Medical Facilities in Los Angeles

Lance Crawford GEOG 3315 Spring 2024

Poster Topic

The topic of my poster is research of medical facilities and population density in Los Angeles, California.

Poster Purpose

The purpose of my poster is to determine if a new medical facility needs to be built in Los Angeles. My goal for this poster was to either determine that Los Angeles does not need to build a new medical facility or to determine where a new one should be built.

Community Engagement

My poster is directily relevant to anyone living in the Los Angeles area. I was able to visualize areas of the city that are underdeveloped medically and propose a solution for the problem at hand. My poster could also engage many other communities by persuading others to look into their own areas and see what medial changes should be made in their communities.


My main audience is anyone living in the Los Angeles area. Quick and easy access to a medical facility is something that everyone should have. My poster helps people in the Los Angeles area see if their area of the city does not have a nearby medical facility. My audience could also be anyone living in a metropolitan area. My poster also raises awareness for the topic of medical area coverage and can inspire others to seek change in their respective areas.

Data Sources

Internal Services Department Enterprise GIS Section 2022 “Hospitals and Medical Centers”  (Feature) (CSV) (Point)      

Durga Niraula, County of Los Angeles 2020, “Population Per Square Mile”  Population Per Square Mile | Population Per Square Mile | County Of Los Angeles Enterprise GIS (  (Feature) (Shapefile) (Polygon) Extent: City of Los Angeles

 Google Earth Imaging


The first challenge I faced was determining how far a person should live from a medical facility in Los Angeles. I was able to find professional research done on traffic patterns in the city, as well as professional medical opinions. Through my research, I was able to determine that a person should live within 3 miles of a medical facility in the city of Los Angeles. The other main challenge I faced was determining a suitable location for a new medical facility. I highlighted areas of interest on my map and searched for a new location for a medical facility using Google Earth. After lots of searching, I was eventually able to find a vacant lot in one of the medically underserviced areas of Los Angeles.

Map 1

Map 2

Vacant Lot for new Medical Facility

Map 1

Map 2

Vacant Lot for new Medical Facility