Berwyn, Illinois

Data and information on the Latino community

Berwyn is home to more than 36,726 Latinos who are almost 64 percent of the town's population. This site provides new maps and data on the Latino community in Berwyn.

Maps of Latino Population

Use these maps to explore the size of the Latino population in Berwyn, and to see how it is changing over time. The map shows census tracts, which are small geographic units. Click on a tract to see data on Latinos in that neighborhood.

Where are the largest numbers of Latinos in Berwyn?

Berwyn is home to one of the largest suburban Latino communities. Each census tract in Berwyn has at least two thousand Latino residents. The census tract south of Ogden Avenue has almost 6,000 Latinos.

Latino Population 2020

Where are the largest concentrations of Latinos in Berwyn?

Latinos are nearly half or more of the population in each Berwyn census tract. In some Berwyn tracts Latinos are more than 70 percent of residents.

Percent of Latinos by Tract

Where have numbers of Latinos increased in Berwyn?

The Latino population increased in most census tracts within Berwyn. Tracts in the southern part of the town had the largest numeric growth from 2010 to 2020.

Latino Population Growth 2010-2020

Where has the percentage of Latinos increased in Berwyn?

Most of Berwyn saw an increase in Latino population over the last decade. Tracts in the southern part of the city, approximately south of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad grew the fastest.

Latino Percent Growth 2010-2020

Latino Demographics

The information in this section is derived from the American Community Survey and the Decennial Census, which are conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Here we highlight some key characteristics of Latinos in Berwyn. These tables and more  can be accessed by clicking here. 

Race and Latino Ethnicity

The Latino population in Berwyn was more than 36,000 according to the 2020 Decennial Census and Latinos were two of three residents.


Latinos are the great majority of all age groups in Berwyn. For example, Latinos are 78 percent of Berwyn residents who are 0-4 years of age.

The Latino share of the population is lower among the oldest residents of Berwyn. Latinos, for example, are only 32 percent of seniors aged 65 years or more.

Berwyn City.xlsx

Berwyn City.xlsx

Income and Poverty

The median household income level of Berwyn Latinos was about $65,000 in 2015-2019. This was slightly higher than the overall town median income of $63,000.

About 5,300 Latinos or 15 percent of the Latino population had income below the federal poverty level. In 2020, a family of four was in poverty if it had income of less than $26,200, according to federal guidelines.

Berwyn City.xlsx

Berwyn City.xlsx

Citizenship and Immigrant Population

About 64.6 percent of the Berwyn Latino population was born in the U.S. The remaining 35.4 percent were born outside the U.S. About 16.9 percent of Latinos are naturalized U.S. citizens.

Immigrants from Latin America are 23.1 percent of the Berwyn population. About 20.8 percent of all Berwyn residents were born in Mexico.

Berwyn City.xlsx

Berwyn City.xlsx


About 28 percent of Latinos in Berwyn have less than a high school degree, which is slightly higher than the overall average for the town (35 percent). About 11.9 percent of Berwyn Latinos have at least a bachelor's degree.

Berwyn City.xlsx

Labor Force and Employment

70.4 percent of Latinos in Berwyn are "in the labor force." This means they are either at work or looking for work. This is slightly higher than the overall Berwyn population.

About 3.7 percent of Latinos were unemployed on average during the 2015-2019 period.

Berwyn City.xlsx

Berwyn City.xlsx

Health Insurance

About 5,086 Latinos in Berwyn lack health insurance. This represents about 14.2 percent of the Latino population. Among Latino children, about 3.4 percent do not have health insurance while among Latinos aged 18-64 years, almost 21.4 percent are not covered by health insurance.

Berwyn City.xlsx


There are 9,372 Latino households in Berwyn. Of these, about 5,286 are households that own their home. This translates to a Latino home ownership rate of 56.4 percent in Berwyn.

Berwyn City.xlsx

Elected Officials

Below is a list of elected officials in Berwyn, current as of 2021. The list can give an idea of Latino representation among persons in elected office.

Suburban Elected Officials.xlsx - Google Drive

Non-Profit Organizations

The map below displays non-profit organizations with headquarters in or near Berwyn as of 2017. The names and addresses of these groups are published by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Note that some non-profit organizations may not appear because their headquarters or main office are not nearby, even though they provide services locally.

Suburban NonProfits

Detailed Data


UIC Great Cities Institute

Teresa Córdova, Director

Project Manager

Rob Paral, Senior Research Specialist

Project Staff

Norma Hernandez, Community Development Planner

Alex Linares, Economic Development Planner