2015 Year in Review

Truro, Nova Scotia! Welcome to a new year! With the end of 2015 and the start of 2016 upon us, we now have a chance to reflect on the past twelve months and what has been accomplished and achieved by Council, staff, and the wider community for the Town's residents, businesses and visitors. Over this past year we've introduced and approved a new brand and a new way of thinking - something that has been in the works for a longtime!

Incorporated in 1875, the Town of Truro turned 140 years old in 2015, and believe me when I say our thinking is anything but old! This past year saw Truro complete, and be involved in, a number of projects which gives people confidence that Truro is a place to come, a place to be, and a place to stay! There is an excitement in the air about who and what we are and how close and connected we are to everything. Completed in 2015, and launched in early 2016, the Town created two promotional videos which exudes the Truro of today and where we are headed in the future. You can check out the videos on the Town of Truro's Facebook Page, or on YouTube by searching, “Truro - Make the Connection”!

Truro is the largest town in Nova Scotia, and one of the fastest growing communities outside of the Halifax Regional Municipality. We continue to see economic growth, new development, and expansion of our existing business base. Over the past year we have strengthened our partnerships with business, our neighbours in Colchester County, Dalhousie Agriculture Campus and the Nova Scotia Community College. These partnerships contribute to the strength of the community.

Truro has seen significant capital investments over the past 5 years and the new $7.5 million Colchester East Hants Public Library, set to open in 2016 after the restoration of our 150 year old Normal College, adds to that list. This will help strengthen Truro's brand as an innovative and connected community! In addition, we are working to expand the Truro Business Park and complete capital investments in roadways that will make access and traffic flow throughout the Town a little easier! 

As part of the Town of Truro's brand I challenge you to “make the connection”! Make the connection to what? Well you fill in the blank - make the connection to business, education, culture, community, nature, family life, to balance, to opportunity, or to your preferred lifestyle! Now fill in the blank , make the connection to ________.

The past 12 months can be seen as a year where we continued to focus on building a stronger community while still ensuring we provided the services that make Truro a great place to live, work and play. As we head into 2016, I am optimistic that the Town will continue to move projects forward that continue to build a future for Truro. 

I trust you will like what you'll find in Truro and see that Truro and the Colchester Region is GOOD!

W.R. (Billy) Mills

Mayor of Truro, Nova Scotia

Truro's New Brand Unveiled

New Logo for Truro, Nova Scotia

In October 2015, Town Council approved a new brand for the Town of Truro. This newly adopted brand encourages both residents and visitors to “make the connection”. The logo and slogan is derived from an overall brand message. Together they will become the driving force behind all marketing efforts and initiatives. 

Leading up to the brands release, a Branding Task Force and the Planning & Development Department had been working to develop the new brand for about a year. Part of their work involved gathering information from existing organizations and a public outreach campaign. All the information collected was summarized into a Public Consultation Report which helped to narrow the focus of the branding message and to identify Truro's greatest brand assets. 

Residents were engaged throughout the process in a variety of ways, including through online and hard copy surveys, public meetings, as well as through social media, and face to face interviews. 

As a next step, a formal Brand Leadership Committee has been formed to outline a Brand Implementation Strategy and Action Plan. The new brand will be phased in over the next few years based on the highest priority projects. Short term implementation will see changes in electronic communications and such things as stationary, while longer term projects will include such things as vehicle decals and signage. 

Brand Attributes

Town events provided opportunities for residents and visitors to enjoy the community of Truro. 2015 events included the Truro Winter Long John Festival, Truro's Annual Easter Egg Hunt in Victoria Park, the Art Acquisition Show, Colchester Bike Week, Sunday Concert's in Victoria Park, Mid-Summer Movie Nights, the Riverfront Concert Series, the VP Challenge, the Wild Blueberry Harvest Festival, Cobequid Trail Run, Embrace Diversity Festival, the Showcase Truro Film Festival, and the annual New Year's Eve on the Town.

Embrace Diversity Festival Focuses on Welcoming Newcomers

Each September the Town of Truro's Equity and Diversity Committee hosts the Embrace Diversity Festival. The 2015 festival focused on welcoming newcomers to the Truro area. The festival features live performances, exhibits, demonstrations, and various family activities. This year's festival saw performances by the Truro Concert Band, ACA-Jam, Drum Runners, fiddler Julie Johnstone, Truro Belly Dance, and Colchester Highland Dance and Step.

Park Development

Herb Peppard Park

Early in 2015, a number of community members came out to help design a park located on the site of the former Alice Street Elementary. This project was undertaken jointly by Town Councillors, the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department and the Planning & Development Department to provide public amenity space in the East End of Truro. The project is part of a wider affordable housing project, in which the Town was selected to take part in over four years ago. The park is one of the final elements of the project aimed at revitalizing the neighbourhood and encouraging more young families to locate in the area. 

Construction has begun on the Park, with competition expected in 2016. When complete the park will include green space, a small playground, a gazebo, rain garden, benches, lighting and a terraced garden. It will also feature an interpretive panel highlighting the history of the area. 

Late in 2015, Truro Town Council voted to name the park the Herb Peppard Park, after distinguished war veteran and long-time resident of Alice Street, Herb Peppard. An official naming ceremony will take place at the park in the Spring of 2016. 

New Community Garden on King Street

The King Street Community Gardens was a project which was initiated in 2015 by the Truro Tree Committee and the Truro Parks, Recreation and Culture Department. 

The Town received funding of $9,700 for the project through the CN EcoConnexions, From the Ground Up program. It covered approximately half the cost of the project which saw 50 raised wooden planter beds erected beside the former St. Mary's Elementary School on King Street. Ten of the beds are designed for those with mobility issues. 

Fences and gates were also installed to protect the gardens from wildlife. A grand opening was held in June to celebrate the success of the project. 

The planter beds are available for rent to the public for the 2016 planting season. Each plot is pre-filled with soil, and water and hoses are available on site for use. Residents are required to maintain their own beds and to provide seeds for planting.  

The Town is proud of its extensive trail system throughout Truro and specifically within Victoria Park. Every year there is expansion of the trail system and 2015 was no exception. Work was completed on McCabe Loop in the watershed area of Victoria Park and the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department expanded the single track bike network in cooperation with a number of community volunteers. In addition to this, extensive work was completed on the BMX bike park which is located at the south end of Victoria Park. 

Truro's Parks, Recreation and Culture Department now also grooms over 20 kilometres of trails for winter use in Victoria Park. The Park is quickly becoming a go-to area for avid outdoor enthusiast.

Two very popular activities, cross country skiing and snow shoeing are growing in popularity and make the Park a year round destination for residents and visitors. 

The Department rents out cross-country skis and snowshoes free of charge to anyone wishing to take part in these winter activities. They are available on a first-come basis at the Douglas Street Recreation centre, located at 40 Douglas Street. 

The Department also grooms the oval at the TAAC grounds for cross country skiing and a portion of the Cobequid Trail, and maintains an outdoor ice rink at Victoria Square. 

In October 2015, the Town of Truro signed a new four year contract with its career firefighters at the Truro Fire Service, which extends through until November 1, 2018.

Major highlights of the agreement will see the annual pay of career firefighters increase, bringing their salaries in line with those in similarly sized communities in Atlantic Canada. These increases are partially offset by the removal of standby pay and the resulting reduction in call-ins at overtime pay rates.

Under this agreement, the career firefighters whose previous responsibility at a fire scene was effectively limited to the operation of the fire truck will now fully engage in all firefighting activities. Similarly, trained volunteers will now be able to drive additional firefighting equipment to a fire scene, as needed.

The Fire Service has also instituted for the first time, the rank of captain amongst the career firefighters.

Representatives from the Town and International Association of Firefighters, Local 1627, were able to negotiate the agreement, avoiding the time and expense of binding interest arbitration which was needed for the previous two contracts.

Hometown Heros Banners

In 2015, the Truro Parks, Recreation and Culture Department began an annual project titled, “Hometown Heroes”, to install banners in Downtown Truro which displayed the names, faces, and a brief description of Truro area veterans in the weeks leading up to Remembrance Day. 

The late Jackie Fitton of Truro was the driving force behind the idea for the project, prior to her passing in May, 2015. She saw similar projects taking place in New Brunswick and was inspired to make it happen in Truro. 

The Department installed a total of 12 banners on light poles along Prince Street, leading to the Cenotaph. Due to great public interest, there are plans to expand the project in the years ahead. 

Public Wireless Service in Downtown

Public wireless internet access was installed in Downtown Truro in the Spring of 2015. Users of wireless devices are able to login to a free wireless signal in the downtown core that extends along Prince Street, from the Welcome Centre to Walker Street, and along Inglis Place, using 8 access points. 

The wireless does have some restrictions related to bandwidth. Users are able to access websites at up to 3 Mbps. 

The project was completed in partnership with the Downtown Truro Partnership and total project costs were just under $6,000. To date, around 6,000 people are using the service on a monthly basis. 

The Rath Eastlink Community Centre, through the Town of Truro, received $104,000 in funding from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Innovative Communities Fund. The funding was for planned infrastructure improvements to the arena which will help the Centre prepare for events more efficiently, further positioning the facility as an attractive venue for major sports competitions, concerts, and trade shows. 

Elements of the project included installation of black out window treatments, sliding stanchions to remove rink-side glass panels, storage space for the ice surface covering; and to purchase a stage platform and lift equipment. The Town of Truro and the Municipality of the County of Colchester each contributed $32,400 toward the project. 

Cpl. Hunka Receives Medal of Bravery

Truro Police Service, Cpl. Robert John Hunka received a Medal of Bravery during a special ceremony with the Governor General in Quebec City, in October 2015. Hunka received the Medal of Bravery after pulling a woman out of a burning building in January, 2014. During that fire, Hunka entered into an apartment which was filled with thick, black smoke, without any mask or protective equipment to save a women and carry her out of the building. 

The Medal of Bravery recognizes acts of bravery in hazardous circumstances. 

Cst Milbury Takes Over as K-9 Officer

Cst Scott Milbury took over as the new K9 Officer with the Truro Police Service this past August. Training with Onyx, the Truro Police dog, took place up until December, but ever since the pair have been in active duty. 

Onyx worked previously with Cst Justin Russell, however the transition and reteam with Milbury has been seamless. Over the course of their training, Milbury and Onyx have focused on human scent, article searches, control and aggression, and obedience. In addition, training has also offered up the opportunity for the pair to participate in a new program involving the use of helicopter resources. 

Planning & Development: Growth & Expansion

During 2015, the Town of Truro experienced growth and added diversity to the local economy.

The Town's Planning & Development Department issued a total of 162 building permits for a total construction value of $11,570,161. Permit values were up 3.7% over 2014. 

A project which began in the summer of 2015, and will continue through the majority of 2016, is the redevelopment of Truro's Civic Square. In June 2015, Council passed a motion to apply for funding for the project. 

The project ties in nicely with the construction of the new library in the former Normal College, as well as recent upgrades at the Truro Farmer's Market. When the new library is complete, the old building will be demolished opening up nearly 2 acres of green space for redevelopment. This creates the opportunity for a public gathering space that will serve as a focal point for the community. 

A public meeting was held in December 2015 to gather community input on the design and content of the new Civic Square. It is anticipated that the existing library will be demolished in the spring or early summer of 2016, with the civic square to be redeveloped before Remembrance Day in 2016. 

Pinty's Grand Slam of Curling

1.25 Million Economic Spin Off for Truro

The Town of Truro partnered with the Municipality of the County of Colchester and the Rath Eastlink Community Centre to bring the Pinty's Grand Slam of Curling 2015 Masters to Truro this past October. A host community spent about a year planning the event and it was executed through the commitment of approximately 150 volunteers. This event featured the top 15 men's teams and 15 women's teams based on the World Curling Tour's order of merit. The event saw the number one ranked men's and women's teams, Mike McEwen and Rachel Homan respectively, take home the championship prizes. 

A measure of economic impact revealed that over $1.25 million in economic impact as a direct result of the Pinty's Grand Slam of Curling 2015 Masters was felt in the Truro and Colchester area, and a total of $1.94 million in the Province of Nova Scotia. The event was estimated to have brought nearly 2,200 unique individuals from outside the Truro area to the community during the event. 

The Truro Industrial Development Society completed the Truro Business Park Signage Project in the Spring of 2015. This project included the re-facing of the entrance signs, as well as the installation of 17 new wayfinding signs at all major intersections within the Business Park. 

Wayfinding signage was noted as a priority for businesses in the Business Park dating back to 2013. As the project moved forward, the entrance signs were also noted as a priority due to deteriorating condition and lack of relevant information. The look and design of the signs are now consistent with all marketing materials for the Business Park.  

In addition to the signage project, the Truro Industrial Development Society was also busy preparing 10 new lots for sale. These lots are located at the top of Young Street and range in size from 2.5 to 3.5 acres. Preliminary environmental and geotechnical testing has been completed for these new lots and all are fully serviced with municipal water and sewer. 

In June 2015, the Truro Police announced that they would offer the front lobby of the Truro Police Station as a location for buyers and sellers to meet to conduct transactions done through online classified ads. 

With popularity growing in online classified sites such as Kijiji and Facebook, the Truro Police felt it was necessary to offer the public a safe space for buyers and sellers to meet. While no major reports of theft had been reported, it was felt that offering this as a potential location would make conducting the transactions a little safer for all parties.  

While most sales are a legitimate exchange of goods, having the meeting space at the Truro Police Station minimizes the risk of theft occurring. In addition, video recording is conducted on site to further ensure public safety. The public does not need to provide the Police advance warning of any exchange. The Police Station is open 24/7 and people are welcome to stop by at any time.

Douglas Street Rec Centre installs Pulastic Flooring

During 2015, upgrades were completed to the gymnasium floor at the Douglas Street Recreation Centre to create a more multifunctional space for sports and programs. The project involved installation of a new Pulastic Synthetic Sports floor to replace the aging tile surface which was previously in place. The new seamless flooring provides cushioning for more comfort and safety. 

A top priority for the Town of Truro's Engineering & Public Works Department is maintaining roads, water and sewer services, while also overseeing capital improvements and infrastructure projects. Over the past year a number of projects have been completed that extends the objectives and priorities of the Department. These projects include:

Reconstruction of Hampstead Court – This full reconstruction project involved replacement of the water main, installing new curbs and sidewalks, the rebuilding and paving of the street, and landscaping. Additional storm water infrastructure was also incorporated to improve drainage on the street. The total project budget for this project was approximately $325,000.

Reconstruction of Victoria Street (between Pleasant Street and Dominion Street) – This project saw the completion of the last remaining section of this key artery within the Heritage Conservation District. The project included the construction of new concrete sidewalks and curbs, repaving of the street, and landscaping. The total project cost was $85,000.

Resurfacing of Arthur Street and Esplanade Street - Heavy traffic and hard winters had resulted in the rapid deterioration of one the main arterials in town. Miller Group of Halifax was awarded the tender to cold mill the existing asphalt surface, which involved a controlled removal of the top 2 inches of asphalt. The milled surface was prepped and covered with a new layer of asphalt creating a smooth new driving surface. The project cost was $170,000. 

Robie Street Sidewalk - Robie Street carries more traffic than any other street in Truro. The high volumes, combined with narrow lanes, high speeds, and little separation between motorists and pedestrians, made this an uneasy section of road to walk. Taking advantage of the large right-of-way in the area, curb and gutter and a wide landscaped boulevard were constructed allowing the sidewalk to be moved further away from the road. In the process, the curb was also pushed back creating wider lanes that are safer and easier to drive. The total cost for this project was $89,000. 

In addition to these projects, the winter of 2014/15 was one that will not soon be forgotten. Record snowfall amounts in the latter part of the season meant crews were essentially going non-stop to keep streets and sidewalks clear. In the end, nearly $1.1 million had been spent on snow clearing, almost twice the $565,000 budget. The budget for the 2015/16 season was increased to $800,000.

Where Does the Money Come From?

The majority of the Town of Truro's revenue comes from property taxes. Other sources of municipal revenue include services the Town provides to other governments, recreation programs fees, and fees for services. The remaining revenue comes from unconditional grants received by the Town.

A breakdown of Operating Revenues is as follows:

79% from Municipal Property Taxes 

   totalled $18.3 million for 2015-2016

15% from other Municipal Revenue Sources 

   totalled $3.6 million for 2015-2016

6% from Unconditional Grants

   totalled $1.3 million from 2015-2016

The Town of Truro has a limited ability to cut costs quickly; in most cases reducing costs is a long term exercise. Expense items such as interest, debt charges, and transfers to other levels of government have very limited flexibility. Items such as salaries & wages, equipment and service contracts, and long-term grant payments have rather limited flexibility, while other items such as community grants, promotional activities, overtime payments, and office supplies are much more flexible. The majority of Town expenses fall into the category of limited flexibility (63.7%) or very limited flexibility (33.2%), leaving only 3.1% classified as flexible from year to year.  

Where does the Money Go?

The average property tax bill for 2015, within the Town of Truro, was based on a residential home valued at $150,000. A home which was assessed at $150,000 for 2015 would have be billed $2,700 in annual property taxes (equal to $225 per month). 

So, what services do you recieve for $225/month from the Town of Truro? 

Thanks for reading!


New Logo for Truro, Nova Scotia

Brand Attributes