Semester in Review Spring 2025

Interns welcome to the Semester in Review! This event celebrates student initiatives at UGA that advance sustainability on campus and in the community. The event includes speakers, poster / art displays, a light lunch, and opportunities to connect with others. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your work and accomplishments to the broader community, and to also get ideas and make connections that further future sustainability successes. Please use this site to prepare and orient your project outputs in ways that can have a lasting impact.
Posters and Presentations
As you complete your posters and presentations, we will make them available to our broader UGA community via the OoS Semester in Review Website Page . Sharing the outcomes of your internships insures that there is continuity and strong institutional knowledge to inform and inspire members of the community to continue the work in your program and project areas.
To capture your projects we are using a new archiving and indexing system using a Google Folder and Spreadsheet described below. This archiving system will allow all of us to quickly peruse the entire output of our Current and Past Internship Projects in a glance. Thanks in advance for your contributions!
Instructions for Sharing Posters
To share your poster and presentations we have a simple 3 steps Process
Step 1 - Save your Poster as a PDF and a JPG.
Save in both formats using the naming conventions below:
"Last Name, First Name_SP2025_SIR_Internship Title".pdf "Last Name, First Name_SP2025_SIR_Internship Title".jpg
Example Parmet, Jeffrey_SP2025_SIR_ACC Energy and Transportation.pdf
Step 2 - Upload both the PDF and JPG
PDFs and JPGs can be uploaded to the following Link to Archive Google Folder . This folder can also be found in our shared Google Drive under Internship Resources > Deliverables > 05_Semester in Review Posters and Presentations.
Step 3 - Add your title and a link to the PDF in the below SPREADSHEET
titled SIR Projects ARCHIVE . Make sure you select "anyone with this link can view." This allows all projects to be able to be accessed from one location with one simple click. If you have additional useful links (such as reports you have written, data collected, please include them in column 4 of the spreadsheet. This spreadsheet also has tabs at the bottom where you can explore the archive of previous SIR presentations.
Posters / Presentations and Additional Project Outputs
Examples from Fall 2022 Posters
Peruse our Poster Presentations. Use arrows to advance.
To see high resolution versions of any of the above Posters click on links to the original PDFs in the Spreadsheet above.
To see high resolution versions of any of the above Posters click on links to the original PDFs in the Spreadsheet above.
Examples from Spring 2023 Presentations
Peruse each of our presentations from Semester in Review in the Slideshow below.
2023 Spring Semester in Review - Presentation
More Archives of Posters and Presentations
Click on an image to see it in a larger scale.
Example Semester in Review Agenda (SP25 Agenda Pending)
To prepare for the Semester in Review take a look at our agenda for the day
The event will be held in the UGA Special Collections Library (300 Hull Street Athens, GA 30605).
Parking is available in the UGA Hull Street Parking Deck and Tate Center Parking Deck.
Highlights from Past Semesters in Review
We will take pictures of the day to post here after the event. Take a look at these great moments from past semesters in review. Pictured below is from 2017.
Semester in Review - Spring 2022
Semester in Review 2019
Semester in Review 2017