San Francisco Bay Bioacoustics Preview
eLearning Module 1 by Bay Academy
We are BayEcotarium: a non-profit organization located on Pier 39 in San Francisco, CA. While we respond to the current public health crisis, we also cannot forget the on-going environmental crisis. We bring you this e-module so we can all continue to learn about our incredible underwater ecosystems and the ways humans impact them. Please consider donating to keep these resources free and available to all!
If you donate $50 or more, we would like to invite you to an interactive tour of the Aquarium with a biologist on our staff! If you donate $100 or more, we can also offer you an interactive ZOOM hydrophone workshop to study sound with a biologist on our staff!
Welcome to Bay Academy eLearning Module 1: San Francisco Bay Bioacoustics
We're glad you're here.
This module was designed for a desktop browser or tablet, but smaller hand-held devices like iPads and iPhones or Androids will also work.
Welcome to Bioacoustics, a newly interactive online eLearning tool to help students learn about Climate Resilience and Ocean Conservation. This program is geared to meet Next Generation Science Standards for students in grades 7-9.
This is Module 1 of a series by Bay Academy, a division of BayEcotarium. Our mission is to promote literacy in ocean and watershed health, climate change, and science career development through the lens of critical issues: sustainable seafood, marine protected areas, marine debris, climate change, and freshwater flows.
This module contains 3 lessons with 2 subtitled audio recordings each. Each lesson begins with an engagement activity, includes a note-taking device, and ends with a quiz to test your knowledge.
Earn an 80% or higher on the lesson 1 quiz before you move on to lesson 2!
Directions for this module are in green. Need to jump back? There is a navigation bar located at the top of the page.
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The Bioacoustics Program emphasizes the importance of ocean conservation, examining the importance of the San Francisco Bay estuary within the San Francisco Bay Area watershed.
This Bioacoustics Program focuses on marine animal communication and behavior in relation to complex ecosystems within the Bay. It is aligned to Next Generation Science Standards.
This program also includes hearing impaired subtitled throughout.
Lesson 1: Diverse Bay Area Ecosystems
This lesson allows students to engage with estuarine and marine environments through imagery and audio narrations.
Students will examine the following watershed ecosystems: open ocean, estuarine tidal wetlands, and freshwater streams.
They will also learn about the negative impact that humans have on these ecosystems through case study species.
Lesson 2: Sound Science
Before we can talk about animal sounds, we need to learn the basic physics of sound.
Students will learn how to measure the speed of sound, look at the history of sound research, and think about how scientists study sound today.
They will be asked to use words and math to explain the relationship between sound and water.
Lesson 3: SF Bay Marine Animal Communication and Human Noise
In lesson 3, students will engage with fish sound productions and whale vocalization. They will learn how animals make and use sound for survival.
The students will listen to animal communication and learn the negative effects of noise pollution from shipping, offshore drilling, and outboard boat motors.
Marine environments have led to the evolution of unique modes of communication using bioacoustics and body language.
We want students to understand the following critical issue: Human activities negatively affect San Francisco Bay animal communities’ behavior and communication.
Scroll down to continue.
BayEcotarium has a mission to enable conversations on climate resilience and ocean conservation globally, while inspiring actionable change locally by protection and preservation of the San Francisco Bay and its ecosystems, from Sierra to the Sea™.
- Enjoy holiday discount pricing now through January 2!
- $5 gives access for 1 student
- $30 gives access to a class up to 30 students
- $50 gives access to a class up to 50 student