Environment and Climate Change
South Ayrshire Local Development Plan 2
Environment and Climate Change
The Environment and Climate Change Chapter of the LDP seeks to ensure that we are able to make the most of South Ayrshire's wealth of environmental, historic and cultural resources, whilst being mindful of our responsibilities for their protection. The chapter includes policies on (inter alia):
- The green belt
- The Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere and Dark Sky Park
- Landscape quality and the coast
- Woodlands, trees and the Central Scotland Green Network
- Pollution, flooding and the water environment
- Mineral extraction,
- Renewable energy, and 'heat networks', and
- The historic environment South Ayrshire Council
Environment and Access Interactive Map
The Greenbelt Policy Map
Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Policy
Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Bioshere Policy
Dark Skies Policy
Dark Skies Policy
Landscape Quality Policy
For proposals within, or affecting Local Landscape Areas (LLA) we will also consider the guidance contained in the 'statements of importance' and management recommendations of the South Ayrshire Local Landscape Designations Review (2018), and the extent of any economic benefit.
The Coast Policy and Woodland and Forestry Policy
Green Networks Policy
Water Environment Policy and Flood and Development Policy
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has produced maps of flood risk areas and these are a useful starting point for developers considering locations. You can find these maps on the SEPA website
Agricultural Land Policy and Air, Noise and Light Pollution Policy
Minerals, Aggregates and Coal Policy
Renewable Energy Policy
Wind Energy Policy
We will use the South Ayrshire Landscape Wind Capacity Study 2018 (or any subsequent updates to that study) and the South Ayrshire Local Landscape Area Review 2018 , to help us to determine the effect of proposals on the landscape.
Heat Networks Policy and Historic Environment Policy
The Scottish heat map https://heatmap.scotland.gov.uk can be used to identify where there are opportunities for heat networks to assess heat density and proximity to heat sources.
Natural Heritage Policy
Waste Management Policy