Current Invasive Species Locations and Affect (USA)
This data set shows all the current invasive species in the United States.
my Story Map aims to highlight the impact of invasive species on the environment, agriculture, and native species across the country. The interactive map showcases data on the spread of invasive species, including key hotspots and affected regions. On top of giving the name, scientific name, locations, spread, and last reported update.
Non-Native Species in U.S. National Parks
This map above shows all of the US national parks, and the pins mark each invasive species in there given location. As shown most of the species are more clustered in the western states of the US, including Hawaii.
This graph shows the impact the invasive species have done to the economic status of the United States. One of the many solutions to this problem include some states (for aquatic invasive species) enforce fisherman (by law) to kill any invasive species they catch in an effort to combat the species.
In this graph it shows where the invasive have been known to inhabit. Which at first glance looks disperesed, but a large majority reside near the west coast. Most of the species being insects and crustaceans. this could be a cause of insects traveling via cargo ships. As for the crustaceans it could be caused from global warming they are shifting away from there natural habitats to find more suitable locations to thrive in.
Non-Native Species Origins
This map shows the origin of a large majority of the species from the first map proving the hypothosis of how they came to live in the US.