Space Tree Story Map

75 Years, 68 Orbits, and a Handful of Seeds...

When Purdue alumni  Jerry L. Ross , a NASA astronaut, legendary space-walker, and 4-H'er, completed 68 earth orbits aboard space shuttle Atlantis (STS-27) in December of 1988, he took seeds from two common Indiana tree species with him, for a reason. Ross wrote "I always tried to fly items [in space] for organizations that had made a difference in my life and helped me get to where I ultimately was able to fly into space." All parties safely returned from STS-27, and went on to celebrate Extension's 75th anniversary in communities across Indiana. Ross joined planting events around Indiana. Space Trees took root on courthouse squares, in state parks, and at county fairgrounds. The hardiest specimens grow to this day. Purdue Extension is given lofty credit in Ross's words. Since then, Extension has continued to make a difference in tens of thousands of lives, livelihoods, and in hundreds of communities throughout Indiana over what is now more than a 100 year history.

Ross (Colonel, USAF, RET., NASA Astronaut Former)

They came from the 80's

Let's watch as the journey begins, in December of 1988. The two species of trees that Jerry took with him were the Tulip Poplar (also known as the Yellow Poplar), and the Sycamore. Both species grow fast and can reach impressive height and size. You can learn all about the Sycamore Tree and the Tulip Poplar by reading the Purdue Extension Publications on the Sycamore -  here , and Tulip Poplar  here . Since we know both species of tree grow fast and they were planted about 30 years ago, you should be looking for a mature tree that is about 50-100 feet tall today!

Here's the very moment the Space Trees' 1.8 million mile journey began, and their safe return home!

Here are a few of the Space Trees around Indiana

Find the Space Tree near you

Use the map below to locate your local Space Tree. Click the markers on the map to learn more about each tree.

Click the button in the top right corner of the map to expand and explore the map. Click a markers to learn more about the trees.

These ARE the seeds you're looking for!

Purdue Extension Forester Lenny Farlee shows you how to collect and plant the seeds from your local space tree in this video.

Space Tree Seeds

Space Trees, the Next Generation

Space Trees: TNG

Have you found a Space Tree and planted its seed? Tell us where, and we will add it to the map! Send us a photo, the location, and tell us a little about the project. You can email Daniel Walker ( or Kristi Whitacre (

Jerry Ross Quote

Santucci, J. (2014, November 30). Space Tree Serves as Reminder to Protect the Earth. Tribune-Star.

Jerry Ross Photo

Ross (Colonel, USAF, RET., NASA Astronaut Former)

Here are a few of the Space Trees around Indiana