Manage different users in ArcGIS Online
set up a default user and specific roles for staff and students
This resource will guide you through setting up user accounts for staff and students at your organisation.
Create Custom Roles for Staff and Students
Your ArcGIS Online account comes with some default roles (viewer, data editor, user, publisher, admin) that help you manage what users can do. Most users will want to create maps and apps and run spatial analysis in ArcGIS Online which would require Publisher Privileges.
However, Publishers can make content public and this may not be a suitable privileges to give to students. We can create a custom Student Role which enables students to perform spatial analysis in ArcGIS Online and to share their work with their course tutor, but prevents them publishing content publicly.
To create a custom role:
- Log into as admin
- Click Organisation > Settings > Member Roles
- Give your new role a name and description
- Import settings from the Publisher Role
- Select Sharing from role privileges
- Deselect Share With public
- Deselect Make groups visible to public
Creating a custom role in ArcGIS Online
Set Default Role for New Members
To make it easier to manage new users, you can set up a new member default. This means that you can give all new users the same access to software automatically. It makes sense in universities to set up your new member defaults for students and then tweak the privilege's for lecturers. To do this you need to create a Custom Student Role as described in the previous section.
- Log into as admin Organisation > Settings > New member defaults Set User Type to Professional Plus Set Role to Student (or whatever you called your custom role) Click Manage in add on licenses Check everything ON - you have everything so provision it for the students then they dont have to ask you for access later! Enable Esri Access - this enables students to access esri training material using their identity
Set up new member defaults for ArcGIS Online