Système nord-américain de surveillance des changements dans la couverture terrestre
Le Système nord-américain de surveillance des changements dans la couverture terrestre (NALCMS, selon le sigle anglais) est une initiative concertée du Canada, du Mexique et des États-Unis qui vise à présenter la couverture terrestre à l’échelle continentale et à surveiller les changements qu’elle subit au fil du temps.
Cette initiative permet de produire des cartes de la couverture terrestre élaborées à partir d’images satellites recueillies par un spectroradiomètre imageur à résolution moyenne (MODIS) avec une résolution spatiale de 250 mètres, d’images satellites Landsat-7 offrant une résolution spatiale de 30 mètres pour le Canada et les États-Unis et d’images satellites du système RapidEye pour le Mexique.
Faites défiler vers le bas pour en savoir plus au sujet des types de « couverture terrestre en Amérique du Nord » et de l’initiative du NALCMS de la CCE.
Sources des cartes
- Colditz, René R., Gerardo López Saldaña, Pedro Maeda, Jesús Argumedo Espinoza, Carmen Meneses Tovar, Arturo Victoria Hernández, Carlos Zermeño Benítez, Isabel Cruz López, and Rainer Ressl. 2012. “ Generation and Analysis of the 2005 Land Cover Map for Mexico Using 250m MODIS Data. ” Remote Sensing of Environment 123: 541–52.
- Colditz, Rene R., Ricardo M. Llamas, and Rainer A. Ressl. 2014. “ Detecting Change Areas in Mexico Between 2005 and 2010 Using 250 m MODIS Images. ” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 7 (8).
- Colditz, René R., Darren Pouliot, Ricardo M. Llamas, Collin Homer, Rasim Latifovic, Rainer A. Ressl, Carmen Meneses, Arturo Victoria, and Karen Richardson. 2014. “ Detection of North American Land Cover Change between 2005 and 2010 with 250m MODIS Data. ” Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 80 (10): 918–24.
- Gebhardt, Steffen, Thilo Wehrmann, Miguel Angel Muñoz Ruiz, Pedro Maeda, Jesse Bishop, MatthiasSchramm, Rene Kopeinig, et al. 2014. “ MAD-MEX: Automatic Wall-to-Wall Land Cover Monitoring for the Mexican REDD-MRV Program Using All Landsat Data. ” Remote Sensing 6 (5): 3923–43.
- Homer, Collin, Jon Dewitz, Limin Yang, Suming Jin, Patrick Danielson, George Xian, John Coulston, Nathaniel Herold, James Wickham, and Kevin Megown. 2015. “ Completion of the 2011 National Land Cover Database for the Conterminous United States - Representing a Decade of Land Cover Change Information. ” Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 81 (5): 345–54.
- Homer, Collin, Jon Dewitz, Suming Jin, George Xian, Catherine Costello, Patrick Danielson, Leila Gass, et al. 2020. “ Conterminous United States Land Cover Change Patterns 2001–2016 from the 2016 National Land Cover Database. ” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 162: 184–99.
- INEGI. 2023. Guía Para La Interpretación De Cartografía. Uso Del Suelo Y Vegetación Escala 1: 250 000 . Serie VII. Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes: Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (México).
- Jin, Suming, Collin Homer, Limin Yang, Patrick Danielson, Jon Dewitz, Congcong Li, Zhe Zhu, George Xian, and Danny Howard. 2019. “ Overall Methodology Design for the United States National Land Cover Database 2016 Products. ” Remote Sensing 11, no. 24: 2971.
- Jin, Suming, Jon Dewitz, Patrick Danielson, Brian Granneman, Catherine Costello, Kelcy Smith, and Zhe Zhu. 2023. “ National Land Cover Database 2019: A New Strategy for Creating Clean Leaf-On and Leaf-Off Landsat Composite Images. ” Journal of Remote Sensing 3: 0022.
- Jin, Suming, Jon Dewitz, Congcong Li, Daniel Sorenson, Zhe Zhu, Md Rakibul Islam Shogib, et al. 2023. “ National Land Cover Database 2019: A Comprehensive Strategy for Creating the 1986–2019 Forest Disturbance Product. ” Journal of Remote Sensing 3 : 0021
- Jin, Suming, Limin Yang, Patrick Danielson, Collin Homer, Joyce Fry, and George Xian. 2013. “ A Comprehensive Change Detection Method for Updating the National Land Cover Database to circa 2011. ” Remote Sensing of Environment 132:159– 75.
- Latifovic, Rasim, Collin Homer, Rainer Ressl, Darren Pouliot, Sheikh Nazmul Hossain, René R. Colditz, and Arturo Victoria. 2012. “ North American Land Change Monitoring System. ” In Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover: Principles and Applications, edited by Chandra Giri, 303–24. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Series in Remote Sensing Applications: CRC Press.
- Latifovic, R., D. A. Pouliot, L. Sun, J. W. Schwarz, and W. Parkinson. 2015. “ Moderate Resolution Time Series Data Management and Analysis: Automated Large Area Mosaicking and Quality Control .” Geomatics Canada, Open File 6, no.25.
- Latifovic, Rasim, Darren Pouliot, and Ian Olthof. 2017. “ Circa 2010 Land Cover of Canada: Local Optimization Methodology and Product Development ” Remote Sensing 9, no. 11: 1098.
- Pouliot, D., R. Latifovic, and I. Olthof. 2017. “ Development of a 30 m Spatial Resolution Land Cover of Canada: Contribution to the Harmonized North America Land Cover Dataset. ” American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017:GC52C-02. New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Wickham, James, Stephen V. Stehman, Daniel G. Sorenson, Leila Gass, and Jon A. Dewitz. 2021. “ Thematic Accuracy Assessment of the NLCD 2016 Land Cover for the Conterminous United States. ” Remote Sensing of Environment 257 :112357.
- Wickham, James, Stephen V. Stehman, Daniel G. Sorenson, Leila Gass, and Jon A. Dewitz. 2023. “ Thematic Accuracy Assessment of the NLCD 2019 Land Cover for the Conterminous United States. ” GIScience & Remote Sensing 60 (1): 2181143.
- Yang, Limin, Suming Jin, Patrick Danielson, Collin Homer, Leila Gass, Stacie M. Bender, Adam Case, et al. 2018. “ A New Generation of the United States National Land Cover Database: Requirements, Research Priorities, Design, and Implementation Strategies. ” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 146 (December):108–23.