Memorial Benches at Lincoln Memorial Garden
Lincoln Memorial Garden is a non-profit organization located in Springfield, Illinois. The Garden strives to honor the memory of Abraham Lincoln through recreation of the native landscape he would have known, and to serve as a place to find inspiration in the changing seasons, learn stewardship of the environment and explore the relationship among plants, wildlife, water and sunlight in an atmosphere of peace and beauty.
Lincoln Memorial Garden offers memorial benches and memorial trees to purchase in memory of a loved one. A loved one's legacy will live on through a bench or tree that is installed in a desired location of your choice for all to see, take notice, and remember.
Examples of Current Memorial Benches
Each bench in Lincoln Memorial Garden is made of high-quality wood from species that are naturally rot-resistant which allow the benches to withstand the test of time. Additionally, each bench is engraved with a quote from Abraham Lincoln, or another favored author, and the name for who the bench is dedicated to.
One of the four memorial benches located in the Cawley Meadow is dedicated to Joyce Liberman. This bench provides a shaded seat with a view of the spacious, grassy meadow while the kids explore the nearby Fairy Woodlands and Troll Trail.

Memorial bench located in the Cawley Meadow.
Visitors can find this memorial bench, dedicated to Robert F. Cramer, along the Lake Trail. This location offers a shaded place to sit and enjoy the sounds and sights of Lake Springfield.
Memorial bench in the Garden.
Memorial Bench Locations
As of August 2021, there are 73 memorial benches located throughout Lincoln Memorial Garden, the Ostermeier Prairie Center, and Cawley Meadow. The interactive map below illustrates the locations of all memorial benches in the Garden.
Feel free to interact with the map by zooming in/out, clicking on individual points, or using the info summary tool to access a current list of memorial benches.
Map of current memorial benches at Lincoln Memorial Garden.
How to Order a New Memorial Bench
Are you interested in having a memorial bench at Lincoln Memorial Garden?
Here's how to order:
- Use the Potential Bench Locations Map (below) to review locations that are available for new benches. Be sure to make note of the locations that appeal to you.
2. Pick a quote by Abraham Lincoln or another favorite author!
3. Call Lincoln Memorial Garden at (217) 529-1111 or Email your request to the Executive Director, Joel Horwedel, at joel@lincolnmemorialgarden.org.
Map of potential locations for new memorial benches at Lincoln Memorial Garden.