The Story of Niger
The Country who Harnessed the Wind
Wind Story Map
- Specific Location: Niger, we placed our windmill in this area of Africa because there are high wind speeds and a small population in need of energy
- Our first windmill created 18 watts and our second design created 25 watts. We would scale this up 100 times bigger so it would produce approximately 2500 watts per windmill.
- It is about 15 inches and it would be sized up 100 times to be 1500 inches tall
- we are going to use fiber glass, and iron because these are the cheapest materials and the most environmental friendly
- We are using the design we developed because it produced more energy in watts then the first design
- 6 washers with the first design and 18 with second
- Higher surface area and wings at an angle to have optimal wind power
- Bigger wings and taller then original design in order to catch higher wind speeds at greater altitudes
- First Windmill Design:
Final Windmill Design:
3. Size and Materials for Hypothetical Windmill
- Like i said before it would be made of iron and fiber glass which is the cheapest and most durable item.
- Base made of titanium-steel alloy for base
- Estimated 3.7 million dollars for total cost of materials and construction
- It is very common to buy large quantities of iron which is super beneficial.
- Some restraints is the wind speed in Niger. Sometimes it varies depending on the seasons.
- Also there are a lot of environmental factors like animals, and natural disasters that happen much more often
- Getting a way to transfer the energy to the villages in need of energy
- Cork, sticks, cups, etc...
- Risks include environmental factors and the overall area, because Niger still developing
Niger Wind
Niger Population Density
Precipitation Niger