Curanderismo For Health Care Providers
Traditional medicine is a huge part of Latinos culture so health care can understand their patients on a deeper level.
Traditional medicine is a huge part of Latinos culture so health care can understand their patients on a deeper level.
Humans are disconnecting from Nature which results in humans not getting the benefits nature brings.
When it comes to the topic of nature, most of us will readily agree that nature is the most important part of the earth. Many of us cannot agree on what nature is because humans are so disconnected from nature that we don’t even know what it is anymore. Whereas some are convinced that nature has become more ethereal in recent years, others maintain that its cultural significance has eroded. I say, they are both correct but there exists a deeper explanation.
Every human should care about being connected with nature because of all the health benefits nature brings. Humans are affected because of nature's beneficial impacts, disconnecting from it can have a negative impact on humans emotionally, physically, and spiritually. According to Scott Sampson just going outside helps increase concentration, less stress, improved mood, lower risk of psychiatric diseases like ADHD, and even increases empathy and cooperation, which means we will have a better chance of living a healthy and longer life. After reading Pollan’s and Samption’s articles, people should really think about how we got this beautiful environment just outside of our doors.
This leads to the question: How can we improve the human-nature connection by teaching people about the (healing powers of herbs or what we call it in Hispanic culture (curanderismo)? In my paper, I’m going to write about the human-nature relationship more specifically how knowing the healing power and dangers of herbs can bring us closer.
This image shows benefits of just going outside.
This image shows how going outside affects us.
Because of our disconnection with nature it has related in children to spend less time outside than previous generations, which affects them as they grow
The premise behind the nature-deficit disorder is that people, particularly children, are spending less time outside due to technology than they used to and this change causes a variety of behavioral issues including Reduced environmental enjoyment, health issues such as childhood obesity, and vitamin D deficiency, reduced use of the senses, and greater incidence of emotional diseases such as anxiety and depression.
Nature Deficit Disorder is how people are so disconnected from their culture and nature that they don’t get it from traditional medicine. In the article “How traditional medicine can play a key role in Latino health care by Courtney Parker states that” "In the U.S., many undocumented individuals and other vulnerable groups in the Latino immigrant population….. are already marginalized from mainstream health services. Traditional or indigenous medicine, commonly referred to as TM, can bridge some of these barriers to health care because their methods stem from the unique values, cultural systems, and specific health needs of these populations..Their offerings are generally aimed at treating the “whole person.”
What this article is communicating is that Through traditional medicine, many Latino cultures have maintained a deep connection to nature (Tm). In Western (US) allopathic medicine, however, that tradition is not widely acknowledged. As a result, older Latinos hide their use of TM from their US doctors and even refuse to go to doctors, while younger Latinos avoid such medicines (losing their traditional connection to nature).
This image shows some of the benefits nature brings children.
Nature Deficit Disorder: what is it?
This is one of my Field Notes and the focus was to Try out the effects of a playground by using at least 3 play options.
This image shows how Curanderismo focuses not only on the body it focus on the soul of the persons.
Getting to know patients cultures will help better the health care systems.
My plan is to offer Herbalism and Traditional medicine classes to health care providers.
My plan will work because it will not only help Latinos reconnect with a part of nature that they have lost but it will also help doctors and nurses understand their patient's traditions and cultures. In the article “How traditional medicine can play a key role in Latino health care by Courtney Parker writes that” “the core health belief for most Mexican Americans is that good health is achieved by balancing the spiritual, natural, physical, emotional, moral and communal factors within one’s life.”...
The spiritual counseling services botánicas provide can soothe the complex and intersecting stress many immigrants face upon arrival in the U.S…Patients may be advised to change personal behaviors and habits rather than just start taking a pill.”This article shows that learning about traditional medicine can be helpful for health care providers to understand their patients in a more spiritual way, which will result in people feeling safer and not be afraid that their doctor wouldn't understand what is going on with them.
On the website “Foraging a Connection with Nature” by Suzanne Tabert it states that "Cedar Mountain Herb School is one of the longest-running herbal schools in the Pacific Northwest. Serving herbal students for over 35 years, we provide the highest quality in herbal medicine education, all-natural living, holistic health practices, herbal healing with a vitalistic approach. Our students tell us over and how their lives have been profoundly changed with our community and education. ”
This website demonstrates how with herbalism classes people not only get to learn the risks and abilities of herbs but they get to form a deeper understanding of what is around us. In my Interview with Dr.Jimenez, she talks about how she put her 5-year-old daughter in a forest class(where they take kids to the forest) and that ever since she has seen her daughter be the most happiest, energetic and more aware of her environment then she has ever been and she felt like her
This image is Commercial ad and it basically breaks down the different serves of Curanderismo they offer.
Daughter was receiving all of the benefits nature brings. This is an important source because it shows how it doesn't matter how old you are you can benefit and at the same time learn about nature.
Proportion of Americans who are Hispanic or Latino in each U.S. state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico as of the 2020 United States Census
This is a small clipped of my interview with Dr.Jimenez and a small summery of my plan and why it would work.
Connecting Modern Medicine to Traditional Healing: Dr. Cheo Torres at TEDxABQ
"America Rediscovers Its Medicinal Roots ... and Leaves and Stems - Safe and Beneficial Herbal Teas Deliver Good Health and Good Taste -." PR Newswire , 13 Oct. 1999, p. 5758. Gale OneFile: News , Accessed 24 Mar. 2022.
Keisy Castillo is a 17-year-old student at the Margarita Muniz Academy. She was born and rise in the Dominican Republic, she is a very ambitious and hard-working person. She belive in women's empowerment and independence and she sees herself becoming successful and financially free. When she wakes up the first thing she thinks about is getting to work and getting it done. Some of her goals in life are to become one of the Best FBI or CIA Agents and in College, she wants to study Psychology and criminology/criminal justice. As for her personal life, she will have a big healthy, and beautiful family.
Keisy Castillo, 17 years old
Keisy Castillo es una estudiante de 17 años de la Academia Margarita Muñiz. Nació y creció en República Dominicana, es una persona muy ambiciosa y trabajadora. Ella cree en el empoderamiento y la independencia de las mujeres y se ve a sí misma siendo exitosa y financieramente libre. Cuando se despierta, lo primero en lo que piensa es en ponerse a trabajar y hacerlo bien. Algunas de sus metas en la vida son convertirse en una de las mejores agentes del FBI o la CIA y, en la universidad, quiere estudiar psicología y criminología/justicia penal. En cuanto a su vida personal, tendrá una gran familia saludable y hermosa.