USAID LEBANON --- Community Support Program

Quarterly Progress Report: January - March 2022


USAID's  Community Support Program  (CSP) is a seven-year project (2018-25) designed to provide a broad range of support to underserved and vulnerable communities in Lebanon. Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by  Chemonics International , CSP seeks to improve the delivery of essential services and enhance economic opportunities to improve lives and reduce tensions that contribute to conflict and violence, primarily in Lebanon’s North, South, and Beqaa Valley. 

As the country is facing an ongoing deterioration of the socio-economic context which is impacting Lebanese residents’ access to livelihoods and basic services, CSP is continuing to ramp up activity implementation across its four technical components:

1) Direct Community Support

2) Workforce Development

3) Wastewater Management

4) Technical Assistance and Capacity Building

FY2022, Second Quarter

CSP's field team in Majdel Anajar, Beqaa, installing solar systems to enhance water provision - February 2022

The first quarter of FY2022, spanning from January to March 2022, was characterized by continued exacerbation of the country’s multifaceted socio-economic crisis as residents face an ongoing degradation of living conditions and dwindling public services. The quarter was equally marked by difficult weather conditions experienced throughout the winter months (December – March).

Despite these challenges, CSP’s management and technical teams managed to advance its assistance to underserved communities across Lebanon. While this report focuses on CSP’s progress and achievements during the second quarter of FY2022, the following infographics illustrate cumulative results of CSP’s programming since its inception in August 2018.

458 On The Job Trainings Delivered:


Scroll through our interactive map of Community Support Activites to find out more about each one!

Under direct community support, CSP collaborates with local partners, including municipalities, civil society organizations, and other community-based groups, to implement activities which contribute to alleviating sources of rapidly escalating tensions amidst the current nationwide economic crisis and the reduced capacity of local authorities and actors to address communities’ immediate needs.

Short-term interventions include the repair and rehabilitation of light infrastructure and the provision of equipment such as water tanks, generators, and streetlighting. Longer-term interventions are geared toward improving quality of life and achieving sustainable community development, including solid waste management and improving income opportunities. The interactive map to the right provides a breakdown of all CSP community support projects across Lebanon, according to each sector of intervention.

During the second quarter of FY2022, a total of 52 of the 96 approved interventions were under implementation across communities in Lebanon’s North, South, and Beqaa regions. Despite ongoing operational challenges, including difficult weather conditions over the winter months which impacted infrastructure and construction activities, the team continued to demonstrate adaptability as it continued to make progress whenever possible;

Key achievements over this quarter included:

Recent Activity Highlights

CSP Provides Lebanese Communities with Renewable Solar Energy Solutions to Overcome Severe Electricity Shortages

USAID's CSP Solar Solutions to Counter the Collapse of Essential Services in Lebanon

Increasing power cuts in Lebanon have left much of the population grappling with life without electricity. During this reporting period, state-electricity cuts reached an all-time high, with some localities receiving just two to three hours of supply per day. Meanwhile, the significant rise in the cost of fuel has caused monthly subscription bills for local generators to dramatically increase, forcing many vulnerable households to entirely cut off the service.

CSP's solar& renewable energy interventions across Lebanon

With electricity shortages in Lebanon at a peak and diesel for backup generators in short supply, CSP has been designing and implementing a series of solar energy solutions - mainly for the provision of community electricity, water pumping, and streetlighting - across its areas of intervention. These activities are needed now more than ever given the country's worsening financial crisis, and the high likelihood that fuel prices will continue to soar. The graphic to the right illustrates the geographic reach of CSP's solar and renewable energy interventions.

Hybridizing Electricity Systems in Hasabaiya and Aalma ech Chaab

USAID/CSP ongoing works in Hasbaiya to supply and install on-grid solar farms

CSP is hybridizing the electricity systems in both towns by supplying and installing on-grid solar farms along with the necessary accessories, including mounting structures, electrical work and cabling, and convertors. Both remote southern localities have been overburdened with large electricity bills, forcing municipalities to rely on expensive municipal backup generators that are no longer sustainable. Despite the successive storms that hit the country during the quarter, covering both towns in snow and forcing site works to be put on hold for several days, CSP was still able to achieve significant progress by finalizing all preconstruction and excavation works and completing the foundation works for the steel structure where the solar panels will be installed. The latter were shipped from abroad and will be installed on site following the completion of the concrete works. By the end of this reporting period, CSP had completed around 28% progress on the total works and expects to complete both activities during the coming quarter.

These hybrid systems will not only provide clean and sustainable household energy to around 10,000 residents, but will also significantly decrease maintenance and fuel costs for municipalities, as well as residents.

Using Solar Solutions to Upgrade Water Pumping Systems

USAID/CSP ongoing works in Majdel Anjar to ensure continuous energy to water pumps through solar solutions

In the Beqaa, CSP kicked off two activities to install solar water pumping systems serving Majdel Aanjar and El Fekehe, two of the most vulnerable communities in the region. Both localities were experiencing severe water shortages due to a combination of the large presence of Syrian refugees, seasonal population increase, and prolonged state-electricity outages which are straining the Beqaa Water Establishment (BWE)’s ability to meet residents’ basic water needs. By the end of this quarter, CSP had initiated the groundwork on both activities, including site preparation and excavation works.

By securing a continuous energy source to operate the water pump, these activities will reduce communal tensions, while ensuring over 30,000 residents have regular access to water. CSP expects complete both activities during the upcoming quarter.

Installation of Solar-Powered LED Streetlights

USAID/CSP-provided solar-powered LED streetlights in Old Saida's main paths and entrances

Amidst Lebanon's multi-faceted socio-economic crisis, many streets and neighborhoods across the country remain unlit after sunset, and residents are left feeling unsafe on poorly lit roads and public spaces. The decreased sense of safety felt after dark is fueling inter-communal tensions in many villages, towns, and cities. Moreover, with the ongoing deterioration of economic conditions, municipalities lack the resources to rehabilitate and maintain the existing streetlighting system and resolve the issue.

In response, CSP has been working in areas with total electric blackouts, providing alternative energy solutions through installation of solar streetlighting systems. During the previous quarter, CSP completed the supply and installation of 48 solar-powered LED streetlights in Old Saida’s main paths and entrances. In parallel, two activities began in Kfar Jarra and Anane that will provide solar-powered streetlights to enhance the safety of more than 7,500 residents. CSP also finalized the tendering process for an activity in Qabb Elias (Beqaa) to install 280 all-in-one solar streetlights in strategic locations within the village.

Tailored Solar Solutions

Ainata el Arz farmers utilize CSP’s provided solar welding machine to repair irrigation pipes

In addition to providing solar energy solutions for community electricity and streetlighting, CSP has used solar power to support activities in other sectors. For instance, in Ainata el Arz (Beqaa), CSP delivered a solar-powered welding station to the village that continued to be used by around 750 residents and farmers, enabling them to maintain and repair irrigation lines ahead of the harvest season.

Meanwhile, in Ras Baalbek (Beqaa), CSP is expanding Cooperation Without Borders (CWB)’s current seedlings’ nursery operations with the installation of 1,867.5 m² of greenhouses and a germination room. The nursery will be equipped with the latest solar powered technologies through an off-grid solar system to enable a solar-powered controlled environment for the germination room to provide ideal growing conditions.

CSP also continued working to finalize the designs of an array of new similar activities to sustainably improve water provision in Deir el Ahmar, Bechwat, Khribet Rouha (Beqaa), El Meri (South), Mazraat et Teffah, Tikrit, El Borj, and Hasroun (North), while preparing to launch the groundwork in Es Sultan Yaacoub during the upcoming quarter. All in all, CSP’s portfolio of solar energy solutions is underway to counter the collapse of essential services in dozens of vulnerable Lebanese communities amidst the daily struggle to secure and sustain electricity supply in the country.

USAID-funded streetlights improve safety and security and reduce energy consumption at a much-needed time

CSP installs LED-type streetlights to enhance safety and security in Hawch Barada (Beqaa)

During the second quarter of FY2022, CSP successfully completed the assembly and installation of new LED streetlights in three vulnerable localities in the Beqaa Valley. This included installing 63 LED streetlights in Hawch Barada, 849 in El Marj, and 550 in El Qaraoun. These communities witnessed a significant influx of Syrian refugees throughout the years - 24,000 Syrian residents in El Marj, 7,000 in El Qaraoun, and 1,200 in Hawch Barada - thereby contributing to the municipalities’ difficulties in providing basic services to residents, including streetlighting. The latter has become a priority issue within these communities as it has been driving communal tensions over perceived lack of safety and security. For instance, in Hawch Barada, women were reportedly afraid to go out after sundown in the absence of lighting, and several incidents of opportunistic burglaries and thefts were reported on unlit streets and neighborhoods.

The existing streetlighting systems consisted of old high-pressure sodium (HPS)-type bulbs which were costly to operate and maintain, resulting in large expenses incurred by the municipalities on electricity bills and streetlight maintenance. In response, CSP replaced old nonfunctional streetlights with new LED-type bulbs at the entrances of targeted towns and at other strategic locations that would have the greatest impact for all residents. The shift to LED streetlights offers a sustainable and cost-efficient solution because they last longer and consume around 60% less energy than traditional lighting technologies. Additionally, LED streetlights are closer to natural light, which helps drivers and pedestrians better identify objects at night and improves traffic safety. Overall, these three completed interventions are reducing tensions between refugees and host communities by making the villages’ public areas safely accessible after dark to thousands of residents while significantly reducing municipal electricity bills by an estimated 70%.

CSP worked in other communities, replacing 176 of old existing light bulbs with LED-type bulbs in the southern locality of Rachaiya el Foukhar, 85 in northern Niha, and 39 in El Khiara in the Beqaa, and replacing 500 LED streetlights damaged by the Beirut Port blast as part of its emergency response.

CSP implements critical infrastructural activities to improve public safety during this harsh winter season

During the second quarter of the year, a prolonged winter season hit the country, covering its mountainous regions with thick layers of snow. As a result, residents in vulnerable rural areas struggled to secure sources of heating to fight the cold in the absence of state-run electricity and amidst the fuel crisis. The successive snowstorms and heavy winds have also compounded the existing weak infrastructure, affected road conditions, and caused flooding. In response, CSP has been intervening in various ways to fulfill basic safety and public service needs. Specifically, it constructed retaining walls in Markebta (North), Ghazze, and Nabi Ayla (Beqaa), as well as rainwater drainage systems in Kfar Hilda and Kfar Yachit (North) and provided snow ploughing equipment to the towns of Niha and Bqarsouna (North).

Retaining Walls

Ongoing works in Nabi Ayla to construct a retaining wall and side rails to enhance public safety (Beqaa)

Despite the challenging weather conditions during the quarter, by the end of March 2022, CSP achieved around 85% progress on the construction of a retaining wall and side rails in Nabi Ayla. The town, located in the Zahleh district, is home to around 3,200 Lebanese residents and 1,300 Syrian refugees. Despite an active municipality, the recent deteriorating nationwide economic conditions, the rapid devaluation of the national currency, and the significant presence of Syrian refugees, have all affected the municipality’s capacities to provide basic services, including improving public safety and accessibility to community members. Along the main entrance to the town which links the village to its surroundings, as well as farmers with their plains, the unsupported road was causing repetitive road accidents.

In response, CSP is constructing a retaining wall and side rails to address this important public security concern and limit the occurrence of public safety hazards. CSP expects to complete this activity in April 2022. Similarly, CSP had previously carried out an activity in Ghazze which rebuilt a 70-meter wall which was on the verge of collapse and levelled the sidewalk to ensure pedestrians’ safety, benefiting thousands of underserved and vulnerable residents. In another similar intervention in Markebta, CSP built a 70-meter long, three-meter-high retention wall to prevent soil erosions at the main entrance of the village.

Snow Removal Equipment

CSP-provided snow blowing equipment was directly put into use in Bqarsouna following the heavy snowstorms in January 2022

CSP had equipped the underserved mountainous town of Bqarsouna with snow removal equipment just in time for this year’s winter season. The town usually experiences heavy snow fall in wintertime, forcing road closures and disrupting local economic activities and service provision. The municipality previously would rent a skid-steer loader specially equipped for snow removal at a cost of LBP 300,00 per day. Currently, with the ongoing devaluation of the national currency and the consequent price inflation, the cost has almost doubled to around LBP 650,000 per day. This has become a serious burden on the municipality given that it is crucial to ensure that residents can commute safely.

In response, CSP assisted the community by equipping the municipality’s skid-steer loader with a snow blower attachment and a salt spreader, that were delivered by mid-December 2021. During the successive storms in January 2022, the CSP-provided equipment was utilized to mitigate heavy snow disruptions. This activity, worth around $20,000 in USAID funding, enhanced the safety of 6,000 residents and minimized road accidents in the area. To note, during the reporting period, the municipality’s skid-steer loader broke down, and they managed to secure a replacement to be able the use of USAID-provided equipment given their impact on the community.

In Niha (North), CSP also verified the continued use of the previously provided skid steer snow blower, which continued to effectively help this community overcome the harsh weather and clear up any roadblocks from snow.

Rainwater Collection Systems

Progress on the construction of a rainwater drainage system in Kfar Yachit

Finally, CSP continued implementing its activity in Kfar Yachit aiming to install a new rainwater collection system. Every winter, Kfar Yachit residents suffer from heavy rainfall resulting in floods throughout the village due to the absence of water channels and leading to severe household and harvest damage. CSP had equally constructed a rainwater drainage system in Kfar Hilda (North) which continues to ensure a proper water flow in the town’s channels.

All in all, CSP’s various infrastructural interventions remain critical amidst the current country context to enhance public safety and ease communal tensions over limited access to services in underserved and vulnerable communities.


CSP’s workforce development (WFD) component is a pilot initiative implemented from 2019-2023, that aims to improve employment outcomes for Lebanese residents by supporting and enhancing access to quality Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET), as well as by building connections to practical training opportunities and jobs within the private sector.

WFD's main objective is to improve the skills for at least 1,000 unemployed or underemployed Lebanese citizens from vulnerable communities. To this end, it is providing 770 Jobs Education and Training (JET) scholarships to individuals seeking a technical and vocational education and 710 internship opportunities to job seekers.

In parallel, WFD is working with private TVET partners to improve their curricula, educational training, and job placement infrastructure and services for three promising sectors for growth and employment in Lebanon:

  • Home-based health care (HHC)
  • Repair and maintenance of industrial machinery (R&M)
  • Information technology (IT)

Notable Achievements During the Second Quarter of FY2022

Awarding 383 Technical and 118 Vocational Scholarships

During this period, WFD received USAID’s approval to proceed with 11 technical scholarship grants that were designed and negotiated during the previous quarter. Accordingly, a total of 383 technical scholarships were officially awarded to students at 11 partner TVETs. The technical scholarships awarded for academic year 2021-2022 exceeded the target, set at 240, by over 60%.

To kick off each course, WFD conducted orientation sessions at the 11 partner TVETs to inform scholarship recipients about the JET scholarship program and to distribute computer tablets as study aids to each scholarship recipient. Equally during this quarter, WFD launched six vocational training courses for which it awarded a total of 118 vocational scholarships.

CSP's Jobs, Education and Training (JET) Scholarship program covers full tuition, medical insurance, and provides technical and vocational students with a monthly living stipend to support them through their studies. CSP also provides each scholarship recipient with a computer tablet to facilitate their e-learning.

Improving Job Placement and Employment for 27 Scholarship Graduates

Based on data collected from employment surveys filled by scholarship recipients prior and following the completion of their vocational or technical courses, 27 individuals reported having improved employment this quarter. The number of individuals with improved employment is expected to rise in the coming months, as a greater number of students will have completed their scholarship requirements and internship placements.

Launching Public Perception Media Campaign

During this reporting period, WFD launched a three-month media campaign targeting the Lebanese public that aims to raise public awareness on the benefits of TVET education for improved livelihoods, especially amidst the current economic crisis. The campaign also aims to inform the public on the improvements in the TVET sector, as well as motivate students to consider TVET education for promising careers and income-generating opportunities.

The campaign launch included the dissemination of a press release and an intensive social media campaign. During the reporting period CSP produced six short promotional videos for broadcast on national television channels and conducted interviews on morning shows on four local channels (Al Jadeed, Tele Liban, Maryam TV, and MTV Lebanon). 

Conducting a Renewable Energy Assessment and Validation Study

In collaboration with USAID’s Economic Growth Office, CSP’s WFD is conducting a detailed assessment of the demand and supply of skilled labor related to the construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of solar systems, an area particularly relevant given the ongoing energy crisis and widespread electricity shortages. In this regard, PFC consultancy firm was selected to conduct the assessment and validation study on the renewable energy sector in Lebanon and initiated the assessment during this period.

Establishing New Private Sector Partners

This quarter, WFD succeeded in signing MOUs with two new private sector businesses - St. Antoine Healthcare Center and French Hospital of the Levant - bringing the total number of CSP’s private sector partners to 50. Each MOU represents an accord between CSP and the private sector partner whereby CSP offers human resource (HR) technical support in exchange for their commitment to providing internships for JET scholarship recipients.

Completing HR Support to Private Sector

By the end of March 2022, WFD had completed its HR technical assistance and support to five business partners: Haykal Hospital, Al Arz Hospital, Home Care Lebanon, Bhannes Medical Center, and Saifan Oil Industry.

All five businesses reported having improved HR management practices and procedures as a result of the support provided.


Under its wastewater management component, CSP is collaborating with the Ministry of Energy and Water, regional water establishments, the Litani River Authority, municipalities, and local communities to design and implement interventions that mitigate pollution resulting from the discharge of untreated domestic and industrial wastewater. CSP is focusing primarily on the construction or rehabilitation of wastewater facilities to ensure that they have the appropriate technology to manage domestic wastewater output.

Despite the difficult operating context, CSP was able to push its program forward this period by starting construction on two of its wastewater infrastructure interventions in Aitanit and Nmairiye, while simultaneously obtaining the approval for the final design of its intervention in Bchaale. Currently, four interventions are undergoing the bidding process.

This quarter, only one industry was able to meet the incentive rebate conditions under the Industrial Wastewater Treatment grant, which provides 50% rebate of up to $15,000 per industry. CSP is therefore in the process of amending the grant conditions to increase the incentive rebate to 80% up to $45,000. The increased incentive rebate would allow four industries to participate in the program once the grant amendment is finalized in April 2022.

Additionally, during this quarter, CSP began a wastewater stewardship campaign on World Water Day in March with a local supermarket chain to promote wastewater awareness through their corporate social responsibility activities.

Wastewater Infrastructure

Having previously completed the design of all but one of the originally selected interventions, CSP finalized the design and construction specifications of the last remaining intervention, Bchaale Wastewater Treatment Plant & Collection System.

The construction contracts for two projects, ‘Aaitanit Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Sludge Management Upgrade’ and Nmairiye ‘Wastewater Pumping Station Rehabilitation and Access Road’, were signed respectively with Parallel Contracting and Yamen Establishment early during this quarter. The bidding process for the remaining three projects is ongoing and is expected to be finalized during the upcoming quarter.

The following slide show provides further information about each activity as well as the progress in their implementation:

Aaitanit Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Sludge Management Upgrade

Aaitanit Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Sludge Management Upgrade. Click to expand.

In collaboration with the Beqaa Water Establishment and Al Buhaira Municipal Union, CSP is rehabilitating the  Aaitanit  wastewater treatment plant and upgrading its  sludge  management process.

Rehabilitation of En Nmairiye Pumping Station and Access Road

Rehabilitation of En Nmairiye Pumping Station and Access Road. Click to expand.

In partnership with the South Lebanon Water Establishment, CSP is rehabilitating a pumping station to manage wastewater in Deir Ez Zahrani, Habbouch, and Kfar Roummane in a treatment plant in nearby El Charqiye.

Borj Rahhal Pumping Station and Forcemain, and Lower Litani trunk Sewer

Borj Rahhal Pumping Station and Forcemain, and Lower Litani trunk Sewer. Click to expand.

In partnership with the South Lebanon Water Establishment, CSP is planning to construct a wastewater pumping station in Borj Rahhal. This intervention will serve 11 communities along the Litani River, improve sanitation for 56,000 beneficiaries and protect the river’s water and the villages’ soil and groundwater from pollution.

Iaat Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Expansion

Iaat Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Expansion. Click to expand.

The Ministry of Energy and Water recently implemented a new extension to the wastewater network in Baalbek area, which resulted in exceeding the current design flow capacity of the wastewater treatment plant. Initially, CSP was planning on rehabilitating this plant at its current capacity. However, the additional flow would result in inadequate treatment of the influent and would not meet the Environmental Limit Values (ELVs).

Bchaale Wastewater System

Bchaale Wastewater System. Click to expand.

After completing the installation of 80% of the collection system, the Ministry of Energy and Water was forced to cease this project due to the worsening economic crisis. Considering the project's high priority, CSP is proposing to complete the remaining 20% of the collection system, as well as designing and constructing its wastewater treatment plant.

Aaitanit Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Sludge Management Upgrade

In collaboration with the Beqaa Water Establishment and Al Buhaira Municipal Union, CSP is rehabilitating the   Aaitanit   wastewater treatment plant and upgrading its   sludge   management process.

This activity will benefit 27,000 residents, and support the villages of Aaitanit, Baaloul, El Qaraoun, and Machghara.

Implementation Updates

CSP’s selected contractor, Parallel Contracting, delivered all documentation required prior to the start of site mobilization, including the performance bond, insurance, an amended construction schedule, as well as material submittals and shop drawings. While procedural documents were reviewed and cleared by CSP, the amended schedule was approved by CSP’s quality control subcontractor, ELARD, that is also currently reviewing all technical documents. During the quarter, mobilization was completed, and implementation activities were launched as per the planned schedule.

Rehabilitation of En Nmairiye Pumping Station and Access Road

In partnership with the South Lebanon Water Establishment, CSP is rehabilitating a pumping station to manage wastewater in Deir Ez Zahrani, Habbouch, and Kfar Roummane in a treatment plant in nearby El Charqiye.

The intervention also includes building a 340-meter access road to facilitate maintenance and operation. The station will benefit 50,000 residents.

Implementation Updates

CSP’s selected subcontractor, Yamen Establishment, also delivered all needed documentation prior to the start of mobilization, including the performance bond, insurance, and amended schedule. The subcontractor’s amended schedule was reviewed and approved by CSP’s quality control subcontractor BTD. Yamen Establishment continued to submit material submittals and shop drawings as planned during the quarter, which are also being reviewed by BTD for approval. During the quarter, mobilization was completed, and implementation activities were launched as per the planned schedule.

Borj Rahhal Pumping Station and Forcemain, and Lower Litani trunk Sewer

In partnership with the South Lebanon Water Establishment, CSP is planning to construct a wastewater pumping station in Borj Rahhal. This intervention will serve 11 communities along the  Litani River , improve sanitation for 56,000 beneficiaries and protect the river’s water and the villages’ soil and groundwater from  pollution .

Implementation Updates

During this quarter, CSP reviewed the technical evaluation of the construction bids received for the intervention in Borj Rahhal and Lower Litani following the submission deadline which was set at March 10, 2022.

Iaat Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and Expansion

The Ministry of Energy and Water recently implemented a new extension to the wastewater network in Baalbek area, which resulted in exceeding the current design flow capacity of the wastewater treatment plant. Initially, CSP was planning on rehabilitating this plant at its current capacity. However, the additional flow would result in inadequate treatment of the influent and would not meet the Environmental Limit Values (ELVs).

CSP is therefore proposing to add an expansion component to its original rehabilitation scope to increase the capacity of the treatment plant by 50%, thereby allowing it to treat the flow from the Baalbeck area through 2032.

Overall, this activity will benefit more than 200,000 residents from 13 surrounding villages – Baalbek, Ain Bourdai, Jamaliye, Aamichki, Douris, Hawch Tall Safiye, Iaat, El Ansar, Majdaloun, Chlifa, Btedaai, Deir el Ahmar, El Kneisse.

Implementation Updates

The bid submission deadline for CSP’s intervention in Iaat was set for March 21 and CSP had received two bids by the end of the quarter.

Bchaale Wastewater System

After completing the installation of 80% of the collection system, the Ministry of Energy and Water was forced to cease this project due to the worsening economic crisis. Considering the project's high priority, CSP is proposing to complete the remaining 20% of the collection system, as well as designing and constructing its wastewater treatment plant.

After completing the installation of 80% of the collection system, the Ministry of Energy and Water was forced to cease this project due to the worsening economic crisis. Considering the project's high priority, CSP decided to complete the remaining 20% of the collection system, as well as designing and constructing its wastewater treatment plant. This activity will reduce the pollution for around 2,400 residents in the village of Bchaale.

Implementation Updates

CSP promoted its request for proposals on its social media platforms for the intervention in Bchaale on March 3, 2022, and set submission deadline on April 11 of the upcoming quarter.

Wastewater Investment

Have a look at this short video on CSP's “Industrial Wastewater Treatment” project

The Industrial Wastewater Treatment Project

Through a grant awarded to the Association of Lebanese Industrialists (ALI), USAID’s CSP aims to support Lebanese industries willing to invest in proper onsite industrial wastewater treatment. Within this intervention, CSP is implementing a rebate program to partially reimburse partner industries for the costs incurred in mitigating their industrial wastewater pollution.

By the end of January 2022 and following receipt of approval for all seven submitted baseline reports, the industries presented their quotations from their selected wastewater treatment equipment suppliers. Accordingly, ALI environmental consultant, ECODIT Liban, reviewed all quotations and found them to be in line with the recommended wastewater treatment processes. Subsequently, each industry submitted its financial commitment to IWT.

In February of this quarter CSP evaluated the financial commitments received from the participating industries and concluded that only one eligible industry was able to meet the conditions of the original grant incentive rebate program. Therefore, CSP proposed raising the IWT rebate from the current 50% up to $15,000 to a proposed 80% up to $45,000 per industry to offset the impact of the worsening economic crisis. Consequently, four committed industries - Cartas, Saifan, Al Gazelle, and Kamel Badawi Bsat Factories - revised their financial commitments to meet the increased incentive.

Wastewater Stewardship

Branded entrance sliding door at Tawfeer Discount Supermarket - Zoqaq El Blat branch - Beirut, March 2022

During this quarter, CSP developed a wastewater stewardship concept for collaboration with national supermarket chain ‘Tawfeer Discount Store (TDS)’, which confirmed the adoption of wastewater stewardship under its corporate social responsibility umbrella.

In its efforts to engage private sector entities and local communities in educating and involving citizens to enhance the Regional Water Establishment’s’ abilities to manage wastewater in their areas of operation, CSP, in partnership with TDS, launched a wastewater management awareness campaign. The campaign includes heavy social media messaging and giveaway competitions, as well as in-person wastewater related activities for children and displays of awareness-raising posters and banners across the supermarket’s 22 branches in Lebanon. The campaign will be ongoing throughout April of the upcoming quarter.


Learn more about our capacity building activies with this interactive map!

CSP’s technical assistance and capacity building component complements the program’s community support, workforce development, and wastewater management activities by ensuring that recipients of assistance possess the know-how, skills, and tools to maximize the impact and sustainability of USAID investments. Technical assistance interventions are mostly implemented through CSP’s specialized service providers and short-term technical experts.

Throughout the second quarter of FY2022, CSP’s TO 3 continued to focus its efforts on designing and implementing technical assistance interventions to municipalities, civil society organizations (CSOs), and community-based organizations (CBOs) across Lebanon. This assistance gives CSP partners the opportunity to improve organizational development, financial management, social media management, and the operation and maintenance of donated equipment.  

Key Achievements Over The Quarter

Design of Technical Assistance Interventions

During this quarter, CSP designed seven new technical assistance assessment reports (TAARs) which aim to increase the sustainability of USAID assistance across CSP’s focus regions, namely targeting municipalities, cooperatives, water establishments, TVETs, and other CSP local partners.

These included providing technical assistance to the municipality of Qabb Elias to ensure maintenance of USAID provided solar streetlights, building municipal capacities in Khirbet Rouha, Hasroun and Jurd El Quaitea to sustain USAID provided equipment including fire prevention essentials, building the capacity of El Meri municipality to maintain the hybrid photovoltaic system installed by CSP and enhance its associated bookkeeping system, as well as assisting the Jinsnaya Youth Club and the municipality of Ras Baalbek on conducting water conservation awareness campaigns.

In addition to designing the above-mentioned TAARs, CSP designed another two TAARs to support the Batroun municipality maintain a water pumping station previously installed by CSP and to provide institutional capacity building to the St. Elie Technical Institute, one of CSP’s TVET partners.

Summary of Implementation of Technical Assistance

By the end of the quarter, CSP concluded five technical assistance interventions, bringing the total of completed interventions to 26.

Overall, 35 technical assistance interventions were still under implementation, and 23 are yet to be implemented.

The completed interventions this quarter included:

  • Building the capactity of El Qraiyeh Municipality (South) to to manage a USAID-supported marketplace and empowering women through food processing trainings;
  • Supporting Berqayel Municipality (Akkar) to enahnce their solid waste management;
  • Building staff capacities in Qabaait Public Mixed School on fire response and emergency evacuation;
  • Enhancing the capacity of Fissane Agricultural Cooperative to sustain the equipment provided by CSP and ensure safety compliance;
  • Supporting CSP's partner Regional Water Establishments (RWEs) to install USAID's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

On-The-Job Trainings

During this quarter, CSP conducted 46 on-the-job trainings (OJTs) that built the capacities of trainees in multiple areas, including equipment maintenance and operation, environmental compliance, water conservation, marketing, and waste management.

By the end of the period, CSP had provided a total of 458 OJTs in 19 different areas, as illustrated in the graphic below:

Generators Management Community of Practice

In response to the deepening socio-economic crisis in Lebanon coupled with the international spike in fuel prices, CSP is supporting underserved communities by providing generators to municipalities along with technical assistance to facilitate their operations, maintenance and financial sustainability.

In this regard, CSP launched its 'Generators Management Community of Practice', enabling 30 municipalities benefitting from USAID’s assistance to establish a platform to share lessons learned, best practices, and technical expertise.

On March 3, 2022, 27 representatives from 15 municipalities attended CSP’s social media generator management training which focused on the efficient and effective use of social media platforms to enhance transparency of generators’ operations by regularly updating residents on generator finances, monthly invoices, donations, and electricity rationing. A similar training took place on March 8, 2022, for the remaining 15 municipalities.

Technical Assistance Enables Ain Ebel Municipality to Attract Additional Funds and Enhance Service Delivery

To ensure the proper management of the newly established hiking trail in Ein Ebel (South), and to boost economic opportunities within the village, CSP conducted capacity building exercises with Ain Ebel Municipality and AWFA (Association of Workers for Ain Ebel) in several areas. CSP selected the Lebanese Mountain Trail Association (LMTA) to provide the community with trainings, guidelines and tip sheets on topics such as tourism value chain, product development and promotion, trail maintenance and management, guest house management, and best practices for local guides.

LMTA built on the initial USAID investment as well as on the commitment from local stakeholders and opted to provide a $20,00 in-kind grant to the municipality which aimed to upgrade and upscale the hiking trail.

This grant falls under the "Employment Intensive Infrastructure Program" (EIIP) in Lebanon, which is being implemented by LMTA in partnership with ILO and funded by the German Government through the German Development Bank (KFW). The project aims to support the trail’s maintenance and further upgrades by providing short-term employment to local residents.

Collaborative Partnership with the University Scholarship Program

In collaboration with the Lebanese American University (LAU) and the American University of Beirut (AUB), TO 3 continued managing the internship and mentorship programs provided for scholarship recipients benefiting from the USAID-funded University Scholarship Program (USP). In this regard, 14 new USP interns from AUB and LAU were admitted to CSP’s internship program during this quarter, while another six concluded their internships.

By the end of the reporting quarter, 19 interns were still active within CSP’s different departments and task orders. Overall, and by the end of March 2022, 39 interns had completed their internships with CSP.

CSP Internship Completion Ceremony

On February 22, 2022, CSP celebrated the completion of the internships of 24 USP students from AUB and LAU. The ceremony was held in presence of the U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission, Richard Michaels, USAID Mission Director, Mary Eileen Devitt, USAID Local Development Office Director, Claude Zullo, representatives from AUB and LAU, and included the virtual participation of municipality representatives and students’ families.

During the event, students shared the impact of the program on their career path and skills they had acquired through a video and discussion session with DCM Michaels and USAID representatives.

Meet some of USAID's CSP/USP Interns!


CSP's field team in Majdel Anajar, Beqaa, installing solar systems to enhance water provision - February 2022

CSP's solar& renewable energy interventions across Lebanon

USAID/CSP ongoing works in Hasbaiya to supply and install on-grid solar farms

USAID/CSP ongoing works in Majdel Anjar to ensure continuous energy to water pumps through solar solutions

USAID/CSP-provided solar-powered LED streetlights in Old Saida's main paths and entrances

Ainata el Arz farmers utilize CSP’s provided solar welding machine to repair irrigation pipes

CSP installs LED-type streetlights to enhance safety and security in Hawch Barada (Beqaa)

Ongoing works in Nabi Ayla to construct a retaining wall and side rails to enhance public safety (Beqaa)

CSP-provided snow blowing equipment was directly put into use in Bqarsouna following the heavy snowstorms in January 2022

Progress on the construction of a rainwater drainage system in Kfar Yachit

Branded entrance sliding door at Tawfeer Discount Supermarket - Zoqaq El Blat branch - Beirut, March 2022