

Looking North along Falls Road

Lake Roland Park's entrance sign

A manhole cover

A storm drain inlet

The Old Court Road Bridge over the Gwynns Falls