Using UAS to Identify Red Spruce in the Monongahela Forest

Red Spruce over looking the Mower Track

Why Red Spruce?

Red Spruce are major influences on the ecosystems of the Monongahela Forest and are currently facing loss of historic habitats from climate change.

Revitalized efforts from the United States Forest Service have brought about a desire to restore the historic Red Spruce forest that once existed on Cheat Mountain, a range deep inside of the Monongahela National Forest. Much of this forest was clearcut by the Mower Mining Company in the early 1900's to gain access to the coal, giving the area the nickname of the "Mower Track". The Mower Track has not recovered in the time since; tree species were planted to "rejuivinate" the forest but the planted trees were non-native, creating an ecosystem mostly void of its natural functions. These misplaced trees have been removed, leaving the desirable Red Spruce standing; the focus now turns to identifying existing stands of Red Spruce and performing a canopy release, so that the Red Spruce can spread and thrive again. This project was brought about by foresters at the Monongahela National Forest in the form of a federal grant for Shepherd University. The foresters simply want to know if a drone can be used to identify Red Spruce trees. They hope that a healthy Red Spruce forest will bring environmental prosperity to the Monongahela Forest and serve as a tourist attraction to bring revenue to the state of West Virginia.

Red Spruce overlooking the Mower Track
Red Spruce overlooking the Mower Track


Over the course of the project, I brushed shoulders with foresters both on campus and in the field. Lots of information can be gathered on how foresters operate in the field by observation but there is some basic terminology that needs to be understood for proper communication. The methodology is simple in design, but becomes complex when practiced in the field, since nature has a way of not wanting to be categorized into simple groups.


(Unmanned Ariel Systems)

We collected 228 images over two flights, below are some of the images take by the Mavic. Images were taken at 250 above ground level with a 33% fromtal image overlap (North/South) and 67% side image overlap (East/West) at equal interval snap periods.

DJI Mavic Pro imagery of the Mower Track

Imagery was then uploaded into Agisoft Metashape Pro. Running through the standard workflow with the highest quality settings, were are able to generate a orthomosaic showing this portion of the Mower Track.

The Orthomosaic

Orthomosaic showing the flown area of the Mower Track

Structurally composed of 218 images, 51 million tie points, and 17 million different faces, the orthomosaic covers 51 acres of land.

At its tallest and widest extent, the orthomosaic is 13,976 x 20,804 pixels with a resolution of 3.5 cm per pixel, an incredible level of spatial quality for a piece of data this size.

When viewed from a distance the orthomisaic can be underwhelming, it is at first glace just another aerial image. Lets take a tour of the data to better understand it and see what is really on display here.

Lets take a tour of the data!

To meet the requirements of a capstone we need to declare a hypothesis and test it, therefore...

Null hypothesis: There is no difference in counts between direct observation and the analysis of UAS imagery of red spruce forests.

In order to properly test the hypothesis three main steps were taken.

  • Data Collection - where we returned to the Mower Track, set up plots, and counted the Red Spruce in each plot
  • Analysis - where Arc Pro's analysis through classification was used to identify Red Spruce in the orthomosaic
  • Results - JUPYTR notebook was used for statistical analysis to find the quantifiable results

Data Collection

Here we can see where the 15 plot locations fall onto the orthomosaic.

Orthomosaic with plot locations


It is important to recognize that the imagery used is not a picture, it is data. For every unique colored pixel there is a numerical value assigned to that color.

Our brains default to seeing the data as a picture of nature, we need to zoom in to see the data as it truly is.

The closer you get to the data the picture starts to disappear, but we need to get closer still.

At this scale we can the orthomosaic for what it is, a color coded data set.

In a simplified explanation: 1 would be displayed as green, 2 as red, 3 as brown, and so on.

For this data set we have thousands of values being displayed and have thousands of unique colors to represent them.

To simplify the data and make it more digestible for our brains, ArcGIS Pro has the ability to classify thousands of unique values into bins with the Classification Wizard Tool. Either through a supervised or an unsupervised classification. Both were done for this project to test there viability and expand the analysis. When doing a classification the resolution of the imagery is important. The data here is higher in spatial resolution and low in spectral resolution, with that in mind both classifications utilized pixel-based classification.

Unsupervised Classification

The unsupervised classification was broken down into four classes, here are the results of the classification with the symbology altered to make the data presentable.

Unsupervised Classification

The resolution of the classification were higher than expected when mapped (turned out more distinct and usable then I thought it would be. The symbology was altered to allow for clear distinction between the trees and surrounding areas. The Red Spruce are highlighted in green and visually stand out from there surroundings as clusters of matching pixels. The shadows, the darkest values in the orthomosaic, are shown as brown, making identifying Red Spruce among the established forest impossible. There is also a lot of noise in this data. Green pixels are speckled through the orthomosaic, are these small groups of pixels Red Spruce seedlings or just areas of shadows?

Supervised Classification

The supervised classification was also organized into four classes using the Nearest Neighbor classifier. Each class had 20 samples for training and the final results uses the same symbology as the unsupervised classification.

Supervised Classification 2

The supervised classification shows more definitive results using the same sybology as the unsupervised classification. Vegetation, roads, and bare land can be discerned from each other with better clarity when compared to the unsupervised classification. The Red Spruce are clearly visible, highlighting the tree and the shadow that they cast. There is much less noise throughout the orthomosaic, showing possible seedling locations that were not visible in the unsupervised classification.

To better visualize the differences between the two classifications we can look at the map below with the plot locations. Neither map is superior over the other, both offer there own interpretation of the data.

Unsupervised (left) and Supervised (right) classifications with plot locations.

Now what?

With the plots marked and the classification done, the Red Spruce were then counted within the plots. The orthomosaic, unsupervised and supervised classifications were manually counted then put into a table alongside the ground truthing count. The subjectivity of an individual's distinction between a tree and its surrounding on the plot creates an expected degree of inaccuracy with this method, though a visual understanding of the data aids in this distinction.

Plot Counts by analysis method (left) and sum of total counts (right).

The hypothesis questions how accurate a drone is at identifying conifers. In the data presented above, there are three types of data resulting from the drone imagery: the orthomosiac, the supervised classification, and the unsupervised classification.  All three need to be compared to the ground truthing in order to determine accuracy. This is done by testing for the variance between the four groups. The data is numerical, but we don't know if the data is normally distributed or if the variance between the four groups is parametric. A Shapiro-Wilks test is used first to determine if the data is normally distributed. 

Count Method

Ground Truthing









Shapiro-Wilks Test results

Since only three of the four p-values are above 0.05, the data is not normally distributed. Next a Levene test is used to test if the groups are parametric. The results are a p value of p=0.067 telling us that the data is parametric since the p values is greater than 0.05.

Since the data is parametric but not considered normal, a Kruskal Wallis test was performed as the alternative to ANOVA to determine if any groups are statistically different from the others. This is followed by a post hoc-Dunn test to determine the statistical difference between the groups of data. The Dunn test can be thought of as a test for median difference. The result of the Dunn test is a z-score for comparison between all groups within a data set.


The table displays the results from the Post-Hoc Dunn test. The P-values in green display the three UAS based counts when put against the ground truthing. The P-values for any of the UAS based counts are all less than 0.05 when compared to the ground truthing, indicating that the counts by UAS are all significantly different from ground truthing.

Dunn Test


Ground Truthing








Ground Truthing









Pairwaise comparison of the Post Hoc Dunn test results


For the purposes of this project, it can be concluded that using UAS as a form of cruising does not yield results to a statistically accurate extent when compared to ground truthing. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis. There are many variables in the process, including the type of the UAS imagery used, method of counting, and interpretation of data that would give different results. This project shows that there is ample room for further testing on the subject and can serve as proof of concept that UAS can have potential as a replacement for traditional cruising.


Even though the null hypothesis was rejected, the parameters of what foresters are looking for have been met. We did successfully identify Red Spruce and we identified the desired DBH of Red Spruce. Much of the Red Spruce that were missed are seedlings, some being only a few feet tall. This image shows an example of one such seedling that was undetected in the analysis. When counting trees during the ground truthing we have to count every Red Spruce regardless of there size.

An additional interesting note is the p-values when comparing the three UAS based counts to each other. All are > 0.05, indicating that there is no significant difference in these counting methods.

A key take away is that the resolution of the image quality should be the highest priority when looking to identify Red Spruce with UAS. The initial imagery is the core of the data

Access to technology was a limiting factor in data collection for the project, raising the question of UAS's viability as a form of data collection. Not every individual, institution, or business will have access to the newest and up to date technology on UAS. Given the fast pace at which this technology is growing, new hardware is constantly being released, making the older versions unviable through planned obsolescence. This project was limited to the use of older generation hardware for the collection. Lack of access to higher end technology, particularly a readily available multi-spectral camera for a UAS, has limited the results. A computer with stronger processing power would have sped up this project allowing for more experimentation and fine tuning of the classifications. Lastly, the need for faculty supervision to collect UAS data, along with the isolation of the Mower Track made gathering larger quantities of data difficult.

Even with the slowly encroaching changes to the Monongahela Forest through climate change, the Red Spruce have been shown they are capable of enduring and adapting. The efforts of foresters have already shown a positive impact of the health of the Red Spruce and, by result, a positive impact on the greater health of West Virginia's ecosystems. The effort put in today will benefit the later generations as they will have a healthy forest that will provide resources for them and offer a place to explore. Ideally this project will have assisted the foresters in there decision making and efforts as they move forward with the rejuvenation of the Monongahela.

Special Thanks to Dr. Murphy for her guidance through the entirety of the project, Dr. Groff for his assistance with jupytr notebook and statistical analysis, and to Professor Vance and my brother David for traveling out to the Monongahela to help with data collection.