Demographic Mapping with Stats NZ in ArcGIS GeoEnrichment

How Stats NZ Census Data elevates the ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service for New Zealand


In today's data-driven world, understanding the demographics of a specific area can be the key to informed decision-making, whether you're a business looking to expand into new markets or a community striving to allocate resources effectively.

GeoEnrichment allows you to gain valuable insights by combining geographic regions with demographic data. Since October 2023, census data from Stats NZ has been added to Esri's GeoEnrichment tools, making it accessible for users of ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, Business Analyst and Community Analyst.

What is GeoEnrichment?

GeoEnrichment is a powerful tool in data analysis, seamlessly assigning demographic attributes to polygon layers. Picture it as adding an extra layer of context to your data, enhancing your understanding of specific areas.

By tapping into Esri's extensive global data portfolio, users gain valuable insights into the various demographic characteristics and preferences of the individuals in those areas.

This process not only enhances the richness of your analysis but also saves time from compiling and calculating census data variables.

NZ Data Update

Stats NZ GeoEnrichment Data Browser

The recent October 2023 updates in ArcGIS Online include significant improvements to the GeoEnrichment service and the underlying content for New Zealand. The addition of 2018 Stats NZ data to Esri's global data portfolio enhances the depth and breadth of available variables for New Zealand, offering a more comprehensive dataset for analysis.

Comprising 546 variables, these data cover a wide range of categories including age, education, ethnicity, health, income, and more. Stats NZ data offers a geographic coverage, encompassing national levels down to statistical areas, thereby providing rich information about New Zealand's various regions.

Preparing for 2023 Census Data

The New Zealand GeoEnrichment service has incorporated the 2018 Stats NZ data to facilitate the seamless integration of the upcoming 2023 census data when it becomes available.

GeoEnrichment Tools

A variety of tools are available for performing GeoEnrichment across ArcGIS Products. You can enrich your data using ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, Business Analyst, Community Analyst and even  ArcGIS for Microsoft 365 .

The  GeoEnrichment Service  is accessible to the developer community as a  REST service  and it can be utilized through various APIs.

Although we may not cover every product, this StoryMap will lead you through ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, and Business Analyst.

Data Apportionment

Let's briefly explore the underlying algorithms that power these GeoEnrichment tools

GeoEnrichment services use a  data apportionment  algorithm to redistribute variables to the input polygon by analyzing each polygon relative to the point dataset.

After selecting variables for enrichment, the algorithm will use a weighted block apportionment method to allocate the appropriate amount of each variable based on the spatial relationship between the polygon and the point dataset.

Enrich Tool

Enrich Tool is available in ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, and ArcGIS Enterprise. This tool allows you to enrich a specific polygon layer with additional data. You can select the specific variables of interest, allowing for a tailored analysis that matches your requirements.

ArcGIS Online

A user-friendly platform that allows you to utilize the  Enrich Layer  tool to effortlessly add demographic data to a web layer or even custom-drawn sketches. This is particularly handy for those who are more inclined towards web-based GIS tools.

ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro provides a  Data Source  option, allowing you to choose from the online portal or local Business Analyst data. This feature enables you to explore and select variables for enrichment. Notably, opting for online data as your source incurs credit costs, whereas working with locally stored data carries no credit charges. To understand the credit usage, refer to the  Geoprocessing tools that use credits  page.

In ArcGIS Pro, you have two options to perform enrichment. First, there's the  Enrich  tool in the Analysis toolbox. Second, there's the  Enrich Layer  tool in the Business Analyst toolbox, which requires a Business Analyst license for its utilization. ArcGIS Pro also boasts an array of geoprocessing tools designed for working with GeoEnrichment, making it the go-to platform for users with advanced analytical needs.

ArcGIS Enterprise

ArcGIS Enterprise, a backend software, allows users to control the implementation of web GIS and distribute spatial data within an organization for collaborative sharing.

To activate GeoEnrichment in ArcGIS Enterprise, go to settings and enable the service. Enter your ArcGIS Online credentials. Then, in the map viewer's analysis tools, find the Data Enrichment tab, where you'll discover the Enrich Layer tool.

Count, percentage, and index

When you run the enrich tool, you'll be prompted to choose between the count, percentage, and/or index value of the selected variables. What sets these three options apart from each other?

  • Count is the addition of the variable values in the dataset. 
  • Percentage is often used to express “part per hundred” where the hundred represents the denominator or total.
  • Index produces values that can be used to compare against an important value/threshold, such as the national average. This comparison helps users better understand where there are areas far above, or far below the average.

Business Analyst

Business Analyst is a location-based market intelligence product that integrates GeoEnrichment tools into a user-friendly interface. It aids commercial users in identifying underperforming markets, selecting optimal growth sites, targeting specific customer demographics, and sharing analyses through infographics or reports across the organization. Business Analyst products are accessible online, on desktop, mobile, or through Enterprise deployment.

Business Analyst Applications

Each application of Business Analyst is designed for a different type of user:

  • The Business Analyst  Mobile App  lets you take Business Analyst maps, data, infographics, and reports on the go.
  • The Business Analyst  Web App  lets users perform local and regional analysis over the web. It’s available both as a SaaS application in ArcGIS Online and as an app you can host in ArcGIS Enterprise. 
  •  Business Analyst Pro  is an extension to ArcGIS Pro, which provides advanced workflow tools like trade area analysis and territory design.  

Common Workflow

A GeoEnrichment workflow in Business Analyst typically involves using demographic data to create maps, conducting analytical workflows, and ultimately presenting the results through reports and infographics.


Business Analyst gives you tools for easily evaluating locations using maps-driven analytics:

  • You can generate  color-coded maps  to explore variables for your area of interest, such as demographic or consumer spending patterns around a store or office. 
  • You can also apply a  smart map search  to find areas that meet your weighted criteria, helping you locate opportunities to grow or expand. 

Analytical Workflows

Beyond data and maps, Business Analyst provides powerful analytical workflows that deliver location-based market intelligence:

  • You can perform  trade area  analysis of stores, predict the impact of introducing a new store location, and assess the impact of trade area overlap or cannibalization between multiple stores.
  • You can also use a  site suitability  workflow to rank and score sites based on multiple weighted criteria, helping you find the ideal sites for a new location. 
  • Business Analyst includes  territory design  tools that let you balance your sales regions, service areas, franchise zones, and other territories so you can optimize your market presence and best meet demand. 
  • And there are many other tools in the Business Analyst toolbox that support workflows like customer profiling and target marketing. 

Infographics and Reports

Business Analyst also comes with  reports and infographics  that you can use to showcase your analysis and share your market insights. Infographics or reports can be generated using ready-to-use templates provided by Esri, or organizations can  customize templates  to suit their specific needs and showcase key information through charts, graphics, tables, images, and text.

The data source, including your own custom data, can be incorporated into these infographics and reports, available in different exportable formats like PDF, Excel, HTML, or dynamic HTML for interactive experiences.

New infographics and reports for New Zealand

Stats NZ Summary Report, Community Profile, Executive Summary (Tabular), Nearby Restaurants, and What's in My Community infographics

Training Resources

To get started with GeoEnrichment and make the most of the new Stats NZ data, Esri offers various training resources. Whether you're new to the tools or seeking to expand your knowledge, these resources can help you harness GeoEnrichment.


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Stats NZ GeoEnrichment Data Browser