Petoskey Green Stormwater Infrastructure
A Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) visioning process, to help to preserve and protect the Little Traverse Bay Watershed
In 2021, Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council was awarded funding from the Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation to work on a green stormwater infrastructure visioning process. This project assessed opportunities for integrating green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) with existing gray stormwater infrastructure within the Little Traverse Bay Watershed. It brought together GSI experts, Drummond Carpenter, and city staff to determine how these practices can protect Little Traverse Bay and beautify Petoskey. Through the storymap and survey this project gives the community an opportunity to learn and share their input.
This project is intended only for soliciting feedback on potential GSI locations and community preferences on designs. Depending on future grant opportunities and the city's priorities, we hope to implement the key GSI concepts that garner the most support.
We appreciate your participation and the support of the Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation.
Little Traverse Bay (Bay) is a high-quality water resource beloved by many, but suffers from the ongoing threats of nonpoint source pollution. This is pollution that enters the water through indirect sources. Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council has identified and created a framework to address these threats through the creation of the Little Traverse Bay Watershed Protection Plan.
The Watershed Council has identified critical areas in the plan to help prioritize and target management efforts within the Little Traverse Bay Watershed. Critical areas refer to locations where actions are needed to address known and potential pollutant sources. Petoskey, being the largest development within the Watershed, contains the largest amount of impervious surface area and discharges the largest amount of stormwater runoff to the Bay and the Bear River.
Stormwater runoff is generated when rain or snowmelt flows over land or impervious surfaces (paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops) and is directed into our surface waters instead of soaking into the ground. Stormwater accumulates debris, chemicals, sediment, nutrients, bacteria, and other nonpoint source pollutants that adversely affect water quality of nearby lakes, streams, wetlands, and could impact human health.
Over 50 stormwater outfalls (discharge point of stormwater into body of water) within the Watershed contribute pollutants to the Bay. High topographic relief, or elevations, throughout Petoskey encourages quick drainage, but poses challenges when planning the implementation of best management practices (BMPs), especially when combined with the dense development occurring along the waterfront. The downtown corridor has relatively few infiltration BMPs installed.
Stormwater outfall in the Bear River corridor
Newer developments on the southern periphery of the city have incorporated detention ponds to retain and treat stormwater; however, these are not considered GSI, but gray infrastructure. This approach moves the stormwater offsite, usually through a series of pipes, to have it treated elsewhere unlike GSI, which aims to treat the water where it lands.
What is GSI?
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) is an approach to land management that works with nature to manage stormwater. GSI uses native vegetation and natural processes to capture pollutants, minimize nutrient runoff, and reduce stormwater.
What are the benefits of GSI?
GSI offers a number of advantages over traditional, engineered stormwater drainage approaches, including:
- Addresses stormwater at its source - GSI practices seek to manage rainfall where it falls, reducing or eliminating the need for detention ponds and flood controls.
- Promotes groundwater recharge - Many GSI techniques allow stormwater to infiltrate the earth, recharging groundwater aquifers.
- Allows for more flexible site layouts - Designs can incorporate stormwater management in a variety of open spaces and smaller landscaped areas.
- Preserves streams and watersheds - GSI practices reduce both pollutant loads and streambank erosion associated with peak flows because of greater infiltration.
- Enhances aesthetics and public access/use - Well-designed vegetated practices, such as rain gardens, should be visually appealing as well as functional.
- Reduces costs - GSI reduces the need for pipes, asphalt, detention basins, or other infrastructure traditionally needed to handle runoff. It can also reduce energy costs and increase potential developable land area.
Types of Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Watch the video below to learn about different types of GSI practices from Drummond Carpenter, or continue to scroll to read about different options.
Introduction to GSI Concepts
Rain Gardens and Bioretention
Rain gardens, also known as bioretention (“bio” meaning the use of plants and “retention” referring to the stormwater that is stored before it soaks into the ground) basins, are native, perennial gardens strategically located to capture runoff from impervious surfaces. Rain gardens increase aesthetic value, absorb water, promote infiltration, reduce runoff, protect water quality, and prevent flooding.
Photo: St. Francis Credit Union rain garden in the Petoskey Greenway
Porous Pavements
Porous or permeable pavement surfaces allow stormwater to infiltrate into underlying soils, thereby promoting pollutant treatment and groundwater recharge. Permeable paving surfaces may include vegetated grid systems, permeable paver blocks, porous concrete, or porous asphalt. They are suited for parking lots, low traffic residential streets, driveways, and sidewalks.
Photo: Permeable pavers at Victories Square (Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians)
Greenbelts/Native Shoreline
Native shorelines (also called riparian buffers) provide many benefits to the lake ecosystem, including shoreline stabilization and erosion control, habitat for shoreline-dependent species, infiltration of runoff, and filtration of pollutants such as sediments, nutrients, and chemicals.
Photo: Walloon Lake property with a greenbelt
Bioswales slowly convey water to storm sewer inlets or surface waters and filter runoff. Bioswales are linear, shallow, vegetated channels that convey stormwater from one point to another. Oftentimes, they are used to guide runoff from its entry point on the property towards a nearby rain garden, dry well, or other structure.
Photo: Bay View bioswale
Green Alley
Alleys and low traffic roads can incorporate permeable pavers and underground stormwater storage to help intercept, filter, and infiltrate stormwater before it drains into stormwater catch basins. Pedestrian alleys can also feature stormwater planter boxes, which are similar to raised bioretention beds.
Photo credit: Green Garage Detroit
Tree Box Filter
Tree box filters help to effectively manage stormwater by providing areas where water can collect, undergo filtration, and either naturally seep into the ground, be absorbed by the tree, or be transferred to storm drains.
Photo credit: Drummond Carpenter
Street Trees
Unlike tree box filters, street trees do not receive stormwater runoff from the roadway. They help reduce the heat island effect of urban areas and intercept and absorb small amounts of rainfall.
Photo credit: Bay Inn
Petoskey GSI Renderings
Watch the video below to learn about the Petoskey GSI renderings created by Drummond Carpenter.
Petoskey GSI Renderings
Below are the GSI concepts created by Drummond Carpenter for Petoskey. Click on a picture to zoom to the proposed location. Enlarge the picture further by clicking on it again.

Historical Museum
The turf grass area is retrofitted with a rain garden that has native plants and wildflowers.

Historical Museum Pavilion
The turf grass area along the sidewalk is retrofitted with a rain garden that has native plants and wildflowers.

Residential Green Streets
A bioretention bump out into the street which takes just a portion of the road where there is no parking. There is a stormwater inlet at both ends. Examples in the survey (below) show different options.

Urban Green Streets
Permeable pavers in the parking spots along Howard, next to the post office. You can also see concepts of underground storage, trench basins, and a biorentention bumpout at this location in the survey below.

Urban Green Streets-Tree Boxes
Two tree box filters in the sidewalk with underground storage (examples inset).

Parking Space Bioretention
Bioretention bumpout into the parking lot. This would sacrifice a few parking spots for the goal of improving and protecting water quality.

Curbed Bioretention
Bioretention planter boxes located between parking rows. Water will sheet flow over the parking lot and into the planter boxes. The walkways allow people to pass safely.

Underground Storage
Storage of excess stormwater under the parking lot. The domed structures are structures that can hold water as it slowly infiltrates the ground.
Take Our Survey!
Thank you for your interest. Our survey is now closed.
More resources on GSI practices can be found here:
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council is dedicated to protecting our lakes, streams, wetlands, and groundwater through respected advocacy, innovative education, technically sound water quality monitoring, thorough research, and restoration actions. We achieve our mission by empowering others and we believe in the capacity to make a positive difference. We work locally, regionally, and throughout the Great Lakes Basin to achieve our goals.
Funding for this project was generously provided by the Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation and we greatly appreciate their support.