[RE]define Your Community: Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan
Planning for the future of Leduc's Urban Centre.

Project overview
Redevelopment is a natural part of the neighbourhood lifecycle. As areas age and community needs and desires change, areas start to evolve through occasional upgrades and investments.
One of the areas presenting significant redevelopment potential is Leduc's Urban Centre, which is located in central Leduc and is primarily made up of the Central Business District, Alexandra Park neighbourhood, and Telford House area.
The process of redevelopment requires a statutory plan , which is what the Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan (UCRP) will be. This plan will officially designate the Urban Centre as a redevelopment area where the City can facilitate development by:
Preserving land or buildings
Rehabilitating, removing, constructing, or replacing buildings
Establishing, improving, or relocating roads or public utilities
The goal of creating this plan is to guide the upgrades and investments that are required to redevelop to:
Capture the needs and interests of landowners, residents, and other community stakeholders;
Identify a unified vision for the future of the area;
Coordinate and facilitate investments to ensure changes meet the needs of the community; and
Ensure communities are supported by necessary services, infrastructure, and amenities now and into the future.
Plan components
The plan will have six components and we are currently seeking public feedback on the first three (vision, guiding principles and themes).
- Vision: A aspirational statement that describes what we want the Urban Centre to be like in 20 years
- Guiding principles: Overarching concepts with objectives stating how they will be achieved
- Themes: topics that will influence policy direction.
The last three components (policies, future land use concept, and actions) will be informed by input received during phase 2: planning.
Vision statement
Leduc’s Urban Centre is an accessible, safe, and inclusive space. It offers diverse housing and business opportunities, celebrates local heritage, facilitates gatherings, and provides access to natural, cultural, and recreational amenities. Showcasing high quality urban design and multi-modal transportation connections, the Urban Centre welcomes residents and visitors to experience this vibrant locale that is designed for all.
Guiding principles
- Recognize and strengthen history, culture, and sense of place.
- Provide opportunities for appropriate redevelopment and infill development.
- Enhance connectivity to and through the plan area.
- Diversify housing options.
- Attract and promote a variety of businesses, services, and uses.
- Activate the public realm.
Draft policy areas
Understanding the community’s perspectives on the presented themes will help us develop land use policies that will guide future development. There will be policies that apply to the entire UCRP area, and there will be other policies catered to specific areas (i.e., policy areas) to guide redevelopment in a similar form and character. The UCRP area has been split into five draft policy areas: Commercial Gateway, Community Service, Downtown Core, Institutional, and Mixed-Use Residential.
The process of developing the plan includes numerous steps and phases and will provide several public engagement opportunities.
What is an area redevelopment plan?
Area Redevelopment Plans (ARPs) are statutory plans used to guide the redevelopment of previously developed areas. The Urban Centre Redevelopment plan is Leduc’s first ARP.
The Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan will be a land use plan that guides the revitalization and redevelopment of Leduc’s central neighbourhoods, providing guidance on future land use, housing, phasing of redevelopment, urban design, and character.
Planning process from the Municipal Development Plan to site development.
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FOIP Statement
The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will be used for the purposes of sharing information and updates for the Urban Centre Redevelopment Plan. Questions concerning the collection, use and disclosure of this information should be directed to: #1 Alexandra Park, Leduc, AB, T9E 4C4, phone 780-980-7177. This information will be retained and disposed of in accordance with approved records retention and disposal schedules of the City.