Hurricane Nicholas
Hurricane Nicholas made for a challenging forecast as the system moved just offshore the Middle Texas coast. Scroll down to learn more.
Storm Overview
As we moved into mid September, all eyes turned to the southern Gulf of Mexico as an area was outlooked for potential tropical cyclone development by the National Hurricane Center (NHC). Follow along with the timeline below as we take a closer look at the life cycle of this storm.

September 9, 2021
The National Hurricane Center initially outlooked the southern Gulf of Mexico with a low chance of development during the early morning hours of Thursday, September 9th.

September 11, 2021
Confidence increased over the coming days. The NHC increased the chances in the Gulf to 90%.
Morning of September 12, 2021
Tropical Storm Nicholas developed during the morning hours of September 12th. This lead to the issuance of a variety of tropical related hazards: Tropical Storm Warnings, Tropical Storm Watches, Storm Surge Watches, Storm Surge Warnings, and a Flash Flood Watch.
Afternoon of September 12, 2021
During the afternoon hours of September 12th, a Hurricane Watch was issued for the Northern Coastal Bend as the track of the storm began to shift east giving the system more time over the warm Gulf waters. In addition, the Tropical Storm Watches were transitioned into Tropical Storm Warnings.
Morning of September 13, 2021
Tropical Storm Nicholas was sitting just off the South Texas coast during the morning hours of September 13th. Rain bands and gusty winds were beginning to arrive along the Middle Texas coast.
Evening of September 13, 2021
As Tropical Storm Nicholas approached the Middle Texas coast, the system further strengthened, achieving hurricane strength with sustained winds of 75 MPH. Hurricane Warnings were issued north of Port O'Connor.
12:30 AM Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Hurricane Nicholas made landfall on the eastern part of the Matagorda Peninsula, about 10 miles west-southwest of Sargent Beach, Texas. Maximum sustained winds were 75 MPH with higher gusts at landfall.
September 14, 2021
After making landfall, the system gradually began to weaken. Heavy rains were felt along the Middle to Upper Texas coast as the storm moved off to the northeast. We will discuss impacts felt along the Middle Texas coast in the coming sections.
We compiled all of our tweets throughout this event and created a Twitter Moment. Check the button below to see all of our graphics and updates as Nicholas moved through. (You do not need a Twitter account to view it)
The satellite represent of Nicholas was fairly disorganized early on in the storm's life cycle. Towards the end of the video to the right, you can see the last minute strengthening of the storm (the brighter colors) as Nicholas reached hurricane strength.
Thanks to Dr. Kimberly Wood from Mississippi State University for the satellite animation.
Storm Surge
As Nicholas neared our coastline, coastal flooding become a concern especially for those north of Port Aransas. A Storm Surge Warning was issued for the Northern Coastal Bend and a Storm Surge Watch was issued for the Southern Coastal Bend. 2 to 4 feet of inundation was expected as a result of this storm.
In the video to the right, water can be seen reaching the dunes around Port Aransas as Nicholas meandered up the Middle Texas coast.
The largest surge we observed occurred at Port O'Connor where water levels of 3.15' MHHW ( Mean Higher High Water ) or 3.15' of inundation. Inside Lavaca Bay, Port Lavaca measured a surge of 2.31' MHHW. Tide gauges from a few sites along the coast can be seen below.
Tide levels at Port O'Connor
Tide levels at Port Lavaca
Tide levels at Bob Hall Pier
Hazardous Seas
Seas quickly increased across the Western Gulf of Mexico as Nicholas strengthened. Buoys situated just off the Middle Texas coast reported seas ranging from 15-20 feet along with strong tropical storm force winds.
The image to the left was taken from a camera on Buoy 42019. At the time, winds were gusting to near 50 knots with seas of 19 feet! For reference, the image below was taken on a day when the seas were around 1.5 feet.
Wind Impacts
Tropical storm force winds initially started spreading across the Coastal Bend during the morning hours of September 13th. As the day went on, observation sites along the coast began reporting strong tropical storm force wind gusts.
The strongest winds in our forecast area can be found in Port O'Connor were a gust of 64 MPH was observed as Nicholas was strengthening into a Category 1 hurricane.
As Nicholas inched closer towards the Texas coast, our office, along with several others across the country, launch a special weather balloon mid-day on the 13th. The data collected would allow us to better asses the near storm environment and provide us a better handle on the forecast track.
Sorry about all the noise in the launch video. It was a little windy during release.
Rainfall Amounts
Forecasting rainfall amounts was very difficult with this storm. A small shift left or right with the track could make a drastic difference in rainfall totals.
In this case, Nicholas remained further offshore which limited our rainfall across the Coastal Bend and Victoria Crossroads. In the radar image to the left, you can see rain bands approaching the Middle Texas coast which would make you think the Coastal Bend will be seeing heavy rain shortly. However, dry air working into the region is making it hard for these bands to stay together. As a result, portions of the region only received roughly 2-4". With that said, a select few locations did receive over 5" with this event.
The heaviest rainfall can be found along the Upper Texas coast as the storm slowly meandered north after landfall.
Damage Photos

Tree Uprooted in Port O'Connor
Tree Uprooted in Port O'Connor. Click to expand.

Downed Powerlines
Downed Powerlines . Click to expand.

Powerline Damage
Powerline Damage. Click to expand.

Roofing Damage
Roofing Damage. Click to expand.

Roof Damage
Roof Damage. Click to expand.

PINS after the storm surge subsided
PINS after the storm surge subsided. Click to expand.

Padre Island National Seashore
Padre Island National Seashore . Click to expand.

Padre Island National Seashore
Padre Island National Seashore. Click to expand.

Port Aransas
Port Aransas. Click to expand.

Port O'Connor Damage
Port O'Connor Damage. Click to expand.

Debris line from Storm Surge in Port O'Connor
Debris line from Storm Surge in Port O'Connor. Click to expand.

Sand over the road from storm surge in Indianola
Sand over the road from storm surge in Indianola. Click to expand.

Storm Surge at Whitecap Beach
Storm Surge at Whitecap Beach. Click to expand.

Rough Bays along Fulton Beach Road
Rough Bays along Fulton Beach Road. Click to expand.