This project explores notable per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) drinking water contamination in New York State (NYS).


What are PFAS?

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of thousands of manmade chemicals with many carbon and fluorine (C-F) bonds. PFAS are extremely resistant to most surfactant activities and degradation processes, which makes them desirable in a variety of applications.

PFAS are present in items all around us, from household products like non-stick cookware and utensils, food packaging, polishes, cleaning agents, creams, stain-resistant and waterproof clothes, textiles, carpets, upholstery, and paper, to industrial products like firefighting foams, pesticide formulations, ski wax, lubricating oils, and even drugs and medical devices (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Recovery or ATSDR, 2020; European Environment Agency (EEA), 2019; Toxic-Free Future (TFF), 2018).

The same attributes that make PFAS desirable for use in industrial and commercial products render them toxic and difficult to remove from the environment and the human body. Their inability to break down and their capacity to bioaccumulate have earned PFAS the label “forever chemicals.”

How are humans exposed to PFAS?

The manufacture, use, and subsequent lifetime degradation of products that contain PFAS lead to the release and recirculation of PFAS throughout the environment. Humans are exposed to PFAS through ingestion of contaminated drinking water and seafood, inhalation of contaminated indoor air, and contact with contaminated products (United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2019; TFF, 2018).

What are the health risks associated with PFAS?

Epidemiological studies have shown a potential link between PFAS exposure and thyroid disease, high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, kidney cancer, testicular cancer, pregnancy-induced hypertension, and other health issues (EEA, 2019; TFF, 2018). The impacts on unborn infants include delayed mammary gland development, reduced response to vaccines, and lower birth weight (EEA, 2019).

Case Studies

In 2019, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) published  a map  of PFAS contaminated sites across the U.S., including numerous NYS sites. While theirs was a big undertaking, we found that not all of the available drinking water data for NYS were included in their map. Therefore, we decided to focus on mapping the prevalence of PFAS in Long Island, which includes Nassau and Suffolk counties, and Rensselaer and Orange counties – locations that have had pronounced drinking water contamination by PFAS. The choice of these case studies was also prompted by several related lawsuits filed against alleged PFAS polluting entities. In Long Island, Riverhead Town, the Village of Mineola, Roslyn Water District, Port Washington Water District, the Water Authority of Great Neck North, and the Garden City Fire and Water District all filed lawsuits against 3M Co., E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., and Chemours Co. for the alleged manufacturing, marketing, and selling of PFAS (Gannon, 2021; McCarthy, 2019; Bloomberg Law, 2019; Bloomberg Law, 2019). In Rensselaer County, the Village of Hoosick Falls and the Town of Petersburgh filed lawsuits against local manufacturers responsible for contaminating their water supplies (Spectrum News, 2021; Weitz & Luxenberg 2021). Similarly, in Orange County, the City of Newburgh and Town of New Windsor filed lawsuits against several parties, including 3M Co., the US Army Air Force, and the Air National Guard, for their alleged role in PFAS contamination (Wang, 2020; Sparks, 2018). 

Long Island

To map PFAS concentrations in Long Island’s groundwater system, our team used publicly available data on PFAS concentration from:

    • 1) The Third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR3) reports,
    • 2) US Geological Survey (USGS) monitoring data, and
    • 3) water quality reports of utilities across Long Island.

    Please note that mapping the exact locations of the groundwater wells was done to the best of our abilities, given that information on the precise coordinates of some of the wells was not publicly available.

PFAS are present throughout Long Island’s drinking water supply. The Rocky Point Pine Barrens State Forest region shows especially high levels of PFAS concentrations. At the North Road (Greenport)/Meetinghouse Road well, PFOA was detected at concentrations up to 53 ppt, and PFOS was detected at concentrations up to 765 ppt.

PFAS contamination in Long Island

We also explored some of the potential sources where PFAS currently are or historically have been used. These sources include fire stations, airports, and military sites, which may have used PFAS-containing products manufactured by companies like 3M and DuPont. A side-by-side map of PFAS detection and possible PFAS sources are presented in the following map.

(L) The concentrations of PFAS measured and (R) the potential sources of PFAS released into the environment.

Rensselaer County

In Rensselaer County, two communities had their water supplies contaminated by local plastics manufacturers. In the village of Hoosick Falls, Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics used PFOA in their manufacturing processes, where it entered the surrounding area through vented fumes and wastewater pits (NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), 2021). Widespread PFAS sampling began in 2014 after residents began noticing alarmingly high rates of cancer in their community. PFOA concentrations as high as 18,000 ppt were initially found in groundwater (Associated Press, 2019), and concentrations at the Saint-Gobain facility were as high as 130,000 ppt, which prompted the village’s water system to be shut down. Residents were told not to drink from the municipal water supply or private wells and were instead given free bottled water. 

In the town of Petersburgh, PFOA used in manufacturing processes at Taconic Plastics also entered the environment. PFOA concentrations were found as high as 150,000 ppt onsite, and Petersburgh residents were also given free bottled water to replace their well water. 

To map the PFAS concentration in and around these two locations, we collected data from:

    • 1) The NYS DEC Environmental Remediation Site Database,
    • 2) Exploratory USEPA, DEC, and DOH sampling events, and
    • 3) water quality reports from local utilities.

    Where there was a range of concentrations given for a set of samples, we chose to include the maximum concentration recorded. The sampling locations are mapped to the best of our abilities, given that some of their precise coordinates were not available online.

Orange County

The City of Newburgh and the nearby Town of New Windsor, Orange County, both had their water supplies shut off after being contaminated by PFOS-containing aqueous firefighting foam (AFFF). Newburgh and New Windsor are located next to the Stewart International Airport and the Stewart Air National Guard Base, both of which stored AFFF onsite, used it periodically, and allowed it to run off into nearby waterways. This issue is not unique to Newburgh and New Windsor. AFFF has been widely used at airports and air bases across the country. Up until recently, the Federal Aviation Administration required airports to periodically discharge AFFF as part of its fire safety testing (Tonnacliff, 2019). 

For the purposes of mapping PFAS contamination in these two locations, we collected data from:

  • 1) the UCMR3,
  • 2) the NYS DEC Environmental Remediation Site Database, and
  • 3) water quality reports from local utilities.
  • Where there was a range of concentrations given for a set of samples, we chose to include the maximum concentration recorded. The sampling locations are mapped to the best of our abilities, given that some of their precise coordinates are not available online.

Remediation Measures

Many places that have had PFAS contaminated drinking water have either temporarily or permanently switched to new, uncontaminated water sources. For example, the city of Newburgh has been connected to New York City’s water supply and a backup surface water source, Brown’s Pond, since its original water contamination was identified. Similarly, Hoosick Falls is considering switching from their existing wellfield to the Tomhannock Reservoir or other, uncontaminated wellfields. 

Multiple technologies can remove PFAS from drinking water. These include granular activated carbon (GAC) filters, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange. Despite that other treatment types can be equally or more effective, GAC filters are the most commonly used technology since they are the most cost-effective option for large drinking water suppliers (USEPA, 2018). Numerous water utilities on Long Island as well as Newburgh, New Windsor, and Hoosick Falls have had GAC filtration installed. 

Some examples of water suppliers in Rensselaer, Orange, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties with GAC filtration installed (CHA Consulting, Inc., 2019). 

GAC Effectiveness

GAC filters were installed in Hoosick Falls and New Windsor in February 2017 and November 2019, respectively (NYS DOH, 2017; Mangan, 2019). The Village of Garden City is also in the process of installing new GAC filters, and as of May 2021, three of the village’s wells had GAC filtration (Incorporated Village of Garden City, 2021) 

Since their installation, the Hoosick Falls Public Water Supply, the Town of New Windsor Consolidated Water District, and the Incorporated Village of Garden City Water Department have been routinely monitoring the effectiveness of these filters for PFAS removal. New Windsor and Garden City test their water for six major PFAS, and Hoosick Falls tests for twenty. The results from all three water utilities indicate the GAC filters are extremely effective in removing all types of PFAS detected (Figures below) (The Village of Hoosick Falls, 2021; Chiusano, 2021). 

Bar graphs showing examples of the effectiveness of GAC filters in removing PFAS in Hoosick Falls (diagram on the left, April 2021), New Windsor (diagram in the middle, December 2019), and Garden City (diagram on the right, 2020). The results for other testing periods are similar. Only PFAS types that were detected are shown. (The Village of Hoosick Falls, 2021.; Chiusano, 2021; Incorporated Village of Garden City, 2021). 


While there have been promises by the USEPA since 2019 to regulate the two most prominent PFAS, PFOA and PFOS (USEPA, 2019), there are currently no federal limits in the United States on PFAS concentrations in the environment, including in drinking water. The USEPA has instead set a Health Advisory - an unenforceable recommendation - of 70 parts per trillion (ppt) in water for the sum of PFOA and PFOS (Lifetime Health Advisories and Health Effects Support Documents for Perfluorooctanoic Acid and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate, 2016). Some states have set their own legal limits, called Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs). On August 26, 2020, New York State (NYS) set an MCL of 10 ppt each for PFOA and PFOS for public water systems. The MCL mandates that public water systems monitor for these two compounds whereby the largest utilities (those serving more than 10,000 people) were required to begin testing by October 25th, 2020, and the smallest utilities (those serving less than 3,300 people) were required to do so by February 25, 2021 (NYS Department of Health (DOH), 2020). 

Despite the slow regulatory process for PFAS, this issue has been gaining political inertia at both the federal and state levels. A few noteworthy NYS and federal legal actions are presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Notable PFAS-related legal actions, stretching back to 2006. 


PFAS contamination is an emerging and serious issue facing New York State and the nation. Numerous individuals, municipalities, and counties have had devastating impacts due to the contamination of drinking water supplies by PFAS. Strict drinking water regulations that de-incentivize industry from using PFAS, coupled with the continuous and rigorous monitoring and mitigation of drinking water supplies might be the best path forward in curbing the proliferation of PFAS in our water systems.


Associated Press (2019, March 22). In Upstate NY village of Hoosick Falls, a trail of cancer leads to tap water. Retrieved on July 28th, 2021, from: 

ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Recovery). (2020, June 24). PFAS chemical exposure | ATSDR. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 

Bloomberg Law (2019). Garden City Park Fire and Water District v. The 3M Company, E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., and the Chemours Company. Retrieved on July 27th, 2021 from: 

Bloomberg Law (2019). Water Authority of Great Neck North v. The 3M Company (F/K/A Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co.); Dyneon LLC; E.I. Dupont de Nemours and Co.; and the Chemours Company. Retrieved on July 27th, 2021 from: 

CHA Consulting, Inc. (2019, August). Municipal Water Supply Study for the Village of Hoosick Falls: Appendix B – Public Water Systems in New York State Relying on GAC Treatment and Public Water System Treatment Data. Retrieved on July 28th, 2021, from: 

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Any questions, comments, concerns about the project can be directed to Rassil Sayess (

Harman Dhodi Singh

2020 NYS WRI Intern

Caroline Smith

2020 NYS WRI Intern

Julia Gonzales

2021 NYS WRI Intern

Olivia Pietz

2021 NYS WRI Intern

Rassil Sayess

Research and Outreach Specialist at NYS WRI