Stunt Driving on the Bruce Peninsula
A Disturbing Trend Impacting Public Safety
A Disturbing Trend Impacting Public Safety
In recent years, a disturbing number of drivers are being charged with "stunt driving" on the Bruce Peninsula. As thousands of visitors descend upon the area, many drivers are not following standard driving laws. Stunt driving falls under Section 172(1) of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act . Although it includes many specific examples of irresponsible and erratic driving conditions, most drivers on the Bruce Peninsula are charged when "driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed that is 50 kilometres per hour or more over the speed limit" (OHTA). Highway 6 runs north and south in the middle of the peninsula and generally has a posted speed limit of 80 km/hr (excluding decreased speed limits when travelling through small towns and communities). Talk to anyone who travels the road frequently and they will have stories of near collisions, erratic drivers, excessive speed, and very unsafe lane passing. In preparation for a high school geomatics class, this data was gathered for a geographic inquiry. As news reports on this topic piled up, it became apparent that others may also benefit from looking at this information. A geographic inquiry in the classroom would begin by asking questions. The answers are not always known, but a good inquiry will set out to answer some of these questions.
The Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P) have targeted stunt driving for several years on the Peninsula. Through social media, press releases, and enforcement, their efforts are very noticeable and very public. However, many drivers are not getting the message. As stunt driving statistics climb, there is a grave threat to the thousands of law abiding drivers traveling on the peninsula. Stunt driving charges have a minimum fine of $2000, 7 day suspension of license, and the driver's vehicle is impounded on the spot for 7 days. Drivers who are charged must pay a fee to have their license reinstated (close to $300) and must also pay for tow and storage charges. Drivers also receive 6 demerit points. In addition, insurance companies may also charge a higher premium with "high risk drivers". Some say that penalties are clearly not stiff enough as the problem persists and is continuing to grow. It's a disturbing trend that needs to be addressed before more lives are put in jeopardy. Educating the public about the issues and the dangers associated with stunt driving is a necessary part of the solution. The message is clear though - drivers need to slow down. This is not a new problem. There are many stakeholders, and local politicians are certainly aware of it.
This car was almost involved in a collision as it passed a series of cars. Ironically, the driver would not have seen the new Bruce Peninsula Safe Communities Committee sign outlining the number of stunt driving charges this year. (Photo Taken: July 18, 2020)
Highway 6 - Wiarton to Tobermory, Bruce Peninsula
The Bruce Peninsula is located in Southern Ontario, in Bruce County. From Wiarton to Tobermory, the peninsula is nestled between Georgian Bay to the east, and Lake Huron to the west. The Niagara Escarpment runs along the eastern portion of the peninsula. The peninsula is accessible within a 3-4 hour drive of millions of people located in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), the Golden Horseshoe, London, Kitchener-Waterloo, etc. The peninsula has always been a popular destination in Southern Ontario, but this popularity has surged in recent years (there are many factors to attribute to this - social media has played a large role in the promotion of the area. Tourists visit the peninsula for many reasons including outdoor adventure (camping, fishing, hiking, boating, etc.), beaches, natural beauty, attractions (Bruce Peninsula National Park and "The Grotto"), transportation to Manitoulin Island, cottaging, and its accessibility from large urban centres.
Along the peninsula, there are large stretches of flat and straight sections of Highway 6. Many have suggested that more passing lanes would help the problem and decrease the number of people speeding on the highway. While this may improve some unsafe lane passing, the problem runs much deeper. Stunt driving involves drivers in excess of 50km/hour above the posted speed limit. Driving at these speeds is an unacceptable choice that many are making.
(Photo: Big Tub Lighthouse - Tobermory, ON, C. Munro)
Highway 6, Bruce Peninsula - Saturday July 18, 2020
From May 23-June 23, 2020, there have been over 100 stunt driving charges reported by OPP on the Bruce Peninsula from Wiarton to Tobermory. The problem persists in other areas of Grey & Bruce Counties as well (stretches of Highway 6 leading to Owen Sound, sections of Highway 10 from Flesherton to Chatsworth, etc.). The statistics in the maps below were narrowed down to only include the 76 km. stretch of the Bruce Peninsula from Wiarton to Tobermory.
Stunt Driving Charges on the Bruce Peninsula - Origin of Drivers Charged (Clustered)
In a geomatics class, we would compile additional statistics and use spatial analysis tools to gather more information. Students might communicate their findings using a storymap such as this, through a series of paper or interactive maps, a dashboard, a poster layout, etc. Analyzing the data, there are several patterns and trends that become apparent. Students would act upon their research by reaching out to local officials or interest groups.
ArcGIS Dashboard
58.6% of stunt driving charges on the Bruce Peninsula this year have been issued to motorists of the Greater Toronto Area (Halton, Peel, York, Toronto Metro, & Durham - as of Aug. 24)
By contrast, 4.2% of stunt driving charges are attributed to "local residents" from Grey & Bruce Counties.
In recent years, the number of stunt driving charges in Grey and Bruce Counties has increased dramatically. Statistics for charges between Wiarton & Tobermory (Bruce Peninsula):
Ages of those charged with stunt driving
Between May and September last year (2019), a total of 730 tickets were issued for speeding on the peninsula. ..."Traffic stats from an OPP SpeedSpy device monitoring Highway 6 south of Barrow Bay Road in Northern Bruce Peninsula between July 29 and Aug. 5, 2019 recorded 29,424 vehicles driving over the posted speed limit of 80 km/h. That is 88 per cent of the 33,119 total vehicles captured at the speed survey location. The numbers recorded by an OPP SpeedSpy device between Aug. 26 and Sep. 3, 2019 on Highway 6 north of Pike Bay Road in Northern Bruce Peninsula were similar. According to stats provided by OPP, 86 per cent of the 33,329 vehicles surveyed were driving over the posted speed limit of 80 km/h." (Matt Hermiz, Bayshore Broadcasting: "Stunt Driving Problem Persists on Highway 6 on Bruce Peninsula", October 24, 2019)
Known gender of those charged - Female vs. Male
SOCIAL MEDIA AWARENESS: GreyBruceOPP stopped and charged 12 stunt drivers yesterday. #OPP stopped one driver travelling through 60km/h community safety zone at twice the speed. If you choose to put others on the highway in jeopardy, you will be held accountable. ^ab #JourneyResponsibly
The message is clear. Drivers need education and need to slow down. This is a serious problem and requires some serious attention.
Data was obtained from many local news sources reporting charges (from OPP press media releases). All efforts were made to ensure the accuracy of this data. 12:00am indicates an unknown time of day for the charges.
Highway 6 Near Ferndale
For questions about this storymap, contact Cory Munro -