The African Landscape Network (ALN) is an online map based interface that features a landscape focussed network of individuals and projects across the African continent.

ALN vision/process diagram for the seed project
ALN Vision
The African Landscape Network (ALN) seeks to encourage the adoption of the African Landscape Convention by connecting organisations, individuals and professionals working on landscape programmes, projects and issues in Africa.
Italics demarcate the next phase of the ALN project. The current phase (seed project) is limited to professionals/ individuals and projects. The next phase of the project will aim to include organisations into the network.

African Landscape Convention
African Landscape Convention
The African Landscape Convention is a tool used by professionals, and academics to teach future leaders when working with landscapes of all scales. The convention was drafted by IFLA Africa International Federation for Landscape Architects in Africa.
IFLA Africa’s vision is that the principles and values contained in the convention be applied and shared through a matrix of professionals, individuals, firms or organisations, i.e. landscape architects, engineers, geographers, conservationists, planners, urban designers, ecologists, etc.
The Network is the platform through which this matrix connects and shares work. The structure through which these connections will be made is an online (web-based) map. The map indicates the location and details of various professionals, individuals, firms and organisations; serve as a database of their work and; be a repository for best practise and case studies.
ALN Network of Individuals Map
Browse through the interactive map, and image gallery to search for professionals in Africa!
Expect to find a list of individuals, from various professional backgrounds working in Africa.
The Network of Individuals features professions that are delineated by the ICOMOS -ISCCL International Federation for Monuments and sites' Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes, and IFLA International Federation for Landscape Architects.
The gallery view of thumbnail images will adjust as one scrolls through the continent. Hover over a person's thumbnail image to find their geographic location. A short introductory paragraph to each member will appear when thumbnail image or dot is selected.
Enter Interactive Individuals Map Below
Click on the button to add yourself to the Network of Individuals in Africa!
By filling out the online survey you will be able to add all your details to produce a profile on the Individuals Map.
ALN Projects Map
Browse through the interactive map, to gain access to a repository of work for best practice, and insightful case studies in Africa! Expect to find a map with projects focussed or implemented in Africa.
The projects map is made up of the various project entries by the individuals that feature on the individuals map. The variety of professions allow a range of projects to be hosted on the projects map. Scroll through the legend layers above get a sense of the type of projects included, and the way you will be able to guide your attention to specific details.
Search for projects by switching the layers of interest (one at a time) on and off. Get an overview of these by activating the legend (Three lined icon). Each project has a short write-up with links to more information, and a set of images that accompanies each project.
Enter Interactive Projects Map Below
Click on the button to add a project/ case study to this map!
By filling out the online survey you will be able to add all the details of the project to produce a case study to be featured on the map.
Need to work on the details in the template before submitting the online survey?
Use the Word template by clicking on the above button. Send it around between colleagues to collect all the relevant information. Once the form has been completed submit the project by:
1. Entering the info through the online survey above, or by 2. emailing the form to aln@iflaworld.org
The ALN came into being through seed funding from UNESCO, and a collaborative between IFLA and ICOMOS. Its concept was guided by an advisory committee made up of IFLA Africa and ICOMOS members.