Nevada High Water Mark Interactive Map
Nevada Silver Jackets
Updated: March 19, 2024

January 2, 1997 - The 1997 New Year's Flood

Existing HWM Mural & Interpretive Sign Under E. 5th St. Overpass and Carson River Trail HWM Sign

August 11, 2022 - Flash Floods hit the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada

January 3, 1997 - View of Sparks Industrial Area After Flood Crest

1910 Humboldt River Flood

September 14, 1984 - Eldorado Canyon Flash Flood Event

Fallon - March 1907 Flood

Caliente - January 1910 Flood

Yerington - January 1997 Flood

Lahontan State Recreation Area

Moapa Valley September 2014 Flood

Mesquite, NV - Hunter Park - January 2005 Flood

Washoe Lake State Park

Carson City Mudflow Event

Future HWM Structure & Interpretive Sign at Morgan Mill River Access

Future HWM Sign Along Trail at Riverview Park

Minden, NV- River Fork Ranch Preserve HWM Sign (near Genoa, NV)

Kershaw-Ryan State Park - Future sign
January 2, 1997 - The 1997 New Year's Flood
The New Year's floods set new records for peak discharge (flow rate) and maximum stage (water surface height) at several U.S. Geological Survey stream gaging stations along the Truckee River. Although there is dispute over the peak flow rate (USGS lists it at 18,200 cfs, while USACE 23,200 CFS) there is no disagreement over the immense destruction the floods caused and at the time was one of the costliest disasters west of the Rockies.
After that flood the city and county worked on important changes necessary to cope with future floods. For Reno the improvements led to lower impacts felt by the 2017 flood and marked significant success of their efforts.
For more information on the flood history of the Truckee River, follow this link.
Existing HWM Mural & Interpretive Sign Under E. 5th St. Overpass and Carson River Trail HWM Sign
Carson City is no stranger to notable flood events. This includes the 2017 floods from two atmospheric rivers accompanied by early snowmelt. In January and February of 2017, a total of about 22 inches of rain fell in the lower foothills of Carson City causing damage throughout the city. To help communicate flood risk to the public, a mural featuring wildlife and plants you’d find in or near creeks and drainages in Carson City was painted under the 5 th Street overpass adjacent to the Linear Ditch multi-use pathway. The high-water mark depicted on this mural shows where the water level reached during the 2017 flood in relation to the base flood elevation.
For more information on the flood history of the Carson River, follow this link.
August 11, 2022 - Flash Floods hit the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada
Casinos damaged by flooding in Las Vegas: "Wettest monsoon season in ten years"
Roads turned into rivers, as drainage failed to handle heavy rainfall. Leaks were seen in casinos, with water falling on gaming floors. Underground parking garages filled with water, damaging vehicles.
January 3, 1997 - View of Sparks Industrial Area After Flood Crest
The January 1997 flood was the result of near-record precipitation and melting snow. Many locations in the region received 3–5 times their normal precipitation for December 1996 and January 1997. This picture from the National Weather Service shows the results of snowmelt that flooded Sparks for days. The event’s destruction was devastating to the property and people living there.
1910 Humboldt River Flood
Railroads and bridges in Carlin were damaged as a result of this flooding.
This was the largest flood of record on the entire Humboldt River and its tributaries. The peak flow on February 28 was a record for Carlin where the Humboldt crested at 15,000 cubic feet per second (cfs). Flooding was caused by warm, heavy rain on heavy snow and frozen ground. The Humboldt River at Carlin was over a mile wide, and Western Pacific dynamited ice to save the Carlin bridge.
September 14, 1984 - Eldorado Canyon Flash Flood Event
Near Nelson in Clark County a flash flood roared down Eldorado Canyon and swept the Nelson's Landing marina into Lake Mojave. The 22-foot-high-wave carried 38 vehicles, 23 boats, boat slips, trailers, cabins, a restaurant, and a store into the lake. The flood resulted from intense basin-wide rain and hail at rain rates up to 3 inches per half hour. The peak flow was estimated at 76,000 cubic feet per second by USGS just upstream of the developed area near the mouth of the canyon. The runoff dumped about 70 thousand cubic yards (about 100,000 tons) of sediment into Lake Mojave and throughout the lower part of the canyon and caused a rise of about 0.45 foot on the Lake.
Fallon - March 1907 Flood
Photo is from exhibit that was displayed at Churchill County Museum. Pictured is Maine Street flooded in 1907, with images of the Churchill County Courthouse and Hotel Fallon. Though no one was killed, waters took several weeks to recede, and the event re-routed the Carson River!
Caliente - January 1910 Flood
This monument, dedicated on 16 October 2016, was placed by the Queho Posse Chapter 1919 of the E Clampus Vitas historical society in conjunction with the City of Caliente
The inscription on the plaque reads, “Residents of desert areas know that flooding is always a possibility. In 1910, one of the worst rainstorms in southern Nevada history hit Lincoln County and Clark Counties, causing damage from Meadow Valley Wash to the Vegas Valley. In 1905, the San Pedro, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake Railroad was built through the Meadow Valley Wash to the Caliente, where it turned basically northeast to follow Clover Creek. While the route was the best in the areas, planning for floods turned out to be insufficient. In 1906, 1907 and 1909, flooding washed out the tracks, causing the railroad to be stopped until repairs were made. In each case, the route was repaired, but nature was not finished with it. In the first week of January 1910, massive flooding again washed out nearly 100 miles of tracks, taking an entire engine and cars with it. Two weeks later, more flooding took out the temporary repairs which had been made. The flooding extended into the Vegas valley, cutting off all travel out of the valley for a few days. More flooding in 1911 caused the railroad to rethink its location. The rails were moved significantly higher along the Meadow Valley Wash and through the Clover Creek area. This changed allowed the railroad to survive later massive floods, most notably in 1938, and remains the route use by the railroad today.”
Yerington - January 1997 Flood
After unseasonably warm rain melted excessive snowpack, the Walker River flooded, over 21 square miles in the basin flooded, and seven miles of Highway 395 were destroyed. As levees were breeched, some areas in Yerington were flooded in over 3 feet of water. The resulting destruction was unparalleled in the River’s documented history. Buildings were destroyed, roads and bridges were completely washed out, farms were ruined, and towns were evacuated. The eastern side of Yerington had a blanket of two feet of water flooding in houses, cars, and land. As floodwater spilled all over towns near the Walker River, wells had to be sandbagged and residents were advised to boil their water before consumption in case the wells had been contaminated with storm water. Storm drains filled up and caused additional flooding as the water was backed up and had nowhere to go. Oral accounts of the flood recount that many people’s homes took up to a week to be fully drained and able to be lived in.
Link to Walker River Story Map:
Lahontan State Recreation Area
Prehistoric Lake Lahontan once had a surface area of over 8,500 square miles. Visit the Lahontan State Recreation Area to view evidence of the prehistoric lake's massive extent in the Great Basin.
Moapa Valley September 2014 Flood
On September 8, 2014, moisture from Hurricane Norbert hit hard in the Moapa Valley. Gages measured 2.5" to 4.6" of rain, and National Weather Service radar suggested over 6" fell in some areas. Damages to roadways totaled several million dollars. An intense series of thunderstorms brought as much rainfall in a 2-hour period as what is received in a normal rainfall year!
Link to Muddy River Story Map:
Mesquite, NV - Hunter Park - January 2005 Flood
Winter storms in January of 2005 produced excessive precipitation and snowfall in the mountain ranges surrounding the City of Mesquite. Temperatures increased about 15 degrees from the previous wee. This increase in temperature, along with additional rain, caused rapid snowmelt resulting in record flooding along the Virgin River.
Link to Virgin River Story Map:
Washoe Lake State Park
On May 30, 1983 a barrage of water, mud and boulders came barreling down from Slide Mountain, crashing into Washoe Valley. The slide was caused by exceptionally dense snowpack, resulting from the previous winter being far colder and wetter than average. With temperatures in the 80s and 90s over the second half of May, the snowpack was melting rapidly. This culminated in water-saturated soil on the mountain giving way.
Carson City Mudflow Event
On Saturday, June 10, 2023, heavy rain in Carson City resulted in a mudflow in the Southwest area of the City. The Carson City Sheriff's Office reported that the mud was one to two feet in some areas of the Galaxy Fandango Theaters parking lot. The Galaxy Fandango Theater was temporarily closed but has since reopened
Future HWM Structure & Interpretive Sign at Morgan Mill River Access
Flooding occurs when climate, geology, and hydrology combine to create conditions where river, stream, and natural drainage waters flow outside of their usual course and spill beyond their banks. Shown in these photos is the Morgan Mill River Access Area. During high river flows, this area becomes inundated by the Carson River. Carson City and Carson Water Subconservancy District are working on an exciting high water mark structure that will be located at the Morgan Mill River Access Area. This structure will depict high water marks from notable flood events as well as the base flood elevation at this location.
Future HWM Sign Along Trail at Riverview Park
This photo shows the flooding that occurred in open space along the Carson River during 2017. One of the ways that Carson City helps reduce flood damage is by preserving open space. Open floodplain lands reduce flood damage by allowing water to slow down, spread out, and soak in. Nearly 70% of Carson City’s Special Flood Hazard Area is in open space. Approximately 11 miles along the Carson River are dedicated as open space to preserve the floodplain, protect wildlife habitat, and provide recreational opportunities.
Minden, NV- River Fork Ranch Preserve HWM Sign (near Genoa, NV)
The Nature Conservancy’s River Fork Ranch Preserve permanently protects more than 800 acres of floodplain at the confluence of the East and West Forks of the Carson River. Undeveloped floodplains reduce flood risk to communities downstream by giving rivers room to swell beyond their banks in times of high flow while also allowing groundwater aquifers to recharge and natural water purification processes to function.
For more information on the preserve, follow the links below:
Kershaw-Ryan State Park - Future sign
On August 14, 1984 a severe thunderstorm brought torrential rainfall to Kershaw-Ryan State Park and the surrounding area. Flood waters raged through a normally dry wash in Kershaw Canyon, destroying much of the infrastructure. Damage from the flood event was so extensive that the park remained closed for 13 years!