I-35 and County Road 9 Interchange Study

Image of the County Road 9 bridge over interstate 35

Project Overview

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Aerial map of interchange study location

Rice County, in partnership with the City of Faribault, is conducting an interchange study at I-35 and County Road 9, located just north of Faribault. This study will analyze traffic, land use, and other data to develop interchange concepts that promote regional connectivity and support industrial development in the area. This study is the first step in the interchange design process, establishing a foundation for future projects to build from.

Constructing an interchange at this location has been identified as a top priority in both the Rice County 2005 Transportation Plan and the Rice County I-35 Corridor Access Planning Study (2006). This project aims to improve vehicle mobility and system connectivity for residents and freight haulers in the Faribault area and central Rice County to accommodate planned regional growth.

Project updates

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Project Schedule

Data Analysis: Mid-2021 - Dec 2022

During this first phase of the study, the project team gathers and analyzes traffic and land use data. This data is used to develop the project's purpose, need and objectives.

Design Concept Development: Jan - May 2023

The project team begins developing design concepts for the interchange in this next phase. A public open house was held in March 2023 to introduce the project to the public and gather insights into the public's priorities for the area.

Preliminary Design: June - Oct 2023

During this phase, the project team uses the feedback gathered from the previous open house to narrow down and refine the design concepts for the project.

Study Completion: Nov 2023 - March 2024

The refined design options were shared at a public open house in March 2024. Following the second open house, the project team compiles all study findings and documentations into a Feasibility Report. This report also contains an implementation plan for future phases of project development.

Public Engagement

Public involvement is key to designing infrastructure that benefits and is accepted by all roadway users. Throughout the duration of the project, a variety of opportunities will be employed to gather feedback including:

  • Business and property owner meetings
  • City Council and Township Board meetings
  • Public open houses

March 2024 Open House

On March 7, the project team held an open house to learn about the outcome of the study and next steps. You can review the informational boards that were hare below or review them as a pdf.

March 2023 Open House

On March 21, the project team held an open house to introduce the project and share the initial interchange design concepts. You can review the informational boards that were shared below or  review them as a pdf . Currently, the project team is using the feedback they collected from this open house to identify and refine two preferred design concepts for the project.

Contact us

Dennis Luebbe | Highway Engineer (Rice County) dennis.luebbe@ricecountymn.gov 507-332-6110

Mark DuChene | Director of Engineering (City of Faribault) mduchene@ci.faribault.mn.us 507-333-0360

Beth Engum | Project Manager (Bolton & Menk) beth.engum@bolton-menk.com 651-341-0847

Credits: Rice County

Consultant: Bolton & Menk, Inc.

An ESRI StoryMap

I-35 and County Road 9 Interchange Study