Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring in Michigan

Explore how EGLE biologists are protecting Michigan waterways by monitoring Aquatic Invasive Species

Invasive Species: The Basics

This story map describes how Michigan's Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) monitors and manages aquatic invasive species (AIS) throughout the state. Watch the video below to get started.

An informative video about invasive species and why they matter.

Early Detection and Response

A large stand of Phragmites, a tall, reed plant, alongside a dirt road. Phragmites is a commonly found invasive species throughout Michigan.
A large stand of Phragmites, a tall, reed plant, alongside a dirt road. Phragmites is a commonly found invasive species throughout Michigan.

A large stand of Phragmites, a tall, reed plant, alongside a dirt road. Phragmites is a commonly found invasive species throughout Michigan.

Early detection and practical responses to new invasions or existing outlier populations of invasive species are critical when prevention fails.

Even the best prevention program cannot keep all invasive species out, but a program that responds wisely by using cost-effective methods, relying on science-based decision-making, and engaging key stakeholders will help minimize negative impacts to Michigan. 

Tom Alwin, a biologist, removes European frog-bit from backwater area using a canoe.

Biologist, Tom Alwin, removes European frog-bit from a backwater area.

Early detection and response (EDR) addresses the critical period between introduction and establishment of a new invasive species population – the point when the focus of management must shift from prevention to containment, control and eradication.

It is during this brief window where an opportunity exists to stop the permanent establishment of a new invasive species population.

EDR efforts increase the likelihood that invasions will be addressed successfully while populations are still localized and population levels can be contained and ideally eradicated.

Michigan's watch list aquatic invasive plants threaten the state's natural resources. Plants in the red section (Brazilian Elodea, Water Chestnut, Water Soldier) have not been confirmed in the wild in Michigan. The remaining plants (Parrot Feather Watermilfoil, Yellow Floating Heart, Hydrilla, Water Hyacinth*, European Water Clover*, Water Lettuce*, Invasive Water-primrose*) have limited known distribution. *Indicates plants legal for sale and possession. Response efforts are limited to plants outside of cultivation.

A graphic showing Michigan’s current watchlist of aquatic invasive plants. The diagram shows drawings of various invasive species, including those plants that are still legally sold or available for possession.

Invasive species on the watch list have been identified as posing an immediate or potential threat to Michigan's economy, environment or human health. These species either have never been confirmed in the wild in Michigan or have a limited known distribution.

Some of these species on the watchlist are designated as by the State of Michigan as "prohibited" or "restricted". If a species is prohibited or restricted, it is UNLAWFUL to possess, introduce, import, sell or offer that species for sale as a live organism, except under certain circumstances.

Early detection and timely reporting of these species is crucial for increasing the chances of preventing establishment and limiting potential ecological, social and economic impacts.

Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Map

This map can be used to explore where EGLE staff have conducted early detection surveys on inland lakes searching for watch list aquatic plants.  

🟦 Each Light Blue square represents an inland lake monitored between 2014 and 2023. Click on one to learn the which invasive species that were observed.  

Keep scrolling to learn more about individual watch list species known locations and the management actions to date, or click on a name below to jump to an invasive species:  Yellow Floating Heart  |  Water Lettuce  |  Water Hyacinth  |  Parrot Feather  |  New Zealand Mudsnail  |  European Water Clover  |  Water Primrose .

AIS: Yellow Floating Heart

Yellow Floating Heart flowers emerging from the surface of a pond. The plant is dominating the entirety of the water's surface with large leaves similar to common water lilies.

Yellow Floating Heart flowers emerging from the surface of a pond. The plant is dominating the entirety of the water's surface with large leaves similar to common water lilies.

Yellow floating heart is currently prohibited in Michigan.

Habitat: slow moving waterbodies

Native Range: Asia and Europe.

Local Concern: Yellow floating heart can create dense mats that shade out native plants and decrease oxygen levels. Mats interfere with recreation and can have a negative effect on fish and other aquatic species.

AIS: Water Lettuce

A bucket of water lettuce removed from a site in southeast Michigan. The plant features 4-6” wedge-shaped, overlapping, soft green leaves covered with water-repellant hairs

A bucket of water lettuce removed from a site in southeast Michigan. The plant features 4-6” wedge-shaped, overlapping, soft green leaves covered with water-repellant hairs

Water Lettuce is currently not regulated in Michigan.

Habitat: Ponds, Lakes, Rivers, Streams, and Wetlands

Native Range: Uncertain

Local Concern: This plant can create thick floating mats that reduce oxygen levels, block sunlight, and prevent growth of underwater vegetation. Mats interfere with recreation and can have a negative effect on fish and other aquatic species.

AIS: Water Hyacinth

 Water Hyacinth and other aquatic plants on the shoreline of a lake. Water Hyacinth is a floating plant that has clusters of leaves with spongy stalks arising from a base of dark purple feathery roots.

 Water Hyacinth and other aquatic plants on the shoreline of a lake. Water Hyacinth is a floating plant that has clusters of leaves with spongy stalks arising from a base of dark purple feathery roots.

Water Hyacinth is currently on the aquatic invasive species watch list.

Habitat: Ponds, Lakes, Rivers, Streams, and Wetlands.

Native Range: Amazon basin

Local Concern: This invasive species forms dense floating colonies that block sunlight and crowd out native species. At optimum temperatures, it can double its biomass within a month. 

AIS: Parrot Feather

A biologist holding a Parrot Feather plant over the water's surface. The plant has two types of leaves: robust green wax-coated emergent leaves and submersed leaves that appear brown and decaying.

A biologist holding a Parrot Feather plant over the water's surface. The plant has two types of leaves: robust green wax-coated emergent leaves and submersed leaves that appear brown and decaying.

Parrot Feather is currently prohibited in Michigan.

Habitat: Occurs in slow-moving freshwater habitats. It shows preference for high nutrient environments with plenty of light.

Native Range: South America

Local Concern: This invasive plant forms monocultures by outcompeting native aquatic species. Dense mats  which can interfere with recreation and wildlife suitability.  

AIS: New Zealand Mudsnail

A penny next to New Zeeland mudsnails that shows how tiny the snails are in comparison

New Zealand Mudsnail in a container with a penny to illustrate their small size. They average 4-6 mm long. The Mudsnail has an elongated, right-handed coiling shell and vary in color from gray to light or dark brown.

New Zealand Mudsnails are prohibited in Michigan.

Habitat: They are most prolific in water bodies with a constant temperature and flow but are highly adaptable.

Native Range: New Zealand

Local Concern: New Zeeland mudsnails are fast breeders. They are difficult for native species of fish to digest when eaten and offer little nutritional value. When large colonies of mudsnails are present, food for other stream invertebrate populations can become scarce.  

AIS: European Water Clover

A close up photo of floating and submerged water clover. They plant resembles a four leaf clover. Leaves are smooth and can be floating, submerged or emergent.

A close up photo of floating and submerged water clover. They plant resembles a four leaf clover. Leaves are smooth and can be floating, submerged or emergent.

European water clover is currently not regulated in Michigan. 

Habitat: Anchors into sediment in shallow, slow-moving waters. Preference is given to sandy and loamy soil environments with semi-shade to full sun.

Native Range: Europe and Asia.

Local Concern:  European water-clover can form dense stands by outcompeting native aquatic species. Its ability to adjust the angle of floating leaflets to optimize sunlight gives it even more of a competitive edge over native species. 

AIS: Water Primrose

Emergent Water Primrose seen with a bright yellow flower. Thick, sprawling leaf growth can be seen covering the water's surface. Hardy and fibrous roots form from on lower stems.

Emergent Water Primrose seen with a bright yellow flower. Thick, sprawling leaf growth can be seen covering the water's surface. Hardy and fibrous roots form from on lower stems.

Invasive water-primrose  is currently not regulated in Michigan. 

Habitat: Water-primrose thrives in emergent marshes and wetlands with periodic flooding, along shorelines and in water along the shoreline. Plants can survive in water up to 3 meters in depth but tends to prefer shallower water habitats near the shoreline.

Native Range: Spanning North, Central, and South America. In the U.S., water-primrose is native to Southeastern states. 

Local Concern:  Aggressive growth can displace native plants and impede recreation and fish and wildlife use.

The data used in the above map is available for access at  EGLE's Open Data Portal .

Official Invasive Species Website

More information about invasive species can be found on the State of Michigan's official  invasive species website. 

⚠️ When and How do I Report Aquatic Invasive Species?

If you encounter ANY of the species on Michigan’s Watch List, please report them as soon as possible using the instructions on that species' profile.

For help on reaching the right resource for invasive species start by calling the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Environmental Assistance Center at 800-662-9278.

A large stand of Phragmites, a tall, reed plant, alongside a dirt road. Phragmites is a commonly found invasive species throughout Michigan.

Biologist, Tom Alwin, removes European frog-bit from a backwater area.

A graphic showing Michigan’s current watchlist of aquatic invasive plants. The diagram shows drawings of various invasive species, including those plants that are still legally sold or available for possession.

Yellow Floating Heart flowers emerging from the surface of a pond. The plant is dominating the entirety of the water's surface with large leaves similar to common water lilies.

A bucket of water lettuce removed from a site in southeast Michigan. The plant features 4-6” wedge-shaped, overlapping, soft green leaves covered with water-repellant hairs

 Water Hyacinth and other aquatic plants on the shoreline of a lake. Water Hyacinth is a floating plant that has clusters of leaves with spongy stalks arising from a base of dark purple feathery roots.

A biologist holding a Parrot Feather plant over the water's surface. The plant has two types of leaves: robust green wax-coated emergent leaves and submersed leaves that appear brown and decaying.

New Zealand Mudsnail in a container with a penny to illustrate their small size. They average 4-6 mm long. The Mudsnail has an elongated, right-handed coiling shell and vary in color from gray to light or dark brown.

A close up photo of floating and submerged water clover. They plant resembles a four leaf clover. Leaves are smooth and can be floating, submerged or emergent.

Emergent Water Primrose seen with a bright yellow flower. Thick, sprawling leaf growth can be seen covering the water's surface. Hardy and fibrous roots form from on lower stems.