2023 Ballot Proposition No. A, Anchorage Parks & Recreation

A winter view of the Fairview Community Recreation Center

2023 Ballot Proposition No. A, Anchorage Parks & Recreation - $3,950,000

For the purpose of renovating and rehabilitating trails and parks, and making improvements at various parks and recreational facilities in the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area, as provided in AO 2023‑2(S), As Amended, shall Anchorage borrow money and issue up to $3,950,000 in principal amount of general obligation bonds and increase the municipal tax cap by an annual amount not to exceed $195,000 to pay for associated annual operations and maintenance costs?

Voter approval of this bond proposition authorizes for each $100,000 of assessed taxable property value (based on the estimated 2023 assessed valuation in the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area):  (i) an annual increase in taxes of approximately $0.96 to retire the proposed bonds, and (ii) an annual increase in the municipal tax cap (Charter 14.03(b)(2)) of approximately $0.62 to pay for annual operation and maintenance costs related to the proposed capital improvements. 

The debt shall be paid from real and personal property taxes levied and collected within the Anchorage Parks and Recreation Service Area, without cost to properties in Chugiak, Eagle River, Girdwood, and other areas outside the Service Area.  The Municipality will also pledge its full faith and credit for payment of the bonds. (AO 2023-2(S), As Amended) 

Athletic Field Safety Improvements - $200,000

Campbell Creek Trail Rehabilitation and Wayfinding - $300,000

Chester Creek Complex Facility Safety, Security, and ADA Upgrades - $100,000

Midtown Park Family Chalet - $300,000

Fairview Recreation Center Improvements - $500,000

Far North Bicentennial Park Bridge Replacements - $150,000

Fish Creek Trail to the Ocean - $150,000

Mulcahy Stadium Improvements - $350,000

Playground Development - All-Inclusive - $300,000

Peratrovich Park Upgrades - $700,000

Russian Jack Springs Park Safety and ADA Improvements - $300,000

Ship Creek Trail - $250,000

Spenard Recreation Center Improvements - $200,000

Tony Knowles Coastal Trail to Ship Creek Trail Connection - $150,000

Athletic Field Safety Improvements - $200,000

Areawide upgrades of athletic fields for improved safety and maintenance.

Campbell Creek Trail Rehabilitation and Wayfinding - $300,000

Continue the trail resurfacing, bridge replacement and implementation of new wayfinding signage for this popular multi-use trail.

Chester Creek Complex Facility Safety, Security, and ADA Upgrades - $100,000

Improvements will address health and safety codes, electrical upgrades, fencing replacement, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access improvements

Midtown Park Family Chalet - $300,000

Development of a warming chalet at the Cuddy Family Midtown Park Skating Oval.

Fairview Recreation Center Improvements - $500,000

Implementation of community-identified facility upgrades as identified through the 2023 Fairview Recreation Center Strategic Plan.

Far North Bicentennial Park Bridge Replacements - $150,000

Local match for federally funded trail upgrades and bridge replacement consistent with priorities identified in the 2011 Far North Bicentennial Park Trails Improvement Plan.

Fish Creek Trail to the Ocean - $150,000

Planning, design, and construction of a major multi-use trail connection between the Fish Creek Trail and the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail. Multi-year Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) project with funding to be used as 9.03% local match.

Mulcahy Stadium Improvements - $350,000

General upgrades to Mulcahy Stadium including an addition and upgrades to the Glacier Pilots Clubhouse.

Playground Development - All-Inclusive - $300,000

Renovation of neighborhood and community use park playgrounds with an inclusive approach to eliminate access barriers for children and families.

Peratrovich Park Upgrades - $700,000

Pedestrian plaza and landscape upgrades to improve safety and support programming in this historic downtown park.

Russian Jack Springs Park Safety and ADA Improvements - $300,000

Implementation of master plan priorities including safety improvements, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access improvements, facility upgrades, trail rehabilitation and new wayfinding signage.

Ship Creek Trail - $250,000

Trail corridor upgrades and streambank restoration to protect the Ship Creek Trail and support fish habitat.

Spenard Recreation Center Improvements - $200,000

Implementation of community-identified facility upgrades as outlined in the Spenard Recreation Center facility planning process.

Tony Knowles Coastal Trail to Ship Creek Trail Connection - $150,000

The project will include planning, design, and construction of a major multi-use trail connection between the Ship Creek Trail and the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail. Multi-year Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) project with funding to be used as 9.03% local match.