BLM Arizona Recreation Fee Proposals
Arizona Strip Field Office, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, Kingman Field Office, Lake Havasu Field Office, Phoenix District
Prized by visitors, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands offer unique recreation opportunities. These recreational resources provide critical economic support and quality of life benefits to local communities and businesses, while also attracting visitors from across the country and abroad. Over the past five years, visitation to public lands in Arizona has increased from 4.9 million to 6.8 million. However, BLM’s budget per visitor has fallen despite rising visitation and use of aging facilities.
The BLM’s Recreation Program provides guidance to proactively respond to increasing visitation by diversifying recreation funding sources and carefully considering recreation demand, program needs, and investment opportunities for current and future needs and enjoyment. BLM conducted a market analysis of current recreation fees statewide which revealed that fee rates were below local market prices. While fees have not increased in decades, the cost of operations and maintenance have climbed along with visitation.
The BLM sought public input on five recreation fee proposals , in the form of draft recreation business plans, for the following locations: Kingman Field Office, Lake Havasu Field Office, the Arizona Strip Field Office’s Virgin River Canyon Recreation Area, the Phoenix District’s Recreational Shooting Sites, and the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument’s Paria Canyon/Coyote Buttes Special Management Area and White Pocket.
For a version of this video with audio descriptions, visit: https://youtu.be/M1teY2RyS5A
The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) allows the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to collect recreation fees at sites and areas that provide certain amenities. The BLM also collects fees for the issuance of Special Recreation Permits as well as from the sale of Interagency Passes (America the Beautiful – the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Annual Pass), site-specific or regional passes. These fees are reinvested directly back into the local recreation program to expand and improve recreational opportunities. Common expenditures of permit revenues include enhancing access, cleaning trash, maintaining recreational facilities, upgrading existing facilities to meet universal accessibility standards, permit administration, and protecting nearby natural and cultural resources from recreational impacts.
BLM requires each recreation fee site or area to complete a business plan which analyzes and explains how fees are consistent with criteria set forth in the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act. Business plans assist in determining appropriate fee rates, outline the cost of administering fee sites, and identify priorities for future expenditures. A primary purpose of the business plan is to serve as public notification of the objectives for use of recreation fee revenues and to provide the public an opportunity to comment on these objectives before a fee site is designated, or when existing site fees are adjusted.
Recreation Fee Proposals
The public comment period for the draft recreation business plans ended on June 26, 2024. The map below highlights each recreation site that proposed a fee modification or new fee. Click on each recreation site for more information.
Map tips
- Click a recreation site photo or the corresponding green drop-pin on the map
- Zoom out or return to the main extent to view the recreation sites in relation to BLM managed lands, National Monuments, National Conservation Areas, and Wilderness
- Click the (x) under a recreation site description to return to the main extent
- Click the (+) and (-) buttons in the map to zoom in and out
- Click and drag on the map to pan around

Virgin River Canyon Recreation Area

Coyote Buttes North

Coyote Buttes South

Paria Canyon

White Pocket

Burro Creek Campground

Wild Cow Springs Campground

Windy Point Campground

Lake Havasu Shoreline Sites

Bullfrog Day Use Area

Crossroads Campground

Proposed Quail Hollow Campground