Haji Abbas Mosque

Location: Shusha city, Shusha

Condition Assessment

Status: Unchanged

Located in the city of Shusha, the Haji Abbas Mosque (and adjacent caravansarai complex) is listed on the Republic of Azerbaijan's registry of heritage sites (inventory No 5073) as an architectural monument dating to the 18 th  century. 1 

Comparison of Hexagon satellite imagery dated July 1980 2  and satellite imagery captured in September 2002 3  shows that during this period, the Soviet-era roofing was removed but the traditional domed roof remained undisturbed.

Drag the swipe tool right to see the mosque in July 1980; 2  drag left to see the mosque in September 2002. 3 

At some point between February 2004 and July 2013, the mosque and the adjacent caravansarai complex (which functioned as a market in the Soviet years) were renovated and remained in good condition. A  video  post-dating the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War also attests that the mosque structure remains well-preserved.

Drag the swipe tool right to see the mosque in July 2013; 4  drag left to see the mosque in September 2020. 5 


CHW geolocated the mosque using the address provided in the official list (1 Vazirov Street), as well as old and modern photographs of the building ( a ,  b ,  c ).


 2  KH-9 Hexagon, D3C1216-100138A003, July 3, 1980.

 3  Google Earth/Maxar Technologies, September 27, 2002.

 4  Google Earth/Maxar Technologies, July 18, 2013.

 5  Google Earth/Maxar Technologies, September 13, 2020.



Drag the swipe tool right to see the mosque in July 1980; 2  drag left to see the mosque in September 2002. 3 

Drag the swipe tool right to see the mosque in July 2013; 4  drag left to see the mosque in September 2020. 5